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Releases: lowlighter/metrics

Version 3.24

01 Jun 07:26
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📦 New features

  • 📆 Calendar
    • Add negative number support for plugin_calendar_limit to display commits history prior to GitHub account registration (#1022)
  • ⏰ WakaTime plugin
    • Add plugin_wakatime_repositories_visibility to toggle display of private repositories (#1052, @jopemachine)
    • Add plugin_wakatime_languages_ignored to ignore selected languages (#1082)
  • 🗃️ Base content
  • ⚙️ GitHub Action
    • Display plugins errors in logs (#1023)
    • Add clean_workflows option to automatically clean out GitHub Actions workflow runs (#1045)

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/anilist): handle null description (#1020)
  • fix(plugins/notable): sort contributions by stargazers (#1024, @bokub)
  • docs: fix typo (relates #997)
  • fix(plugins/languages): recent languages description says NaN when no commits found (#1038)
  • fix(app/metrics): markdown conversion to pdf (Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length'))
  • docs: fix description of quota_required_search
  • fix(app/metrics): hide config_gemoji error when token: NOT_NEEDED (#1044)
  • fix(plugins/base): indepth mode for action (#1032, @renbaoshuo)
  • fix(docs): several typos (#1051, @Pysics)
  • fix(plugins/community/stock): update X-RapidAPI-Host to (#1060, @billpwchan)
  • fix(plugins/repositories): duplicated mapping key (#1073)
  • fix(plugins/achievements): packager achievement not unlocked with packages from (#1074)
  • fix(app/metrics): output of missing dependencies (#1077, @timokluser-dev)
  • fix(plugins/base): job availability status (#1081)
  • docs: notice about token permissions and usage (relates #1050, #1076)

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.23

26 Apr 06:48
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📦 New features

  • 🈷️ Most used languages
    • Add plugin_languages_other option to group missed, unknown or over-limit languages into a single "Other" category displayed last (#985)
    • Missed lines, bytes and commits are now counted in indepth mode (unknown languages are included in this statistic) (#985)
  • 💕 GitHub Sponsors
    • Add support for fetching all sponsorships and past sponsorships events rather than the first 100 (#1003)
    • Sponsorships from organization are now displayed (#1003)
    • Add list section to plugin_sponsors_sections (#1011)
      • Note: goal section no longer includes list section by default, which means that both output display can be toggled independantly
    • Add plugin_sponsors_size to adjust sponsors pictures size (#1012)
    • Active sponsorships now respect privacy level set by sponsor (#1018)
      • Note: Because of current GitHub API limitations, past sponsorships are currently always publicly visible
  • 🗓️ Calendar ✨ new!
    • Add new plugin calendar to display your contribution calendar across several years! (#1013)
    • Use plugin_calendar_limit to configure how many years to display (#1013)
  • 🗃️ Base content
    • Add base_indepth option to spend additional API requests for more accurate stats (#999)
      • Improved stats includes: total commits, total issues, total pull requests, total pull requests reviews and total repositories contributed to*
  • ⚙️ GitHub Action
    • Logs now display your API quotas before running (#1008)
      • Note: if either REST or GraphQL quotas are exceeded, the action will automatically skip run with a warning message
    • Logs now display consumed API requests after running (#1008)
      • Note: these estimations are only valid if you didn't use your quota for others apps during metrics execution
    • Add notice_releases option to automatically print a notice when a new release of metrics is available (#1009)
      • Note: this option is enabled by default but can be opted-out
    • Add quota_required_rest, quota_required_graphql and quota_required_search options to only run action if GitHub API requests quota requirements are met (#1014)
    • Binaries dependencies are now checked prior running the action to ensure self-hosted runner are compatible

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/languages): empty results will now display an informational message instead of an empty bar (#985)
  • fix(plugins/languages): un-awaited fs io and ignore busy resources removal on cleaning (#985)
  • fix(plugins/languages): use --no-merge option in indepth mode (#985)
  • fix(plugins/languages): improved timeout messages (#1004)
  • docs: reference the optional need of read:packages
  • fix(plugins/base): number of org packages is incorrect (#1005)
    • Note: to count packages published on, read:packages scope is required
  • fix(plugins/notable): improve readability of indepth badges (#1006)
  • docs: add navigation links
  • fix(app/action): add --rm to auto-clean docker images
  • docs: add self-hosted runner setup

🎉 Celebrating 3000 users and 15M downloads!

Thanks a lot for your support 🥳 !
Stay tuned for even more features and stats!

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.22

24 Mar 06:01
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📦 New features

  • 🈷️ Most used languages
    • Verified commits with attached user's gpg keys is now displayed for indepth mode #911
  • ⏰ WakaTime plugin
    • Add plugin_wakatime_languages_other to include other languages stats (#928 @renbaoshuo)
  • 👨‍💻 Lines of code changed
    • Changed lines will now be counted towards both added/removed lines #936
  • 💡 Coding habits
    • Add plugin_habits_charts_type to switch to chartist graphs #938
  • 💕 GitHub Sponsors
    • Add plugin_sponsors_past to display past sponsorships #958
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People plugin
    • Add plugin_people_identicons_hide to mask user without a custom profile picture #967

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/pagespeed): improve error message on http 429
  • fix(app/action): avoid dying when formats is not defined
  • fix(plugins/music): ellipsis for long track name/artist
  • fix(plugins/achievements): update icon to octicon trophy
  • fix(plugins/code): increase plugin_code_load default to 400
  • fix(plugins/code): fix indent remover to keep \n
  • fix(plugins/languages): number of commits verified appears twice
  • fix(plugins/starlists): always return 0 lists
  • fix(plugins/music): apple tracklist mode
  • fix(plugins/stargazers): missing values for repository template
  • fix(plugins/people): duplicate sponsors when using plugin_people_sponsors_custom
  • fix(plugins/skyline): fix waiting selector

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.21

27 Feb 20:13
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📦 New features

  • ♐ Code snippet of the day code
    • Add plugin_code_days option to restrict maximum age of displayed snippets #891
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • Use linguist-js fileContent for single files
    • Add support for ignoring users by email for commits related elements

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • docs(plugins/activity): fix ref/create and ref/delete display (#872 @RisingSunLight42)
  • docs(plugins/core): improve config_order description
  • docs(contributing): fix grammar and link (#878 @DalpatRathore)
  • fix(app/metrics): make embed() defaults to repository when q.repo is specified
  • fix(plugins/code): incorrect diff when lines starts with + or -
  • fix(app/metrics): improvements for linguist-js related code (@Nixinova)
  • docs: update images to support both light and dark mode, along with GitHub new UI
  • fix(plugins/music): fixed overlapping music titles (#899 @RSickenberg)
  • fix(app/web): misplaced tabs menu (#903 @DalpatRathore)
  • docs: grammatical errors (#910 @PeterNjeim)
  • fix(app/metrics): possible race condition in settings.json loading #909

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.20

09 Feb 03:49
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📦 New features

  • 🎩 Notable contributions
    • Add plugin_notable_types to toggle display of commit, pull_request and issue badges when indepth mode is enabled (#841)
    • Add relative stars count badge (#841)
  • 💫 Starlists
    • Add main language, forks and stars to repositories (#853)
    • Add plugin_starlists_languages and plugin_starlists_limit_languages options to enable star list languages statistics
  • ✨ Stargazers over last weeks
    • Add support for chartist mode for 📘 repository template
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/followup): improve text for orgs
  • fix(plugins/languages): fix empty repository infinite loop (#840)
  • fix(templates/markdown): support repository (#850)
  • fix(plugins/stargazers): invalid month when using chartist mode (#848)
  • fix(app/docker): correctly parse input variables (#852)

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.19

03 Feb 03:09
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📦 New features

  • 🪛 Configuration presets ✨ new!
    • Add config_presets to use predefined configuration files! (#801, #817)
      • Reuse your configurations across your repositories and workflows
      • Share your configurations with other users
      • Bootstrap your configurations from published @presets
    • See documentation for more informations
  • ✨ Stargazers over last weeks
    • Add plugin_stargazers_charts_type to switch to chartist graphs (#816)
  • 💡 Coding habits
    • Add plugin_habits_charts_type to switch to chartist graphs
  • 🗃️ Base content
    • Reduced query count for most users by using bulk queries (#825)
  • 🌐 Web instances
    • Web instances now display rate limit for both REST and GraphQL request along with reset time (#826)
    • Updated placeholders for previews (#826)
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • Add extras_js to inject custom JavaScript during puppeteer rendering (#798)
    • Full documentation rewrite (#771)

🎲 Community updates

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/isocalendar): handle division by zero for user with no commits (#818)
  • chore(deps): use @faker-js/faker (#797)

🎉 Celebrating 5000 stars!

Thanks a lot for support 🥳 !
Stay tuned for even more features and stats!

And happy new year 🐅🧧 !

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.18

20 Jan 02:54
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📦 New features

  • 💫 Starlists ✨ new!
    • Add new plugin to display GitHub star lists! #765
    • Use plugin_starlists_limit to control how many lists should be displayed #765
    • Use plugin_starlists_limit_repositories to control how many repositories per lists should be displayed #765
    • Use plugin_starlists_ignored and plugin_starlists_only to control which lists should be displayed #765
    • Use plugin_starlists_shuffle_repositories for varied output #769
  • 💬 Discussions
    • Add plugin_discussions_categories support to toggle discussions categories display #751
    • Add plugin_discussions_categories_limit support to limit amount of displayed discussion categories #751
  • 📌 Starred topics
    • Add labels as alias for starred in plugin_topics_mode for consistency #776
  • 🎩 Notable contributions
    • Add commits, commits.user, commits.user% and maintainer fields supports to plugin_notable_filter #789
      • (these require plugin_notable_indepth to be enabled)
    • Add plugin_notable_skipped support to skip repositories #789
  • 🗃️ Base content
    • Add users_ignored option to globally set ignored users #777
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • Revamped all documentation! Clearer, nicer, better, stronger!

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/base): incorrect registration age in some case #746 @JayantGoel001
  • build: update dockerfile #758
  • fix(plugins/discussions): support for GitHub emojis #754
  • fix(app/utils): indent for code block with languages hightlighting #755
  • fix(plugins/core): disable css optimization for extras_css #756
  • fix(plugins/isocalendar): algorithm improvements for date ranges #759
  • fix(app/utils): GitHub emojis tag were not properly self-closed #760
  • fix(plugins/code): missing newlines #768
  • fix(plugins/activity): ellipsis for long commit messages #788
  • fix(plugins/languages): display when all details enabled #791

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.17

05 Jan 18:29
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📦 New features

  • 🎼 Music plugin
    • Add support for youtube (Youtube music) as a provider #696 @rhld16
  • 🧮 Repositories traffic
    • Add support for plugin_traffic_skipped (and repositories_skipped inheritance) to ignore specific repositories #678
  • 📰 Recent activity
    • Add support for plugin_activity_ignored to ignore specific users #705
  • 🌐 Web instances
    • Display required scopes in action tab YAML code #721
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • Improved optimize option to support css, xml and svg optimizations #680
      • css optimizations will purge any unused css and optimize remaining css
      • xml optimizations will pretty print xml
      • svg optimizations will reduce overall svg size (still experimental, see #172)
        • experimental flag --optimize has been renamed --optimize-svg
    • Add support for retries_output_action and retries_delay_output_action for automatic retry on output_action failures #736

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/followup): pr closed count #669 @s-takehana
  • fix(plugins/notable): plugin_notable_repositories not applied when plugin_notable_from: all #679
  • fix(plugins/music): restrict track name to one line & set constant artwork size #685 @matievisthekat
  • fix(utils): preserve space in xml code blocks #703
  • fix(app/action): fix output none #704

🎲 Community changes

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.16

16 Nov 02:14
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📦 New features

  • 🎟️ Follow-up of issues and pull requests
    • Add plugin_followup_indepth to separate issues and pull requests opened by your communities or by you and your collaborators #627
    • Add support to display drafts issues and pull requests #627
  • 🎩 Notable contributions
    • Add plugin_notable_indepth to display additional badges for each contributions #635
    • Commit badge will display your number of commits, and the gauge the percentage of what it represents compared to total number of commits #635
  • ♐ Code snippet of the day
    • Add plugin_code_languages to restrict displayed snippets to specific languages #652
  • 📌 Starred topics
    • Add icons mode (similar to mastered but keep the "Starred topics" title) #648
  • 🎭 Comment reactions
    • Add support for discussions and discussions comments #637
    • Use plugin_reactions_limit_discussions and plugin_reactions_limit_discussions_comments to configure how many discussions posts should be loaded #637
  • 🗃️ Base content
    • In case of GitHub API timeout, base plugin will automatically attempt to halve repositories_batch by itself and retry #634
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • All content of q is exposed so it can be accessed by third-party templates and plugins #633
    • Additional plugins support for repository and terminal templates #660

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(app/action): fix output_action: none #649
  • fix(plugins/code,habits,languages): support basic login as authoring #650
  • ci: add workflows to remove unused workflows runs and containers #643 @ferferga
  • docs: remove cost, document missing options and improve docs #653
  • fix(plugins/language): aliases of same language now aggregates values #661

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter

Version 3.15

28 Oct 06:13
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📦 New features

  • 🎼 Music plugin
    • Add top to plugin_music_mode to display top listened artists and tracks! #569 @lhvy
    • Configure this new mode with plugin_music_time_range and plugin_music_top_type ! #569 @lhvy
    • ℹ️ This mode requires user-top-read scope. If you already generated a token with only user-read-recently-played you'll need a to make a new one (see documentation)

  • 🈷️ Most used languages
    • Add plugin_languages_analysis_timeout to avoid really long runs #572
  • 🎩 Notable contributions
    • Add plugin_notable_from to choose contributions on repositories hosted by organization, user or all accounts #560
  • 🦑 Miscelleanous
    • Dates are now display in DD MMM YYYY format for less confusion accross languages #573
    • Add insights to config_output to generate ✨ Metrics insights HTML as output #575
    • Improve several GitHub GraphQL API requests to avoid timeouts #584
    • Add output_condition to always push changes (default) or when at least some data-changed #620
    • Add config_base64 to configure whether images should be encoded in base64 (default) or use an external link #622

🧰 Fixes and documentation

  • fix(plugins/base): fix month diff when current month is less than created month #558 @spenserblack
  • docs(plugins/reactions): fix spelling issue #585 @jayvdb
  • docs(templates/markdown): fix broken link #589 @jayvdb
  • docs(plugins/languages): Mention linguist-js #608 @jayvdb
  • fix(plugins/stackoverflow): fix markdown errors display issues #621
  • fix(app): improve handling of JSON output (remove circular values, spread Map/Sets/Arrays) #623
  • fix(plugins/followup, plugins/projects, insights): update GitHub colors #626

💕 Sponsors

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project maintained by @lowlighter