# Readability Turn any web page into a clean view. This module is based on arc90's readability project. ## Features 1. Optimized for more websites. 2. Supporting HTML5 tags (`article`, `section`) and Microdata API. 3. Focusing on both accuracy and performance. 4x times faster than arc90's version. 3. Supporting encodings such as GBK and GB2312. 4. Converting relative urls to absolute for images and links automatically (Thank [Guillermo Baigorria](https://github.com/gbaygon) & [Tom Sutton](https://github.com/tomsutton1984)). ## Example [Before](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luin/node-readability/master/examples/before.png) -> [After](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luin/node-readability/master/examples/after.png) ## Install $ npm install node-readability Note that from v2.0.0, this module only works with Node.js >= 2.0. In the meantime you are still welcome to install a release in the 1.x series (by `npm install node-readability@1`) if you use an older Node.js version. ## Usage `read(html [, options], callback)` Where * **html** url or html code. * **options** is an optional options object * **callback** is the callback to run - `callback(error, article, meta)` Example ```javascript var read = require('node-readability'); read('http://howtonode.org/really-simple-file-uploads', function(err, article, meta) { // Main Article console.log(article.content); // Title console.log(article.title); // HTML Source Code console.log(article.html); // DOM console.log(article.document); // Response Object from Request Lib console.log(meta); // Close article to clean up jsdom and prevent leaks article.close(); }); ``` **NB** If the page has been marked with charset other than utf-8, it will be converted automatically. Charsets such as GBK, GB2312 is also supported. ## Options node-readability will pass the options to [request](https://github.com/mikeal/request) directly. See request lib to view all available options. node-readability has two additional options: - `cleanRulers` which allow set your own validation rule for tags. If true rule is valid, otherwise no. options.cleanRulers = [callback(obj, tagName)] ```javascript read(url, { cleanRulers: [ function(obj, tag) { if(tag === 'object') { if(obj.getAttribute('class') === 'BrightcoveExperience') { return true; } } } ]}, function(err, article, response) { //... }); ``` - `preprocess` which should be a function to check or modify downloaded source before passing it to readability. options.preprocess = callback(source, response, contentType, callback); ```javascript read(url, { preprocess: function(source, response, contentType, callback) { if (source.length > maxBodySize) { return callback(new Error('too big')); } callback(null, source); } }, function(err, article, response) { //... }); ``` ## article object ### content The article content of the web page. Return `false` if failed. ### title The article title of the web page. It's may not same to the text in the `` tag. ### textBody A string containing all the text found on the page ### html The original html of the web page. ### document The document of the web page generated by jsdom. You can use it to access the DOM directly (for example, `article.document.getElementById('main')`). ## meta object Response object from request lib. If you need to get current url after all redirect or get some headers it can be useful. ## Why not Cheerio This lib is using jsdom to parse HTML instead of cheerio because some data such as image size and element visibility isn't able to acquire when using cheerio, which will significantly affect the result. ## Contributors https://github.com/luin/node-readability/graphs/contributors ## License This code is under the Apache License 2.0. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0