[2] Configuration ================= Twig ---- You only need to add the following lines in your `app/config/config.yml`. This file contains the template blocks for the filter types. ```yaml # app/config/config.yml twig: form_themes: - LexikFormFilterBundle:Form:form_div_layout.html.twig ``` Bundle's options ---------------- * Enable listeners you need: The bundle provides some listener to apply conditions on Doctrine ORM, DBAL and MongoDB query builders. By default only Doctrine ORM listeners are enabled. ```yaml # app/config/config.yml lexik_form_filter: listeners: doctrine_orm: true doctrine_dbal: false doctrine_mongodb: false ``` * Case insensitivity: If your RDBMS is Postgres, case insensitivity will be forced for LIKE comparisons. If you want to avoid that, there is a configuration option: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml lexik_form_filter: force_case_insensitivity: false encoding: ~ # Encoding for case insensitive LIKE comparisons. For example: UTF-8 ``` If you use Postgres and you want your LIKE comparisons to be case sensitive anyway, set it to `true`. * Query builder method: **For Doctrine ORM and DBAL only.** This option will define which method to use on the (doctrine) query builder to add the **entire** condition computed from the form type (this option is not about the operator between each filter condition). By default this option is set to `and`, so the bundle will call the `andWhere()` method to set the entire condition on the doctrine query builder. If you set it to `null` or `or`, the bundle will use the `where()` or `orWhere()` method to set the entire condition. And so if the value is `null` it will override the existing where clause (in case of you initialized one on the query builder). ```yaml # app/config/config.yml lexik_form_filter: where_method: ~ # null | and | or ``` * Globally define the `condition_pattern` for the `TextFilterType`: This option allow you to define the default text pattern the `TextFilterType` will use. ```yaml # app/config/config.yml lexik_form_filter: condition_pattern: text.starts ``` Available values for this option are: `text.contains`, `text.starts`, `text.ends`, `text.equal`. *** Next: [3. Provided form types](provided-types.md)