{{"Task Invocation~任务调用" | lang}}

{{"Task Name:~任务名称:" | lang}} {{task["name"]}}

{{"Task Description:~任务描述:" | lang}} {{task["desc"]}}

{{"API URL (POST):~API 调用网址(POST):" | lang}} {{backEndAddressServiceWrapper}}/invokeTask?id={{task["id"]}}

{{"Click here to see how to invoke task by API via POST request: ~点此查看通过POST方式进行API调用的示例代码:" | lang}}https://github.com/NaiboWang/EasySpider/wiki/API-Invoke-Example

{{"Please Input Parameters:~请输入参数值:" | lang}}

ID {{"Parameter Name~参数名称" | lang}} {{"Invoke Name~调用名称" | lang}} {{"Parameter Type~参数类型" | lang}} {{"Parameter Value~参数值" | lang}}
{{i}} {{task.inputParameters[i-1]["nodeName"]}} {{task.inputParameters[i-1]["name"]}} {{task.inputParameters[i-1]["type"]}}

{{"Hint: Click the \"Get Execution ID\" button at the bottom to get the task ID, and click the \"Execute task by commandline\" button at the back to get the prompt command on how to run this task using the command line.~提示:点击下方“获得任务执行ID”按钮得到任务ID,点击后面的“使用命令行执行任务”按钮获得如何使用命令行运行任务的提示命令。" | lang}}