.TH BLIND-NORM 1 blind .SH NAME blind-norm - Calculate the norm of colours in a video .SH SYNOPSIS .B blind-norm [-axyz] .SH DESCRIPTION .B blind-norm reads a video from stdin, calculates the norm the colours of each pixel and prints the resulting video to stdout. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -a Do not modify the alpha channel (the fourth channel). .TP .B -x Do not modify the X channel (the first channel). .TP .B -y Do not modify the Y channel (the second channel). .TP .B -z Do not modify the Z channel (the third channel). .SH SEE ALSO .BR blind (7), .BR blind-arithm (1), .BR blind-dot-product (1), .BR blind-cross-product (1), .BR blind-quaternion-product (1), .BR blind-vector-projection (1) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >