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Background Tasks system backed by Elasticsearch with support for language agnostic Workers.


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Task queues backed by ES: Tasques.


Some of these may be goals :p

  • Easily scalable:
    • Servers are stateless; easily spin more up as needed
    • The storage engine is Elasticsearch, nuff' said.
  • Tasks can be configured
    • Priority
    • When to run
    • Retries
      • Tasks can be configured to retry X times, with exponential increase in run times
  • Timeouts
    • Tasks that are picked up by workers that either don't report in or finish on time get timed out.
  • Unclaiming
    • Tasks that were picked up but can't be handled now can be requeued without consequence.


  1. Go 1.13+



  1. Install Go
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Stand up an ES (e.g. with Docker docker run -p 9200:9200 --env discovery.type=single-node elasticsearch:7.5.2)
  4. Copy the config/tasques.example.yaml to config/tasques.yaml, adjust if needed
  5. go run ./app and hit the endpoints.

There is also an example project that demonstrates the application-tasques-worker relationship more thoroughly; please see example/ciphers for more details.


The server supports APM, as configured according to the official docs.


  1. Install Go
  2. Use your favourite editor/IDE
  3. For updating Swagger docs:
    1. Install Swaggo
    2. Run swag init -g app/main.go from the root project dir
      • Check that there are no time.Time fields... there's a race condition in there somewhere
    3. Commit the generated files.
  4. For updating the Go Client:
    1. Install go-swagger
    2. Run swagger generate client -f docs/swagger.yaml
    3. Commit the generated files.