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310 lines (272 loc) · 32 KB

Name of project:


Description (what it does, why it is valuable, its origin and history)

Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals. It’s based on the developer portal we’ve been using internally at Spotify for over four years. Backstage can be as simple as a services catalog or as powerful as the UX layer for your entire tech infrastructure.

It’s a centralized platform for integrating all your various services and tooling (CI/CD, monitoring, GCP, AWS, microservices, data pipelines, cloud cost, etc., etc., etc.) into a unified experience, enabling engineers to spin up and ship faster — and your organization to work at scale.


  • Create and manage all of your organization’s software and microservices in one place
  • Services catalog keeps track of all software and its ownership
  • Visualizations provide information about your backend services and tooling, and help you monitor them
  • A unified method for managing microservices offers both visibility and control
  • Preset templates allow engineers to quickly create microservices in a standardized way
  • Centralized, full-featured technical documentation with integrated tooling that makes it easy for developers to set up, publish, and maintain alongside their code


  • For engineering managers, it allows you to maintain standards and best practices across the organization, and can help you manage your whole tech ecosystem, from migrations to test certification.
  • For end users (developers), it makes it fast and simple to build software components in a standardized way, and it provides a central place to manage all projects and documentation.
  • For platform engineers, it enables extensibility and scalability by letting you easily integrate new tools and services (via plugins), as well as extending the functionality of existing ones.
  • For everyone, it’s a single, consistent experience that ties all your infrastructure tooling, resources, standards, owners, contributors, and administrators together in one place.


Backstage was born out of necessity at Spotify. We found that as we grew, our infrastructure was becoming more fragmented, our engineers less productive. (“What are we using for microservices these days?” “What version of that framework is everyone on?” “Didn’t someone else already build a service like that?” “I can’t find documentation for anything!”)

We needed to bring order to a sprawling ecosystem, and we needed to make it easier for engineers to do their work without infrastructure tooling, context switching, and cognitive overload getting in their way. We looked for an external solution, but nothing fit the bill.

So we decided to build our own.

Once we saw how quickly Backstage was embraced by Spotify’s engineers — and how it helped us scale at speed, and safely — we knew it could do the same for other tech organizations.

We believe Backstage has the ability to become the trusted, standard UX layer across the broader infrastructure landscape. Read more

Statement on alignment with CNCF charter mission

Backstage aims to provide a consistent UX layer that ties together functionality provided by other open source projects -- many of them from the CNCF landscape. Backstage provides an end-to-end extensible UX layer with touchpoints at each step in the App Delivery pipeline of developing, distributing, deploying, managing and operating secure cloud-native applications.

Comparison with similar projects (inside or outside the CNCF), including what differentiates this project

Backstage was developed because there weren't any existing projects for managing micro services when Spotify got started. Before being released as open source, Backstage grew far beyond the original use-cases of managing and discovering micro services.

The next closest projects we were able to identify are GitLab (providing a flexible DevOps toolchain) and Linkerd (service mesh for Kubernetes). Backstage is different in that it is a platform for building developer portals where you can integrate tools needed for any software development workflow.

Sponsor from TOC:

Chris Aniscyk

Preferred maturity level:



Apache License 2.0

Source control


External dependencies (including licenses)

A full listing of external dependencies can be found in the Backstage GitHub network dependency graph

For the sake of being transparent, we’ve included a subset of the dependencies listed there from package.json and /app/package.json.

@hot-loader/react-dom hot-loader/react-dom
@lerna/package-graph lerna/lerna MIT License
@lerna/project lerna/lerna MIT License
@material-ui/core mui-org/material-ui MIT License
@material-ui/icons mui-org/material-ui MIT License
@material-ui/lab mui-org/material-ui MIT License
@rollup/plugin-commonjs rollup/plugins MIT License
@rollup/plugin-json rollup/plugins MIT License
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve rollup/plugins MIT License
@spotify/eslint-config spotify/web-scripts Apache License 2.0
@spotify/eslint-config-oss spotify/eslint-config-oss Apache License 2.0
@spotify/prettier-config spotify/web-scripts Apache License 2.0
@storybook/addon-actions storybookjs/storybook MIT License
@storybook/addon-links storybookjs/storybook MIT License
@storybook/addon-storysource storybookjs/storybook MIT License
@storybook/addons storybookjs/storybook MIT License
@storybook/react storybookjs/storybook MIT License
@sucrase/webpack-loader alangpierce/sucrase MIT License
@svgr/plugin-jsx gregberge/svgr MIT License
@svgr/plugin-svgo gregberge/svgr MIT License
@svgr/rollup gregberge/svgr MIT License
@svgr/webpack gregberge/svgr MIT License
@testing-library/cypress testing-library/cypress-testing-library MIT License
@testing-library/jest-dom testing-library/jest-dom MIT License
@testing-library/react testing-library/react-testing-library MIT License
@testing-library/react-hooks testing-library/react-hooks-testing-library MIT License
@testing-library/user-event testing-library/user-event MIT License
@types/body-parser PatrickJS/types-body-parser MIT License
@types/classnames DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/codemirror DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/color DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/compression DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/cookie-parser DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/cors typed-typings/npm-cors MIT License
@types/diff DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/express types/express
@types/express-serve-static-core DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/fs-extra DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/git-url-parse DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/google-protobuf DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/helmet DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/html-webpack-plugin DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/http-errors DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/http-proxy typed-contrib/node-http-proxy MIT License
@types/inquirer DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/jest DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/jquery magnitronus/types-jquery
@types/lodash typed-typings/npm-lodash MIT License
@types/mini-css-extract-plugin DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/morgan DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/node DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/node-fetch nozzlegear/node-fetch.d.ts MIT License
@types/nodegit weswigham/AtTypes-nodegit MIT License
@types/ora sindresorhus/ora MIT License
@types/passport typed-typings/npm-passport MIT License
@types/passport-github2 DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/passport-google-oauth20 typed-typings/npm-passport-google-oauth20 MIT License
@types/passport-saml DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/react Clever/minimal-react-typings
@types/react-dev-utils DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/react-dom DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/react-helmet DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/react-sparklines DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/rollup-plugin-postcss DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/start-server-webpack-plugin DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/stoppable DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/supertest DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/tar DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/uuid huhuanming/uuid-types
@types/webpack DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/webpack-dev-server DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/webpack-env pictalk/types-webpack-env MIT License
@types/webpack-node-externals DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/yaml eemeli/yaml ISC License
@types/yup DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
@types/zen-observable DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped Other
bfj philbooth/bfj MIT License
body-parser expressjs/body-parser MIT License
chalk chalk/chalk MIT License
chokidar paulmillr/chokidar MIT License
classnames JedWatson/classnames MIT License
clsx lukeed/clsx MIT License
color Qix-/color MIT License
commander tj/commander.js MIT License
compression expressjs/compression MIT License
cookie-parser expressjs/cookie-parser MIT License
cors expressjs/cors MIT License
cross-env kentcdodds/cross-env MIT License
css-loader webpack-contrib/css-loader MIT License
cypress cypress-io/cypress MIT License
d3-force d3/d3-force BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
dashify jonschlinkert/dashify MIT License
del sindresorhus/del MIT License
diff kpdecker/jsdiff Other
dockerode apocas/dockerode Apache License 2.0
eslint eslint/eslint MIT License
eslint-plugin-cypress cypress-io/eslint-plugin-cypress MIT License
eslint-plugin-import benmosher/eslint-plugin-import MIT License
eslint-plugin-monorepo azz/eslint-plugin-monorepo MIT License
express expressjs/express MIT License
express-promise-router express-promise-router/express-promise-router MIT License
fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin TypeStrong/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin MIT License
fs-extra jprichardson/node-fs-extra MIT License
get-port sindresorhus/get-port MIT License
git-url-parse IonicaBizau/git-url-parse MIT License
globby sindresorhus/globby MIT License
graphiql graphql/graphiql MIT License
graphql graphql/graphql-js MIT License
handlebars handlebars-lang/handlebars.js MIT License
helmet helmetjs/helmet MIT License
html-webpack-plugin jantimon/html-webpack-plugin MIT License
http-errors jshttp/http-errors MIT License
husky typicode/husky MIT License
inquirer SBoudrias/Inquirer.js MIT License
jest facebook/jest MIT License
jest-css-modules justinsisley/Jest-CSS-Modules
jest-esm-transformer ActuallyACat/jest-esm-transformer
jest-fetch-mock jefflau/jest-fetch-mock MIT License
jose panva/jose Other
jwt-decode auth0/jwt-decode MIT License
knex knex/knex MIT License
lerna lerna/lerna MIT License
lint-staged okonet/lint-staged MIT License
lodash lodash/lodash Other
material-table mbrn/material-table MIT License
mini-css-extract-plugin webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin MIT License
moment moment/moment MIT License
morgan expressjs/morgan MIT License
msw mswjs/msw MIT License
node-fetch node-fetch/node-fetch MIT License
nodegit nodegit/nodegit MIT License
nodemon remy/nodemon MIT License
ora sindresorhus/ora MIT License
passport jaredhanson/passport MIT License
passport-github2 ppremk/passport-github MIT License
passport-google-oauth20 jaredhanson/passport-google-oauth2 MIT License
passport-saml bergie/passport-saml MIT License
prettier prettier/prettier MIT License
prop-types facebook/prop-types MIT License
raw-loader webpack-contrib/raw-loader MIT License
rc-progress react-component/progress MIT License
react facebook/react MIT License
react-dev-utils facebook/create-react-app MIT License
react-dom facebook/react MIT License
react-helmet nfl/react-helmet MIT License
react-hook-form react-hook-form/react-hook-form MIT License
react-hot-loader gaearon/react-hot-loader MIT License
react-markdown rexxars/react-markdown MIT License
react-router ReactTraining/react-router MIT License
react-router-dom ReactTraining/react-router MIT License
react-sparklines borisyankov/react-sparklines MIT License
react-syntax-highlighter conorhastings/react-syntax-highlighter MIT License
react-test-renderer facebook/react MIT License
react-use streamich/react-use The Unlicense
recursive-readdir jergason/recursive-readdir MIT License
replace-in-file adamreisnz/replace-in-file
rollup rollup/rollup Other
rollup-plugin-dts Swatinem/rollup-plugin-dts
rollup-plugin-esbuild egoist/rollup-plugin-esbuild MIT License
rollup-plugin-image-files bspaulding/rollup-plugin-image-files MIT License
rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external pmowrer/rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external MIT License
rollup-plugin-postcss egoist/rollup-plugin-postcss MIT License
rollup-plugin-typescript2 ezolenko/rollup-plugin-typescript2 MIT License
sqlite3 mapbox/node-sqlite3 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
start-server-and-test bahmutov/start-server-and-test
start-server-webpack-plugin ericclemmons/start-server-webpack-plugin MIT License
stoppable hunterloftis/stoppable MIT License
storybook-dark-mode hipstersmoothie/storybook-dark-mode MIT License
style-loader webpack-contrib/style-loader MIT License
sucrase alangpierce/sucrase MIT License
supertest visionmedia/supertest MIT License
swr vercel/swr MIT License
tar npm/node-tar ISC License
ts-jest kulshekhar/ts-jest MIT License
ts-loader TypeStrong/ts-loader MIT License
ts-node TypeStrong/ts-node MIT License
typescript microsoft/TypeScript Apache License 2.0
url-loader webpack-contrib/url-loader MIT License
uuid uuidjs/uuid MIT License
webpack webpack/webpack MIT License
webpack-dev-server webpack/webpack-dev-server MIT License
webpack-node-externals liady/webpack-node-externals MIT License
whatwg-fetch github/fetch MIT License
winston winstonjs/winston MIT License
yaml eemeli/yaml ISC License
yml-loader nkt/yml-loader MIT License
yn sindresorhus/yn MIT License
yup jquense/yup MIT License
zen-observable zenparsing/zen-observable MIT License
zombie assaf/zombie MIT License

Initial committers

  • Patrik Oldsberg (@Rugvip, Spotify)
  • Fredrik Adelöw (@freben, Spotify)
  • Raghunandan Balachandran (@soapraj, Spotify)
  • Ben Lambert (@benjdlambert, Spotify)
  • Marcus Eide (@marcuseide, Spotify)
  • Niklas Ek (@nikek, Spotify)
  • Stefan Ålund (@stefanalund, Spotify)
  • Kat Zhou (@katz95, Spotify)

Infrastructure requests (CI / CNCF Cluster)


Communication channels (slack, irc, mailing lists)

Issue tracker (GitHub by default)


Website (current version will move to, see here for guidelines)


Release methodology and mechanics

Releases are done though GitHub Actions, where NPM packages are built and published to the Backstage namespace in NPM. The release process is documented at

Social media accounts

Community size and any existing sponsorship

(06, 24, 2020)


Project logo in svg format

Backstage SVG logo