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AWX Clustering Overview

AWX supports multi-node configurations. Here is an example configuration with two control plane nodes.

       │      Load-balancer        │
       │   (configured separately) │
           │   round robin API │
           ▼       requests    ▼

  AWX Control               AWX Control
    Node 1                    Node 2
┌──────────────┐           ┌──────────────┐
│              │           │              │
│ ┌──────────┐ │           │ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ awx-task │ │           │ │ awx-task │ │
│ ├──────────┤ │           │ ├──────────┤ │
│ │ awx-ee   │ │           │ │ awx-ee   │ │
│ ├──────────┤ │           │ ├──────────┤ │
│ │ awx-web  │ │           │ │ awx-web  │ │
│ ├──────────┤ │           │ ├──────────┤ │
│ │ redis    │ │           │ │ redis    │ │
│ └──────────┘ │           │ └──────────┘ │
│              │           │              │
               │ Postgres  │
               │ database  │

There are two main deployment types, virtual machines (VM) or K8S. Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) can be installed via VM or K8S deployments. The upstream AWX project can only be installed via a K8S deployment. Either deployment type supports cluster scaling.

  • Control plane nodes run a number of background services that are managed by supervisord
    • dispatcher
    • wsbroadcast
    • callback receiver
    • receptor (*managed under systemd)
    • redis (*managed under systemd)
    • uwsgi
    • daphne
    • rsyslog
  • For K8S deployments, these background processes are containerized
    • awx-ee: receptor
    • awx-web: uwsgi, daphne, wsbroadcast, rsyslog
    • awx-task: dispatcher, callback receiver
    • redis: redis
  • Each control node is monolithic and contains all the necessary components for handling API requests and running jobs.
  • A load balancer in front of the cluster can handle incoming web requests and send them control nodes based on load balancing rules (e.g. round robin)
  • All control nodes on the cluster interact single, shared Postgres database
  • AWX is configured in such a way that if any of these services or their components fail, then all services are restarted. If these fail sufficiently (often in a short span of time), then the entire instance will be placed offline in an automated fashion in order to allow remediation without causing unexpected behavior.

Scaling the cluster

For AAP deployments, scaling up involves modifying inventoryand re-running For K8s deployments, scaling up is handled by changing the number of replicas in the AWX replica set.

After scaling up, the new control plane node is registered in the database as a new Instance.

Instance types: hybrid (AAP only) - control plane node that can also run jobs control - control plane node that cannot run jobs execution - not a control node, this instance can only run jobs hop (AAP only) - not a control node, this instance serves to route traffic from control nodes to execution nodes

Note, hybrid (AAP only) and control nodes are identical other than the type indicated in the database. control-type nodes still have all the machinery to run jobs, but are disabled through the API. The reason is that users may wish to provision control nodes with less hardware resources, and have a separate fleet of nodes to run jobs (i.e. execution nodes).

Communication between nodes

Each control node is connected to the other nodes via the following

Node Connection Type Purpose
control node websockets, receptor sending websockets, heartbeat
execution receptor submitting jobs, heartbeat
hop (AAP only) receptor routing traffic to execution nodes
postgres postgres TCP/IP read and write queries, pg notify

I.e. control nodes are connected to other control nodes via websockets and receptor.


Receptor provides an overlay network that connects control, execution, and hop nodes together.

Receptor is used for establishing periodic heartbeats and submitting jobs to execution nodes.

The connected nodes form a mesh. It works by connecting nodes via persistent TCP/IP connections. Importantly, once a node is on the mesh, it can be accessed from all other nodes on the mesh, even if not directly connected via TCP.

node A <---TCP---> node B <---TCP---> node C

node A is reachable from node C (and vice versa). Receptor does this by routing traffic through the receptor process running on node B.


Each control node establishes a websocket connection to each other control node. We call this the websocket backplane.

│        │
│browser │
│        │
    │ websocket connection
┌───▼─────┐            ┌─────────┐
│ control │            │ control │
│ node A  │◄───────────┤ node B  │
└─────────┘  websocket └─────────┘
             (job event)

The AWX UI will open websocket connections to the server to stream certain data in real time. For example, the job events on the Job Detail Page is streaming over a websocket connection and rendered in real time. The browser has no way of choosing which control node it connects to, instead the connection is handled by the load balancer, the same way http API requests are handled.

Therefore, we could have a situation where the browser is connected control node A, but is requesting job events that are emitted from control node B. As such, control node B will send job events over a separate, persistent websocket connection to control node A. Once control node A has received that message, it can then propagate it to the browser.

One consequence of this is that control node B must broadcast this message to all other control nodes, because it doesn't know which node the browser is connected to.

The websocket backplane is handled by the wsbroadcast service that is part of the application startup.


AWX is a Django application and uses the psycopg3 library to establish connections to the Postgres database. Only control nodes need direct access to the database.

Importantly AWX relies on the Postgres notify system for inter-process communication. The dispatcher system spawns separate processes/threads that run in parallel. For example, it runs the task manager periodically, and the task manager needs to be able to communicate with the main dispatcher thread. It does this via pg_notify.

Node health

Node health is determined by the cluster_node_heartbeat. This is a periodic task that runs on each control node.

  1. Get a list of instances registered to the database.
  2. inspect_execution_nodes looks at each execution node a. get a DB advisory lock so that only a single control plane node runs this inspection at given time. b. set last_seen based on Receptor's own heartbeat system
    • Each node on the Receptor mesh sends advertisements out to other nodes. The Time field in this payload can be used to set last_seen c. use receptorctl status to gather node information advertised on the Receptor mesh d. run execution_node_health_check
    • This is an async task submitted to the dispatcher and attempts to run ansible-runner --worker-info against that node
    • This command will return important information about the node's hardware resources like CPU cores, total memory, and ansible-runner version
    • This information will be used to calculate capacity for that instance
  3. Determine if other nodes are lost based the last_seen value determined in step 2 a. grace_period = settings.CLUSTER_NODE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD * settings.CLUSTER_NODE_MISSED_HEARTBEAT_TOLERANCE b. if last_seen is before this grace period, mark instance as lost
  4. Determine if this node is lost and run local_health_check a. call get_cpu_count and get_mem_in_bytes directly from ansible-runner, which is what ansible-runner --worker-info calls under the hood
  5. If this instance was not found in the database, register it
  6. Compare this node's ansible-runner version with that of other instances a. if this version is older, call stop_local_services which shuts down itself
  7. For other instances marked as lost (step 3) a. reap running, pending, and waiting jobs on that instance (mark them as failed) b. delete instance from DB instance list
  8. cluster_node_heartbeat is called from the dispatcher, and the dispatcher parent process passes worker_tasks data to this method a. reap local jobs that are not active (that is, no dispatcher worker is actively processing it)

Instance groups

As mentioned, control and execution nodes are registered in the database as instances. These instances can be groups into instance groups via the API.

Configuring Instances and Instance Groups from the API

Instance Groups can be created by posting to /api/v2/instance_groups as a System Administrator.

Once created, Instances can be associated with an Instance Group with:

HTTP POST /api/v2/instance_groups/x/instances/ {'id': y}`

An Instance that is added to an InstanceGroup will automatically reconfigure itself to listen on the group's work queue. See the following section Instance Group Policies for more details.

Instance Group Policies

AWX Instances can be configured to automatically join Instance Groups when they come online by defining a policy. These policies are evaluated for every new Instance that comes online.

Instance Group Policies are controlled by three optional fields on an Instance Group:

  • policy_instance_percentage: This is a number between 0 - 100. It guarantees that this percentage of active AWX instances will be added to this Instance Group. As new instances come online, if the number of Instances in this group relative to the total number of instances is fewer than the given percentage, then new ones will be added until the percentage condition is satisfied.

  • policy_instance_minimum: This policy attempts to keep at least this many Instances in the Instance Group. If the number of available instances is lower than this minimum, then all Instances will be placed in this Instance Group.

  • policy_instance_list: This is a fixed list of Instance names to always include in this Instance Group.

  • Instances that are assigned directly to Instance Groups by posting to /api/v2/instance_groups/x/instances or /api/v2/instances/x/instance_groups are automatically added to the policy_instance_list. This means they are subject to the normal caveats for policy_instance_list and must be manually managed.

  • policy_instance_percentage and policy_instance_minimum work together. For example, if you have a policy_instance_percentage of 50% and a policy_instance_minimum of 2 and you start 6 Instances, 3 of them would be assigned to the Instance Group. If you reduce the number of Instances to 2, then both of them would be assigned to the Instance Group to satisfy policy_instance_minimum. In this way, you can set a lower bound on the amount of available resources.

  • Policies don't actively prevent Instances from being associated with multiple Instance Groups but this can effectively be achieved by making the percentages sum to 100. If you have 4 Instance Groups, assign each a percentage value of 25 and the Instances will be distributed among them with no overlap.

Manually Pinning Instances to Specific Groups

If you have a special Instance which needs to be exclusively assigned to a specific Instance Group but don't want it to automatically join other groups via "percentage" or "minimum" policies:

  1. Add the Instance to one or more Instance Groups' policy_instance_list.
  2. Update the Instance's managed_by_policy property to be False.

This will prevent the Instance from being automatically added to other groups based on percentage and minimum policy; it will only belong to the groups you've manually assigned it to:

HTTP PATCH /api/v2/instance_groups/N/
    "policy_instance_list": ["special-instance"]

HTTP PATCH /api/v2/instances/X/
    "managed_by_policy": False

Status and Monitoring

AWX itself reports as much status as it can via the API at /api/v2/ping in order to provide validation of the health of the cluster. This includes:

  • The instance servicing the HTTP request.
  • The last heartbeat time of all other instances in the cluster.
  • Instance Groups and Instance membership in those groups.

A more detailed view of Instances and Instance Groups, including running jobs and membership information can be seen at /api/v2/instances/ and /api/v2/instance_groups.

Job Runtime Behavior

Ideally a regular user of AWX should not notice any semantic difference to the way jobs are run and reported. Behind the scenes it is worth pointing out the differences in how the system behaves.

When a job is submitted from the API interface, it gets pushed into the dispatcher queue via postgres notify/listen (, and the task is handled by the dispatcher process running on that specific AWX node. If an instance fails while executing jobs, then the work is marked as permanently failed.

If a cluster is divided into separate Instance Groups, then the behavior is similar to the cluster as a whole. If two instances are assigned to a group then either one is just as likely to receive a job as any other in the same group.

As AWX instances are brought online, it effectively expands the work capacity of the AWX system. If those instances are also placed into Instance Groups, then they also expand that group's capacity. If an instance is performing work and it is a member of multiple groups, then capacity will be reduced from all groups for which it is a member. De-provisioning an instance will remove capacity from the cluster wherever that instance was assigned.

It's important to note that not all instances are required to be provisioned with an equal capacity.

If an Instance Group is configured but all instances in that group are offline or unavailable, any jobs that are launched targeting only that group will be stuck in a waiting state until instances become available. Fallback or backup resources should be provisioned to handle any work that might encounter this scenario.

Project Synchronization Behavior

It is important that project updates run on the instance which prepares the ansible-runner private data directory. This is accomplished by a project sync which is done by the dispatcher control / launch process. The sync will update the source tree to the correct version on the instance immediately prior to transmitting the job. If the needed revision is already locally checked out and Galaxy or Collections updates are not needed, then a sync may not be performed.

When the sync happens, it is recorded in the database as a project update with a launch_type of "sync" and a job_type of "run". Project syncs will not change the status or version of the project; instead, they will update the source tree only on the instance where they run. The only exception to this behavior is when the project is in the "never updated" state (meaning that no project updates of any type have been run), in which case a sync should fill in the project's initial revision and status, and subsequent syncs should not make such changes.

All project updates run with container isolation (like jobs) and volume mount to the persistent projects folder.

Controlling Where a Particular Job Runs

By default, a job will be submitted to the default queue (formerly the tower queue). To see the name of the queue, view the setting DEFAULT_EXECUTION_QUEUE_NAME. Administrative actions, like project updates, will run in the control plane queue. The name of the control plane queue is surfaced in the setting DEFAULT_CONTROL_PLANE_QUEUE_NAME.

How to Restrict the Instances a Job Will Run On

If the Job Template, Inventory, or Organization have instance groups associated with them, a job run from that Job Template will not be eligible for the default behavior. This means that if all of the instance associated with these three resources are out of capacity, the job will remain in the pending state until capacity frees up.

How to Set Up a Preferred Instance Group

The order of preference in determining which instance group the job gets submitted to is as follows:

  1. Job Template
  2. Inventory
  3. Organization (by way of Inventory)

To expand further: If instance groups are associated with the Job Template and all of them are at capacity, then the job will be submitted to instance groups specified on Inventory, and then Organization.

The global tower group can still be associated with a resource, just like any of the custom instance groups defined in the playbook. This can be used to specify a preferred instance group on the job template or inventory, but still allow the job to be submitted to any instance if those are out of capacity.

Instance Enable / Disable

In order to support temporarily taking an Instance offline, there is a boolean property enabled defined on each instance.

When this property is disabled, no jobs will be assigned to that Instance. Existing jobs will finish but no new work will be assigned.