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This directory contains solutions using to question from the [AP Statistics Exam][ap-stats] and the OpenIntro Advanced High School Statistics textbook.

AP Stats Examples

When submitting a new example each folder should:

  • Be named apstats_YYYY_qN, e.g., apstats_2018_q1

  • Contain a README with:

    • A link to the question
    • The question
    • A link the dataset needed to answer the question
    • The TidyBlocks answer
    • A screenshot of the workspace used
  • Contain an XML file downloaded from TidyBlocks so the workspace can be uploaded by others

  • Contain a PNG screenshot of the finished solution

We are creating examples from the sample free response questions found at

Question Completed
2018_q1 A + B: regression blocks
2018_q2 Done
2018_q3 C: binomial block
2018_q4 C: t-test block
2018_q5 Done
2018_q6 E: Help to Answer
2017_q1 B + C: regression blocks
2017_q2 Done
2017_q3 A: need qnorm block
2017_q4 A: need to add the ability to facet to recreate graph
2017_q5 A: need to group by column values rather than group ID
2017_q6 TODO
2016_q1 TODO
2016_q2 TODO
2016_q3 TODO
2016_q4 TODO
2016_q5 TODO
2016_q6 TODO
2015_q1 TODO
2015_q2 TODO
2015_q3 TODO
2015_q4 TODO
2015_q5 TODO
2015_q6 TODO

OpenIntro Advanced High School Statistics

Examples are organized by chapter under open-intro-stats-hs.