package main import ( "flag" "fmt" . "" "log" "runtime" "sync" ) func main() { isDownload := flag.Bool("d", false, "use this flag to download video") isRetList := flag.Bool("l", false, "use this flag to retrieve video list") url := flag.String("url", "", "video url") id := flag.String("id", "", "video id") search := flag.String("-search", "", "search by key words (specify top k with command -k)") flag.StringVar(search, "s", "", "search by key words (specify top k with command -k)") k := flag.Int("k", 1, "return top k results, only valid with key word searching") rep := flag.String("-videorepository", "", "(optional) repository to store videos") flag.StringVar(rep, "rep", "", "(optional) repository to store videos") filename := flag.String("-filename", "", "(optional) filename of video - only valid when downloading one video") flag.StringVar(filename, "f", "", "(optional) filename of video - only valid when downloading one video") quality := flag.String("-quality", "", "(optional) video quality. e.g. medium") flag.StringVar(quality, "q", "", "(optional) video quality. e.g. medium") extension := flag.String("-extension", "", "(optional) video extension. e.g. video/mp4, video/flv, video/webm") flag.StringVar(extension, "ext", "", "(optional) video extension. e.g. mp4, flv") isHelp := flag.Bool("h", false, "help") flag.Parse() if *isHelp { fmt.Println("Usage:") flag.PrintDefaults() return } invalidCommand := false if *isDownload && *isRetList { fmt.Println("You can only either download or retrieve video list.") invalidCommand = true } else if !*isDownload && !*isRetList { fmt.Println("Please choose if you want to download or retrieve video list.") invalidCommand = true } //Find out how many sources are specified sourceNum := 0 if *url != "" { sourceNum++ } if *id != "" { sourceNum++ } if *search != "" { sourceNum++ } if sourceNum == 0 { fmt.Println("Please specify one of url, id, and key word(s).") invalidCommand = true } else if sourceNum > 1 { fmt.Println("Please don't specify more than one of url, id, and key word(s).") invalidCommand = true } if invalidCommand { fmt.Println("Usage:") flag.PrintDefaults() return } //Get the video list var vl VideoList var err error if *url != "" { vl, err = GetVideoListFromUrl(*url) } else if *id != "" { vl, err = GetVideoListFromId(*id) } else { ids, err := GetTopKVideoIds(*search, *k) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if *isRetList { fmt.Printf("The top %v results for key words \"%v\" are:\n\n", *k, *search) } //Waiting group is used to prevent main thread ending before child threads end wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) if *isDownload { wg.Add(len(ids)) } //Channel is used to control the maximum threads //end := make(chan bool, MaxParallelism()) for idx, vid := range ids { vl, err = GetVideoListFromId(vid) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if *isDownload { go Exec(vl, *isDownload, *isRetList, *rep, *filename, *quality, *extension, wg) } else { fmt.Printf("%v. %v\n", idx+1, vl.Title) } } if *isDownload { wg.Wait() } return } if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } //dummy variables wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) wg.Add(1) Exec(vl, *isDownload, *isRetList, *rep, *filename, *quality, *extension, wg) wg.Wait() return } /* * Choose either downloading or retrieving video list */ func Exec(vl VideoList, isDownload, isRetList bool, rep, filename, quality, extension string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { //Set up synchronization function defer func() { wg.Done() }() if isDownload { fmt.Printf("Downloading %v...\n", vl.Title) err := vl.Download(rep, filename, quality, extension) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } else if isRetList { fmt.Printf("Videos under the name of %v:\n", vl.Title) err := vl.Filter(quality, extension) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(vl) } return } /* * Find out the maximum go routines allowed */ func MaxParallelism() int { maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) numCPU := runtime.NumCPU() if maxProcs < numCPU { return maxProcs } return numCPU }