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Interval Processor

Stability development: metrics
Distributions []
Warnings Statefulness
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @RichieSams, @sh0rez, @djaglowski


The interval processor (intervalprocessor) aggregates metrics and periodically forwards the latest values to the next component in the pipeline. The processor supports aggregating the following metric types:

  • Monotonically increasing, cumulative sums
  • Monotonically increasing, cumulative histograms
  • Monotonically increasing, cumulative exponential histograms

The following metric types will not be aggregated, and will instead be passed, unchanged, to the next component in the pipeline:

  • All delta metrics
  • Non-monotonically increasing sums
  • Gauges
  • Summaries


The following settings can be optionally configured:

  • interval: The interval in which the processor should export the aggregated metrics. Default: 60s

Example of metric flows

The following sum metrics come into the processor to be handled

Timestamp Metric Name Aggregation Temporarility Attributes Value
0 test_metric Cumulative labelA: foo 4.0
2 test_metric Cumulative labelA: bar 3.1
4 other_metric Delta fruitType: orange 77.4
6 test_metric Cumulative labelA: foo 8.2
8 test_metric Cumulative labelA: foo 12.8
10 test_metric Cumulative labelA: bar 6.4

The processor would immediately pass the following metrics to the next processor in the chain

Timestamp Metric Name Aggregation Temporarility Attributes Value
4 other_metric Delta fruitType: orange 77.4

Because it's a Delta metric.

At the next interval (15s by default), the processor would pass the following metrics to the next processor in the chain

Timestamp Metric Name Aggregation Temporarility Attributes Value
8 test_metric Cumulative labelA: foo 12.8
10 test_metric Cumulative labelA: bar 6.4


After exporting, any internal state is cleared. So if no new metrics come in, the next interval will export nothing.