setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return $pdo; } public static function query($query, $params = array()){ $stmt = self::connect()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); if(explode(' ', $query)[0] == 'SELECT'){ $data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $data; } } // Zwracanie ustawień public static function get_settings($name){ $query = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE name='".$name."'"; $stmt = self::connect()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $data[0]['data']; } // Zwracanie komponentu public static function get_component($name){ $query = "SELECT * FROM components WHERE name='".$name."'"; $stmt = self::connect()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $decoded = json_decode($data[0]['data'],true); return $decoded; } } // Walidacja maila function email_validation($email) { if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return false; } // Jezeli poprawny else return true; } // Zwracnie slug function slugify($text) { // replace non letter or digits by - $text = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text); // transliterate $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text); // remove unwanted characters $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text); // trim $text = trim($text, '-'); // remove duplicate - $text = preg_replace('~-+~', '-', $text); // lowercase $text = strtolower($text); if (empty($text)) { return 'n-a'; } return $text; } // Dodawanie strony do bazy function add_new_post($data){ // Przygotowywanie sluga $slug = slugify($data['title']); // Przygotowywanie obrazka // $img = ''.$data['url']; $img = ''.$data['url']; // Sprawdzanie czy tagi są już dodane do bazy i tworzenie relacji $keywords_relations = []; $list_of_keywords = explode(",",$data['keywords']); foreach($list_of_keywords as $keyword){ $keyword_slug = slugify($keyword); $result = DB::query('SELECT * FROM tags WHERE slug=:keyword_slug',['keyword_slug'=>$keyword_slug]); // Jeżeli istnieje taki już keyword (slug) to przypisz relacje do nowej strony if(count($result)) { $t_id = intval($result[0]['id']); array_push($keywords_relations, $t_id); } else { DB::query("INSERT INTO tags (name,slug) VALUES (:name,:slug)",["name"=>$keyword,"slug"=>$keyword_slug]); $r_id = DB::query('SELECT * FROM tags WHERE slug=:slug',["slug"=>$keyword_slug]); $t_id = intval($r_id[0]['id']); array_push($keywords_relations, $t_id); } } $keywords_encoded = json_encode($keywords_relations); // linkowanie strony $website_url = $data['url']; // Tytuł $title = $data['title']; // Opis $description = $data['description']; // Polecany / rating i votes / status moda $ratings = $data['ratings']; $votes = $data['votes']; $recommended = $data['recommended']; $accepted = $data['accepted']; // Email $email = $data['email']; // Dodawanie strony do bazy DB::query('INSERT INTO posts (title,url,slug,img,ratings,votes,description,keywords,recommended,accepted,email) VALUES (:title,:url,:slug,:img,:ratings,:votes,:description,:keywords,:recommended,:accepted,:email)', [ "title"=>$title, "url"=>$website_url, "slug"=>$slug, "img"=>$img, "ratings"=>$ratings, "votes"=>$votes, "description"=>$description, "keywords"=>$keywords_encoded, "recommended"=>$recommended, "accepted"=>$accepted, "email"=>$email ] ); $catalog_title = DB::get_settings('website_title'); // Jezeli moderacja jest włączona if(DB::get_settings('moderator_mode')) $mail_text = 'Dziękujemy za dodanie strony do katalogu. Strona pojawi się na naszej stronie po akcpetacji przez moderatora.'; else $mail_text = 'Dziękujemy za dodanie strony do katalogu.'; $send_data = [ 'title'=>'STRONA ZOSTAŁA DODANA DO KATALOGU - '.$catalog_title, 'text'=>$mail_text ]; send_mail($send_data,$email); return 'done'; } // Wyswietlanie paginacji - paginacja open-source autorstwa jasongrimes/php-paginator class Paginator { const NUM_PLACEHOLDER = '(:num)'; protected $totalItems; protected $numPages; protected $itemsPerPage; protected $currentPage; protected $urlPattern; protected $maxPagesToShow = 10; protected $previousText = 'Poprzednia'; protected $nextText = 'Następna'; /** * @param int $totalItems The total number of items. * @param int $itemsPerPage The number of items per page. * @param int $currentPage The current page number. * @param string $urlPattern A URL for each page, with (:num) as a placeholder for the page number. Ex. '/foo/page/(:num)' */ public function __construct($totalItems, $itemsPerPage, $currentPage, $urlPattern = '') { $this->totalItems = $totalItems; $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; $this->currentPage = $currentPage; $this->urlPattern = $urlPattern; $this->updateNumPages(); } protected function updateNumPages() { $this->numPages = ($this->itemsPerPage == 0 ? 0 : (int) ceil($this->totalItems/$this->itemsPerPage)); } /** * @param int $maxPagesToShow * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $maxPagesToShow is less than 3. */ public function setMaxPagesToShow($maxPagesToShow) { if ($maxPagesToShow < 3) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('maxPagesToShow cannot be less than 3.'); } $this->maxPagesToShow = $maxPagesToShow; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxPagesToShow() { return $this->maxPagesToShow; } /** * @param int $currentPage */ public function setCurrentPage($currentPage) { $this->currentPage = $currentPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->currentPage; } /** * @param int $itemsPerPage */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; $this->updateNumPages(); } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param int $totalItems */ public function setTotalItems($totalItems) { $this->totalItems = $totalItems; $this->updateNumPages(); } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalItems() { return $this->totalItems; } /** * @return int */ public function getNumPages() { return $this->numPages; } /** * @param string $urlPattern */ public function setUrlPattern($urlPattern) { $this->urlPattern = $urlPattern; } /** * @return string */ public function getUrlPattern() { return $this->urlPattern; } /** * @param int $pageNum * @return string */ public function getPageUrl($pageNum) { return str_replace(self::NUM_PLACEHOLDER, $pageNum, $this->urlPattern); } public function getNextPage() { if ($this->currentPage < $this->numPages) { return $this->currentPage + 1; } return null; } public function getPrevPage() { if ($this->currentPage > 1) { return $this->currentPage - 1; } return null; } public function getNextUrl() { if (!$this->getNextPage()) { return null; } return $this->getPageUrl($this->getNextPage()); } /** * @return string|null */ public function getPrevUrl() { if (!$this->getPrevPage()) { return null; } return $this->getPageUrl($this->getPrevPage()); } /** * Get an array of paginated page data. * * Example: * array( * array ('num' => 1, 'url' => '/example/page/1', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => '...', 'url' => NULL, 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 3, 'url' => '/example/page/3', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 4, 'url' => '/example/page/4', 'isCurrent' => true ), * array ('num' => 5, 'url' => '/example/page/5', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => '...', 'url' => NULL, 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 10, 'url' => '/example/page/10', 'isCurrent' => false), * ) * * @return array */ public function getPages() { $pages = array(); if ($this->numPages <= 1) { return array(); } if ($this->numPages <= $this->maxPagesToShow) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->numPages; $i++) { $pages[] = $this->createPage($i, $i == $this->currentPage); } } else { // Determine the sliding range, centered around the current page. $numAdjacents = (int) floor(($this->maxPagesToShow - 3) / 2); if ($this->currentPage + $numAdjacents > $this->numPages) { $slidingStart = $this->numPages - $this->maxPagesToShow + 2; } else { $slidingStart = $this->currentPage - $numAdjacents; } if ($slidingStart < 2) $slidingStart = 2; $slidingEnd = $slidingStart + $this->maxPagesToShow - 3; if ($slidingEnd >= $this->numPages) $slidingEnd = $this->numPages - 1; // Build the list of pages. $pages[] = $this->createPage(1, $this->currentPage == 1); if ($slidingStart > 2) { $pages[] = $this->createPageEllipsis(); } for ($i = $slidingStart; $i <= $slidingEnd; $i++) { $pages[] = $this->createPage($i, $i == $this->currentPage); } if ($slidingEnd < $this->numPages - 1) { $pages[] = $this->createPageEllipsis(); } $pages[] = $this->createPage($this->numPages, $this->currentPage == $this->numPages); } return $pages; } /** * Create a page data structure. * * @param int $pageNum * @param bool $isCurrent * @return Array */ protected function createPage($pageNum, $isCurrent = false) { return array( 'num' => $pageNum, 'url' => $this->getPageUrl($pageNum), 'isCurrent' => $isCurrent, ); } /** * @return array */ protected function createPageEllipsis() { return array( 'num' => '...', 'url' => null, 'isCurrent' => false, ); } /** * Render an HTML pagination control. * * @return string */ public function toHtml() { if ($this->numPages <= 1) { return ''; } $html = ''; return $html; } public function __toString() { return $this->toHtml(); } public function getCurrentPageFirstItem() { $first = ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->itemsPerPage + 1; if ($first > $this->totalItems) { return null; } return $first; } public function getCurrentPageLastItem() { $first = $this->getCurrentPageFirstItem(); if ($first === null) { return null; } $last = $first + $this->itemsPerPage - 1; if ($last > $this->totalItems) { return $this->totalItems; } return $last; } public function setPreviousText($text) { $this->previousText = $text; return $this; } public function setNextText($text) { $this->nextText = $text; return $this; } } function send_mail($data,$email){ $to = $email; // odbiorca $subject = $data['title']; $message = $data['text']; $headers = 'From: katalog@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\r\n" . // Nadawaca 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } // Site map generator function sitemap_generator(){ $sitemap_file = fopen("sitemap.xml", "w"); $sitemap_start = ' '; fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_start); // Czy serwis jest postawiony na https if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $enc = 'https://'; else $enc = 'http://'; $date = gmdate("Y-m-d"); $time = gmdate("H:i:s"); $prepared_time = $date.'T'.$time.'+00:00'; // Dodawanie strony głównej $sitemap_text = ' '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].' '.$prepared_time.' 1.00 '; fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_text); // Dodawanie stron pobocznych, systemowych $sitemap_text = ' '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/strony '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/tagi '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/polecamy '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/regulamin '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/kontakt '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '; fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_text); // Dodawanie postów $all_posts = DB::query('SELECT * FROM posts'); $sitemap_text = ''; foreach($all_posts as $post) { $sitemap_text .= ' '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/strona/'.$post['id'].'/'.$post['slug'].' '.$prepared_time.' 0.80 '; } fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_text); // Dodawanie tagów $all_tags = DB::query('SELECT * FROM tags'); $sitemap_text = ''; foreach($all_tags as $tag) { $sitemap_text .= ' '.$enc.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/tag/'.$tag['slug'].' '.$prepared_time.' 0.50 '; } fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_text); // Zamykanie sitemap $sitemap_end = ' '; fwrite($sitemap_file, $sitemap_end); fclose($sitemap_file); }