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Ansible Ubuntu setup

Ansible roles to setup Ubuntu desktop. This playbook is focused on quickly deploying a "ready to use" Ubuntu Desktop.


  • Git
  • Ansible 2+ (automatically installed from Ansible offical PPA with the provided script)


First, you need to install Git and Ansible :

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
$ cd ansible-ubuntu-desktop
$ bash ./

Then you need to copy the group_vars/all.yml to group_vars/local.yml and customize the which role you need suits your needs. All roles except locales,common, and desktop are disabled by default.

Run ansible-playbook ansible-desktop.yml --ask-become-pass and enter your sudo password to run the playbook

Optionaly you can run just some of the tags like: ansible-playbook ansible-desktop.yml --ask-become-pass --tags=common,locales

Tags are named the same as role dirs. If a role is in a sub dir then the tag for that specific role is sepparated with a colon like: aws:cli. But you can also use aws and that should install all the roles under the aws dir.

Roles included

Role Description
common Install a lot of usefull packages (curl, htop, less, zip ... see corresponding task file)
locales Configure system locales and timezone
java-openjdk Install Default Java JDK
Desktop tools
atom Install Atom from WebUpd8 PPA and Sync Settings plugin
chromium Install Chromium. May also install plugins and set policies
dbeaver Install DBeaver from snap
desktop Install a lot of usefull packages (meld, tilda, vlc, xclip)
filezilla Install Filezilla (no particular settings, basic installation)
firefox Install Firefox (no particular settings, basic installation)
gimp Install Gimp and some minor settings
indicator-sysmonitor Install indicator-sysmonitor from FOSSFreedom PPA
lens Install Lens The Kubernetes IDE
kazan Install kazan screencast and screencast tool
libreoffice Install LibreOffice using LibreOffice 5.1 PPA
mysql-workbench Install MySQL WorkBench from online deb file
nautilus-plugins Install Nautilus plugins
remmina Install Remmina
skype Install Skype
slack Install Slack set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services.
sublime3 Install Sublime Text 3 from WebUpd8 PPA and the Package Control plugin
sunflower Install SunFlowerfom online dev
teamviewer Install TeamViewer from online deb file
thunderbird Install Thunderbird (no particular settings, basic installation)
timeshift Install TimeShift
tmux Install tmux tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal. And do a lot more.
vagrant Install Vagrant from online deb file
virtualbox Install VirtualBox from VirtualBox APT repositories
Services & server tools
awscli Install awscli the Amazon command line interface
awsebcli Install awsebcli the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk command line interface
docker Install Docker and Docker compose from Docker deb repository
ecs-cli Install ecs-cli the Amazon Elastic Container Service
kubectl Install kubectl
minikube Install minikube
ssh Install OpenSSH Server
ufw Install ufw


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and examples for any new or changed functionality.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request