This is a simple relational database(named simpleDB) implementation using Java. And this project is a playgorund-level database implementation in the book "Database Design And Implementation" written by Edward Sciore,Boston College.
JUST for educational use, I will follow the author to implemente the simpleDB. I have commented my code in Chinese for convenient reading. But you also need to take a look about this book which is really helpful and easy to understand.
这是一个简单的关系数据库(名为simpleDB)实现,Java语言实现,这是《Database Design And Implementation》作者Edward Sciore在书中提供的一个游乐场级别的数据库实现。 为了学习使用,我会跟随作者的脚步去实现这个数据库,为方便大家阅读代码,我已经将代码中的注释修改为中文,但仍然建议配合原书一起使用。