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File metadata and controls

161 lines (123 loc) · 9.73 KB

How To

Here, we will provide some code snippets demonstrating the core functionality and hopefully answering some questions. This document is a work in progress and will naturally evolve over time.

Quick Overview

The script acts as the entry point for some of the basic functionality of Aria.

Building datasets

The midi-dataset command can be used to build a MidiDataset file from a directory containing MIDI files. MidiDatasets contain MidiDict objects, a pre-processed form of MIDI ready to be tokenized. The save file adheres to the jsonl file format. To generate a MidiDataset, run:

python midi-dataset -r <dir-containing-midi> <save-path>

If you also want to generate a train-val split, specify the desired train-val ratio using the flag --split.

Given a MidiDataset file, you can create a TokenizedDataset using the the tokenized-dataset command. This tokenizes, truncates, and strides the MidiDict objects into a format ready to be fed into the model. The resulting file is used as a input for the training script. You must set the truncation (typically this is the max-context length supported by the model) and stride settings in the config/config.json file (under data: dataset_gen_args). To use this command, run: tokenized_dataset <midi-dataset-load_path> <save_path>

If you want to additionally create a shuffled version of the resulting dataset, use the -s flag.


The training script (located at aria/ is implemented using huggingface-accelerate. Pre-training can be launched via the command line with:

accelerate launch [accelerate-args] aria/ pretrain \
  <model-config-name> \
  <train-data-path> \
  <val-data-path> \
  -epochs <epochs> \
  -bs <batch-size> \
  -workers <workers>

Note that the model config files are stored in the config/models directory, you should provide the name (i.e. excluding the .json) corresponding to the model you wish to train. You can dictate the project directory (the location that logs/statistics/checkpoints are stored) using the optional -pdir flag. For more information on launching scripts with huggingface-accelerate see the launch docs.

The train script can also be used to fine-tune from a pre-trained checkpoint, as well as resuming either pre-training or fine-tuning runs. For more details on this functionality, run the command

python aria/ finetune -h python aria/ resume -h

Note that when using resume, you should triple check that you have set the batch-size and resume-step correctly. There are no internal checks that this is the case.


NOTE: This following sections are outdated but may still be useful.


Since we are attempting to model symbolic music, we need to start with RAW data that can be easily parsed into a symbolic (and sequential) form. As others have done in the past, we have chosen MIDI for this purpose. MIDI files are both ubiquitous and relatively simple to parse into a format understandable by a Transformer. To learn more about MIDI, asking ChatGPT (or GPT-Neox) is genuinely a good idea. The simple explanation is that MIDI encodes a piece of music as a series of note-on and note-off messages. Each message contains information, including the note pitch, note velocity (volume), and the number of ticks to wait before processing the next message. These messages are sent over a specific MIDI channel, which itself contains information like the type of instrument.

To simplify the process of creating different MIDI tokenizers, Aria provides an intermediate data format This class performs basic preprocessing and offers a more straightforward (compared to mido) way to represent MIDI files in Python. MidiDict divides MIDI messages into four main message types: note_msg, instrument_msg, pedal_msg, and tempo_msg. Further details about how MidiDict works are available in its docstring.

The class is utilized to organize collections of MidiDict objects. The configuration settings for how MidiDataset operates can be found in the data property of the config.json file (in the config directory).

# Creating a MidiDataset directly from a directory './my_midi_files/' and saving
# it to a file
dataset =

# Loading a MidiDataset from a file
dataset = MidiDataset.load('dataset.json')

# Creating a MidiDataset directly to a file. This is useful when dealing with
# large datasets, as it doesn't require all data to be stored in memory simultaneously.

Tokenized Data

Tokenizers (refer to aria.tokenizer) convert MidiDict objects into sequences of tokens, which can be processed by a Transformer. Currently, only one tokenizer is implemented (TokenizerLazy). However, in theory, all other tokenizers would inherit from the aria.tokenizer.Tokenizer class. The main functionality is contained in the self-explanatory tokenize_midi_dict and detokenize_midi_dict methods. In the case of TokenizerLazy, there are also several functions that export data augmentation functions designed to be applied to the outputs of tokenize_midi_dict. In the past, people have used a variety of methods for tokenizing MIDI files. MidiTok is an excellent resource if you want to explore this further. The tokenization scheme that TokenizerLazy uses is primarily inspired by the MuseNet tokenizer. It aims to balance simplicity and expressiveness while being transformer-friendly and properly supporting multi-track MIDI files.

# Loading Debussy's arabesque into a MidiDict and then tokenizing it
MIDI_PATH = "./tests/test_data/arabesque.mid"
midi_dict = MidiDict.from_midi(MIDI_PATH)
tokenizer = aria.tokenizer.TokenizerLazy()
tokenized_seq = tokenizer.tokenize_midi_dict(midi_dict)

# Using a data-augmentation function to randomly augment the pitch of the
# sequence and then save the result as a new MIDI file
pitch_aug_fn = tokenizer.export_pitch_aug(aug_range=5)
augmented_tokenized_seq = pitch_aug_fn(tokenized_seq)
midi_dict = tokenizer.detokenize_midi_dict(augmented_tokenized_seq)
midi = midi_dict.to_midi()'arabesque.mid')

As we need rapid access to tokenized sequences during training, we use the class to organize them into a dataset. This class implements the interface and can therefore be used with the PyTorch DataLoader class. There are a few important things to note about how TokenizedDataset works:

  • To support incredibly large datasets of sequences, TokenizedDataset doesn't store its entries in memory all at once. Instead, it creates a memory-mapped (mmap) jsonl file and loads entries into memory dynamically. To instantiate a TokenizedDataset, you must provide a path to the appropriate dataset jsonl file. To handle building large TokenizedDatasets from large MidiDatasets, the method accepts either a MidiDataset or a MidiDataset jsonl save file. In the latter case, the entire MidiDataset is not loaded into memory at once. Note also that the build method will slice, truncate, and pad the tokenized sequences appropriately.

  • TokenizedDatasets are used to load tensor representations of tokenized sequences for training purposes. Consequently, you need to supply a Tokenizer object to enable the dataset's access to its encode and decode methods for this transformation. The Tokenizer must be configured with return_tensors=True it is being used with a TokenizedDataset. When you index a TokenizedDataset (by invoking __getitem__), it yields a pair of tensors: src, tgt.

  • The set_transform function accepts data augmentation functions that are automatically applied when calling __getitem__. This is how we implement data augmentation during training.

# Creating a dataset of tokenized sequences from a directory of MIDI files
mididict_dataset =
tokenizer = tokenizer.TokenizerLazy(return_tensors=True)
tokenized_dataset =

# Creating a dataset of tokenized sequences from a directory of MIDI files,
# without loading it into memory all at once
tokenizer = tokenizer.TokenizerLazy(return_tensors=True)
tokenized_dataset =

# A short demonstration of how you might use TokenizerLazy during training
tokenizer = tokenizer.TokenizerLazy(return_tensors=True)
tokenized_dataset =
dataloader =

for src, tgt in dataloader:
    # Truncate for simplicity
    src, tgt = src[:50], tgt[:50]
    print(f"source tensor: {src}")
    print(f"source decoded: {tokenizer.decode(src)}")
    print(f"target tensor: {tgt}")
    print(f"target decoded: {tokenizer.decode(tgt)})