function [vnew, fnew]= stlSlimVerts(v, f) % PATCHSLIM removes duplicate vertices in surface meshes. % % This function finds and removes duplicate vertices. % % USAGE: [v, f]=patchslim(v, f) % % Where v is the vertex list and f is the face list specifying vertex % connectivity. % % v contains the vertices for all triangles [3*n x 3]. % f contains the vertex lists defining each triangle face [n x 3]. % % This will reduce the size of typical v matrix by about a factor of 6. % % For more information see: % % % Francis Esmonde-White, May 2010 if ~exist('v','var') error('The vertex list (v) must be specified.'); end if ~exist('f','var') error('The vertex connectivity of the triangle faces (f) must be specified.'); end [vnew, indexm, indexn] = unique(v, 'rows'); fnew = indexn(f);