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Happy - Bring happiness to the world.

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About the project   |    Technologies   |    Layout   |    Getting started

Run in Insomnia


🧒🏼 About the project

Happy is a platform that helps people to connect with nearby orphanages and thus, the user can schedule a visit and make a child's day happier.

This project was developed on the Next Level Week #03 event by Rocketseat. The NLW is an online experience with lots of pratical content, challenges, insights and hacks where the content is available for a week.

The project was conceived thinking about the 12th of October, where, in Brazil, Children's Day is celebrated.

🚀 Technologies

🔖 Layout

In the links below you will find the layout of the web and mobile project. Remembering that you need to have an account at Figma to access it.

💻 Getting started

Import the Insomnia.json on Insomnia App or click on Run in Insomnia button


Clone the project and access the folder

Obs: this is a monorepo about all projects of Next Level Week. Go to the correct directory.

$ git clone && cd Next-Level-Week03

Install dependencies

$ yarn

Follow the steps below


# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Run the api service to start the server API
$ yarn dev


Obs.: Before to continue; be sure to have the API running

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Check the file 'web/src/services/api.ts' have the IP (your PC) to your API

# Start the client
$ yarn start

# Navigate to http:https://localhost:3000
# The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Obs.: Before to continue; be sure to have the API running

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Be sure the file 'mobile/src/services/api.ts' have the IP (your PC) to your API

# Start the expo service and scan the QR code with Expo Client
$ yarn start