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馃摪 Recent activity

The activity plugin displays your recent activity on GitHub.

It uses data from GitHub events and is able to track the following events:

Event Description
push Push of commits
issue Opening/Reopening/Closing of issues
pr Opening/Closing of pull requests
ref/create Creation of git tags or git branches
ref/delete Deletion of git tags or git branches
release Publication of new releases
review Review of pull requests
comment Comments on commits, issues and pull requests
wiki Edition of wiki pages
fork Forking of repositories
star Starring of repositories
public Repositories made public
member Addition of new collaborator in repository

Use a full repo scope token to display private events.

鈩癸笍 Examples workflows

鉃★笍 Available options for this plugin

- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
    # ... other options
    plugin_activity: yes
    plugin_activity_limit: 5    # Limit to 5 events
    plugin_activity_days: 14    # Keep only events from last 14 days (can be set to 0 to disable limitations)
    plugin_activity_filter: all # Show all events (use table above to filter events types)