🥤 COLA: Clean Object-oriented & Layered Architecture
Webyog provides monitoring and management tools for open source relational databases. We develop easy-to-use MySQL client tools for performance tuning and database management. Webyog's solutions in…
One has no future if one couldn't teach themself.
Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle
📌 a missing Java std lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, provide an enhanced InheritableThreadLocal that transmits values between threads even using thread pooling components.
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
A secure multi-tenant, cloud native, micro-service application management platform
Share some hackintosh Clover files 分享一些黑苹果clover配置文件
一个原创多端IM通信层框架,轻量级、高度提炼,历经10年、久经考验。可能是市面上唯一同时支持UDP+TCP+WebSocket三种协议的同类开源框架,支持 iOS、Android、Java、H5、小程序、Uniapp,服务端基于Netty。
🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
A localStorage polyfill, that enables persistent storage of data in every browser.
A handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application.
Distributed transaction solution in micro-service base on eventually consistency, also an eventbus with Outbox pattern
Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin