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Lab - Git


This is an individual lab in a group. You do the labs on your local machine and help each other.


Account in Github git


  • Make a pull request on a repository in Github


Github git


Create a Github account

  • Create a Github account

Guide to creating Github account

Fork this repository

  • Visit in your web browser
  • Do a fork and wait a few seconds until it is done.. (See the Notes below about Fork)
  • Visit the forked repository in your GitHub account<your-username>/linux2-git and you should see that you have a copy of linux2-gitrepository in your Github account.

Clone YOUR repository, create a branch, add file and push to your repository

  • Clone this repository from YOUR Github account to your local machine
  • In your terminal, checkout to a new branch
  • Add a file in the directory linux2-git/2-pull-request//
  • Add file to index
  • Make a commit
  • Make a push (which is in your Github account)
  • (a message on the terminal will pop up:)
fatal: The current branch <your-new-branch-name> has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

    git push --set-upstream origin <your-new-branch-name>
  • Set remote as upstream

Make a pull request to repository

  • Go immediately to<your-username>/linux2-git after you have made a push and press the green button Compare & pull (it disappears after a while)
  • In the Comparing changes stage. Make sure that compare:<your-new-branch-name> is merging to base:main. Create a pull request.
  • Merge into master/main branch
  • Go back to your repository (<your-username>/linux2-git) Do a Pull request and that will create a pull request to
  • Wait for approval..

Basic git commands (hints)

git init
git status
git commit
git checkout
git add
git diff
git branch
git merge
git push # this is a new command for this lab
git reset
git help


Fork this repository

  • Visit in your web browser

  • Do a fork and wait a few seconds until it is done.. (See the Notes below about Fork)

  • Visit the forked repository in your GitHub account<your-username>/linux2-git and you should see that you have a copy of linux2-gitrepository in your Github account.

Clone YOUR repository, create a branch, add file and push to your repository

  • Clone this repository from YOUR Github account to your local machine

git clone<your-username>/linux2-git
  • In your terminal, checkout to a new branch
git checkout -b <your-new-branch-name>
  • Add a file in the directory linux2-git/2-pull-request/ADD-YOUR-FILE-HERE/
touch hello-world.txt
  • Add file to index
git add .
  • Make a commit
git commit -m "My hello world file"
  • Make a push (which is in your Github account)
git push
  • (a message on the terminal will pop up:)
fatal: The current branch <your-new-branch-name> has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

    git push --set-upstream origin <your-new-branch-name>
  • Set remote as upstream
git push --set-upstream origin <your-new-branch-name>

Make a pull request to repository

  • Go immediately to<your-username>/linux2-git after you have made a push and press the green button Compare & pull (it disappears after a while)

  • In the Comparing changes stage. Make sure that compare:<your-new-branch-name> is merging to base:main. Create a pull request.

  • Merge into master/main branch - click on merge button

  • Go back to your repository (<your-username>/linux2-git) Do a Pull request and that will create a pull request to

  • Wait for approval.. (you are done)


Fork: When you are working in your project groups. You should not use a fork. Just clone from the group's repository. The fork is only for the lab to work.