Demonstrations of uflow. uflow traces method entry and exit events and prints a visual flow graph that shows how methods are entered and exited, similar to a tracing debugger with breakpoints. This can be useful for understanding program flow in high-level languages such as Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby, which provide USDT probes for method invocations. For example, trace all Ruby method calls in a specific process: # ./uflow -l ruby 27245 Tracing method calls in ruby process 27245... Ctrl-C to quit. CPU PID TID TIME(us) METHOD 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- IO.gets 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- IRB::StdioInputMethod.gets 3 27245 27245 4.536 -> IRB::Context.verbose? 3 27245 27245 4.536 -> NilClass.nil? 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- NilClass.nil? 3 27245 27245 4.536 -> IO.tty? 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- IO.tty? 3 27245 27245 4.536 -> Kernel.kind_of? 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- Kernel.kind_of? 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- IRB::Context.verbose? 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- IRB::Irb.signal_status 3 27245 27245 4.536 -> String.chars 3 27245 27245 4.536 <- String.chars ^C In the preceding output, indentation indicates the depth of the flow graph, and the <- and -> arrows indicate the direction of the event (exit or entry). Often, the amount of output can be overwhelming. You can filter specific classes or methods. For example, trace only methods from the Thread class: # ./uflow -C java/lang/Thread $(pidof java) Tracing method calls in java process 27722... Ctrl-C to quit. CPU PID TID TIME(us) METHOD 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/Thread. 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/Thread.init 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/Thread.init 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/Thread.currentThread 3 27722 27731 3.144 <- java/lang/Thread.currentThread 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/Thread.getThreadGroup 3 27722 27731 3.144 <- java/lang/Thread.getThreadGroup 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/ThreadGroup.checkAccess 3 27722 27731 3.144 <- java/lang/ThreadGroup.checkAccess 3 27722 27731 3.144 -> java/lang/ThreadGroup.addUnstarted 3 27722 27731 3.144 <- java/lang/ThreadGroup.addUnstarted 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.isDaemon 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.isDaemon 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.getPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.getPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.getContextClassLoader 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.getContextClassLoader 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.setPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.checkAccess 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.checkAccess 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.getThreadGroup 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.getThreadGroup 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/ThreadGroup.getMaxPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/ThreadGroup.getMaxPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.setPriority0 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.setPriority0 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.setPriority 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.nextThreadID 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.nextThreadID 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.init 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.init 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread. 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.start 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/ThreadGroup.add 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/ThreadGroup.add 3 27722 27731 3.145 -> java/lang/Thread.start0 3 27722 27731 3.145 <- java/lang/Thread.start0 3 27722 27731 3.146 <- java/lang/Thread.start 2 27722 27742 3.146 -> java/lang/ ^C The reason that the CPU number is printed in the first column is that events from different threads can be reordered when running on different CPUs, and produce non-sensible output. By looking for changes in the CPU column, you can easily see if the events you're following make sense and belong to the same thread running on the same CPU. USAGE message: # ./uflow -h usage: [-h] [-l {java,perl,php,python,ruby}] [-M METHOD] [-C CLAZZ] [-v] pid Trace method execution flow in high-level languages. positional arguments: pid process id to attach to optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l {java,perl,php,python,ruby}, --language {java,perl,php,python,ruby} language to trace -M METHOD, --method METHOD trace only calls to methods starting with this prefix -C CLAZZ, --class CLAZZ trace only calls to classes starting with this prefix -v, --verbose verbose mode: print the BPF program (for debugging purposes) examples: ./uflow -l java 185 # trace Java method calls in process 185 ./uflow -l ruby 134 # trace Ruby method calls in process 134 ./uflow -M indexOf -l java 185 # trace only 'indexOf'-prefixed methods ./uflow -C '' -l python 180 # trace only REPL-defined methods