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A config file based streaming framework based on flink and spark streaming

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A config file based streaming framework based on flink and spark streaming

Design pattern

Design process pattern

Problem statement

Solve real time processing for each appliction, no need to write the streaming code with spark streaming and flink, provide a framework that could be used repeatly, extract the core of ETL with configured based.


Reduce the code side, and robust for each application, support both Spark and Flink, the reason to support 2 types of framework is currently most of bathed jobs is spark based, for flink is that less latency and high-throughout of streaming.

Both of frameworks support SQL logic.

Core of this framework define source, sink, with related transformations for the data stream.

User could just provide a config file that will define which platform to use with spark and flink, the framework will do the rest.


Config file based, one is for each application, the other is for the framework setting, so for each appilication could set some configs related to each apps.

  • Application config -> business logic implement, with app name, queries, sources, sinks, transformations
  • Framework config -> setup running environment for each apps, should support isolated for resource manager.

Application setting

2 Types of logics are supported, but for each apps should be use one type of logic will be best practice!

Both Spark Streaming and Flink support these 2 types:

  • Data stream
  • SQL based

Framework setting

Based on each framework logic that could config for all projects, that some of them could be overwritten based on each application.

Some of configs like task manager resource, parallem, taskslots etcs.

But most of them should be configured as default value, like statebackend, recovery, high availability etc.

Spark streaming

For spark streaming is batched based, some of configs should be configed in app side.

  • batch_interval
    • a default value is 5s, could be overwriten in biz_config
    • should be balanced for latency and throughout
  • checkpoint
    • a root path for app to store and high-avaiable
  • resource config
    • numExecutors
    • executorCores
    • driverMemory
  • deploy
    • master
    • deployMode
  • Spark HA
    • WAL, write ahead log, for recovery
    • checkpointDir that will be used for recovery, for each application will have it's own
    • checkpointInterval, default is 1 mins, as batch_interval is 5s, so 5s * 10 = 50s, best practice is 5-10 batched to checkpoint
    • enable grace stop to ensure data processed.
    "streaming": {
        "spark.streaming.checkpointInterval": "1 minutes",
        "spark.streaming.checkpointLocation": "hdfs:https://namenode:8020/user/spark/checkpoints",
        "spark.streaming.batchDuration": "10 seconds",
        "spark.streaming.gracefulShutdown.enabled": true,
        "spark.streaming.gracefulShutdown.timeout": "60 seconds",
        "spark.streaming.restartStrategy.attempts": 3,
        "spark.streaming.restartStrategy.delay": "10 seconds",
        "spark.streaming.checkpointCleaner.enabled": true,
        "spark.streaming.checkpointCleaner.cleanupInterval": "1 day",
        "spark.streaming.checkpointCleaner.retentionDuration": "7 days",
        "spark.streaming.monitoring.checkpointMetrics": true,
        "spark.streaming.recoveryMode": "CHECKPOINT",
        "spark.streaming.statePersistence.enabled": true,
        "spark.streaming.statePersistence.storageLevel": "MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER",
        "spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.providerClass": "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider",
        "spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled": "true",
        "spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition": "100",
        "spark.streaming.kafka.minRatePerPartition": "10",
        "spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdown": "true",
        "spark.sql.streaming.statefulOperator.checkCorrectness.enabled": "true",
        "spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable": "true",
        "spark.streaming.blockInterval": "200ms",
        "spark.streaming.unpersist": "true",
        "": "512",
        "spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate": "50",
        "spark.sql.streaming.minBatchesToRetain": "10",
        "spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.maintenanceInterval": "2s"
    "resources": {
        "spark.executor.memory": "4g",
        "spark.executor.cores": "2",
        "spark.driver.memory": "2g",
        "spark.driver.cores": "1",
        "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions": "200"


Sample config, for statebackend should be a list of supported: memory, filesystem, rucksdb. But should support a default value, each app could have each own.

  • stateBackend
    • list of supported: memory, filesystem, rucksdb
    • a root folder if is a path, each app will have it's own backend folder, with each time running will create it
  • checkpoint
    • default interval with 6000s
    • default root path in HDFS to store
    • each app will have each own path
    • when to restore will use the latest one
  • savepointPath
    • a root of full apps, each will have it's own path
    • when the app start, should save the job id to somewhere, then user could retrieve it, and see it in web, also could support savepoint to stop and start apps.
  • highAvailability
    • based on zookeeper to avoid single point failure
    • stored in hdfs
    "streaming": {
        "execution.checkpointing.interval": 60000,
        "execution.checkpointing.mode": "EXACTLY_ONCE",
        "execution.checkpointing.timeout": 600000,
        "execution.checkpointing.min-pause": 5000,
        "execution.checkpointing.max-concurrent-checkpoints": 1,
        "execution.checkpointing.externalized-checkpoint-retention": "RETAIN_ON_CANCELLATION",
        "execution.checkpointing.unaligned": true,
        "state.backend": "rocksdb",
        "state.checkpoints.dir": "/tmp/flink_checkpoints",
        "state.savepoints.dir": "/tmp/flink_checkpoints",
        "restart-strategy": "fixed-delay",
        "restart-strategy.fixed-delay.attempts": 3,
        "restart-strategy.fixed-delay.delay": "10 s",
        "execution.checkpointing.cleanup-mode": "retain_on_cancellation",
        "execution.checkpointing.tolerable-failed-checkpoints": 3,
        "execution.checkpointing.prefer-checkpoint-for-recovery": true,
        "execution.checkpointing.recover-without-channel-state": true,
        "state.backend.incremental": true,
        "execution.checkpointing.alignment-timeout": 20000,
        "state.backend.local-recovery": true,
        "execution.checkpointing.snapshot-compression": true
    "resources": {
        "jobmanager.memory.process.size": "2048m",
        "taskmanager.memory.process.size": "4096m",
        "taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots": 2,
        "parallelism.default": 2,
        "": 0.1,
        "": "64mb",
        "": "1gb",
        "taskmanager.memory.framework.heap.size": "128mb",
        "taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size": "512mb",
        "": "0mb",
        "taskmanager.memory.managed.size": "512mb",
        "taskmanager.cpu.cores": 2.0
    "high_availability": {
        "high-availability": "zookeeper",
        "high-availability.zookeeper.quorum": "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181",
        "high-availability.zookeeper.path.root": "/flink",
        "high-availability.cluster-id": "my-flink-cluster",
        "high-availability.storageDir": "hdfs:https://namenode:8020/flink/recovery",
        "high-availability.jobmanager.port": "50000-50100"


Each of application could have it's own config to implement biz logic, from source, transformation, sink.

For each component support DAG and Sequeence logic, as each of component will have one id, will construct DAG object to represent logic.

As currently is streaming based, but for source and sink are kafka supported best! To ensure extractly-once logic!

  • Source
    • File
    • Kafka
    • Hive
    • HDFS
  • Transform
    • Data stream
      • map
      • filter
      • reduce
      • select
      • limit
      • drop
    • SQL
      • query based
      • support watermark for pylink in sql side if user provide need, constructed in framework code side
      • agg based with sql
  • Sink
    • File
    • Kafka
    • Hive
    • HDFS

Framework usibility

  • Flink savepoint is based on each app with new name, a base state path and will create app folder, with each run will append savepoint to path, with job_id, user will get job_id based on REST API based on Flask. User could just call api with related config, then will start, resume, stop application with Flink Savapoint functionality.
  • Flink state backend is pluggeble, with memory, FS, Rocksdb for state save, and provide a config to choose one.

Framework ability

  • Config file based for user query logic: SQL or Transformation operator
  • Each application wil have it's own path for checkpoint, savepoint etc.
  • Pre-defined HA configuration setting for spark and flink
  • HA settings
    • Checkpoint setting, with duration, async type, checkpoint
    • State backend supported
    • Zookeeper setting for HA
    • Checkpoint TTL and cleanup
    • Exactly-once pipeline for kafka as source
    • Dynamic setting for resource-allocation
    • Spark gracely stop
    • Recovery settings
  • A list of source and target file type supported
  • Formatted logging
  • Singleton for classes for logging, session, env etc.
  • Dyanmic schema reference from kafka source and dump, for later step query setting, will try to send out kafka source schema
  • A REST API for flink savepoint trigger
  • etc.


For each project wil have it's own config, and will provide a feedback module to help user to get more insights.

Real use case for projects

  • Transaction filtering, alerting related
  • Real time dashboard refreshing


A config file based streaming framework based on flink and spark streaming






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