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Consensus specification


The consensus specification describes the mechanism used by the Diem Payment Network (LPN) validators to agree on both ordering and transaction execution output under byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) conditions - at most f validators (where f < (all validators)/3) are faulty or malicious. Currently, the consensus specification is an implementation of DiemBFT, a BFT consensus protocol that ensures liveness and safety under partial synchrony. The DiemBFT whitepaper describes a high level overview of the protocol, the liveness and safety proofs, and a rationale on why DiemBFT was adopted for the LPN. This document specifies how to implement the DiemBFT protocol in order to participate as a validating node in the LPN.

This document is organized as follows:

  1. Architecture - the components of the specification and how they interact.
  2. Data structures - common data structures that are part of this specification.
  3. Network messages - consensus messages that are sent across the wire to other validators.
  4. Abstracted modules - The components this specification depends on.
  5. Consensus modules - The components built upon common data structures that are described as a part of this specification.

All network communication occurs over DiemNet and any serialization, deserialization and hashing is determined by BCS.


TODO: Add picture

Data structures

In this section, we specify data structures specific to consensus and how to verify the validity of these data structures - both for instantiation and acceptance from other validators. Any dependent data structures not described here are specified in the common data structures document. Additionally, there is context specific verification of these data structures that is described in the consensus modules. For example, a proposed block is invalid and not accepted if its round is less than the current round of the receiving validator.


The payload inside a block.

type Payload = Vec<SignedTransaction>;


Block extends block_data with a unique identifier and a signature for proposed blocks.

struct Block {
    id: HashValue,
    block_data: BlockData,
    signature: Option<Ed25519Signature>,


  • id is the unique identifier of this block. It is calculated with the BCS serialized hash of block_data. This field is not serialized but calculated whenever deserialized.
  • block_data is the container of the block with zero or more transactions
  • signature is populated if this block was proposed by a validator. If this block is a genesis or NIL block, it is None.


  • if signature is set, ensure block_data.block_type == BlockType::Proposal {author, ..}
  • ed25519_verify(signature, block_data.hash(), OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(author))


Block data is all the information necessary to vote on a block of transactions. Block wraps this structure as a convenient way storage of its BCS serialized hash and a signature (if this is proposed by a validator).

struct BlockData {
    epoch: u64,
    round: u64,
    timestamp_usecs: u64,
    quorum_cert: QuorumCert,
    block_type: BlockType,


  • epoch is an u64 that identifies the number of reconfiguration operations that have occurred in the past before this block

  • round is a round this block data is proposed in

  • timestamp_usecs the approximate physical time a block is proposed by a proposer. This timestamp is used for

    • Time-dependent logic in smart contracts (the current time of execution)
    • Clients determining if they are relatively up-to-date with respect to the block chain.

    It makes the following guarantees:

    1. Time Monotonicity: Time is monotonically increasing in the block chain. (i.e. If H1 < H2, H1.Time < H2.Time).
    2. If a block of transactions B is agreed on with timestamp T, then at least f+1 honest validators think that T is in the past. An honest validator will only vote on a block when its own clock >= timestamp T.
    3. If a block of transactions B has a QC with timestamp T, an honest validator will not serve such a block to other validators until its own clock >= timestamp T.
    4. Current: an honest validator is not issuing blocks with a timestamp in the future. Currently we consider a block is malicious if it was issued more that 5 minutes in the future.
  • quorum_cert is the quorum certified ancestor and whether the quorum certified ancestor was voted on successfully

  • block_type is the type of the block which is specified below.


  • ensure that if BlockData is received from the network that block_type, is not genesis. Genesis is only constructed from end-epoch LedgerInfo locally and is never sent to other validators.

  • Assume that parent_block is the BlockInfo of quorum_cert.vote_data.proposed.

    • ensure round is greater than parent_block.round
    • ensure epoch is equal to parent_block.epoch
    • if parent_block.next_epoch_state is set, ensure block_type == BlockType::NIL or the payload in the BlockType::Proposal is empty
    • if a block is a nil block, or if parent_block.has_reconfiguration, ensure the block and the parent block have the same timestamp, otherwise ensure timestamp_usecs > parent_block.timestamp_usecs. In any case ensure that timestamp_usecs is not too far (5 minutes or more) in the future compared to the current time.
  • ensure that if quorum_cert.commit_info().next_epoch_state() is set, a proposal should not be generated if the epoch ends, it should transition to next epoch.

  • verify quorum_cert


There are 3 different types of consensus blocks and BlockType enumerates each one.

pub enum BlockType {
    Proposal {
        payload: Vec<SignedTransaction>,
        author: AccountAddress,


  • Proposal blocks are proposed by a single validator according to the round and committed history.

    • payload is zero or more transactions proposed.
    • author of the block that can be validated by the author's public key and the signature
  • NilBlock blocks don't have authors or signatures. They are generated when a validator reaches a timeout for a round without having already voted for a block. If >2f validators vote for a NilBlock, it can be added to a QuorumCert chain and reduce round gaps and improve commit latency.

  • Genesis blocks are the first committed block in any epoch that is identically constructed on all validators by any (potentially different) LedgerInfo that justifies the epoch change from the previous epoch. The genesis block is used as the the first root block of the BlockTree for all epochs.


  • See BlockData


This structure maintains information about a block and its parent block as a helper for QuorumCert. Its BCS-generated hash is used for the consensus_data_hash field in LedgerInfo.

pub struct VoteData {
    proposed: BlockInfo,
    parent: BlockInfo,


  • proposed contains the block info being voted on.
  • parent contains the parent block info of the proposed.


  • ensure parent.epoch == proposed.epoch
  • ensure parent.round < proposed.round
  • ensure parent.timestamp_usecs <= proposed.timestamp_usecs
  • ensure parent.version <= proposed.version


A vote is sent across the network to be aggregated by another validator such that a QuorumCert or a TimeoutCertificate can be created from >2f votes.

struct Vote {
    vote_data: VoteData,
    author: AccountAddress,
    ledger_info: LedgerInfo,
    signature: Ed25519Signature,
    timeout_signature: Option<Ed25519Signature>,


  • vote_data is the proposed and previous block and also contains the round information being voted on. The BCS-serialized hash of vote_data must be the same as ledger_info.consensus_data_hash
  • author is the identify of the voter with respect to its account address
  • ledger_info contains the ledger state of the block that will be committed if >2f unique signatures are gathered
  • signature is the signature from the author on ledger_info that attests to the vote of the vote_data.proposed block, its parent and the ledger_info
  • timeout_signature is optional and can contain a signature on a Timeout formed by vote_data.proposed.epoch and vote_data.proposed.round


  • verify vote_data
  • ensure vota_data.hash() == ledger_info.consensus_data_hash
  • ed25519_verify(signature, ledger_info.hash(), OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(author))
  • if timeout_signature is set, ed25519_verify(timeout_signature, (epoch, round).hash(), OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(author))


A quorum certificate is the aggregation of >2f votes on the same block info. It can be used as a proof to advance validators to the next round.

struct QuorumCert {
    vote_data: VoteData,
    signed_ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures,


  • vote_data is a helper structure that includes block information about a proposed block and its parent block. The BCS hash of vote_data must be equal to the signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.consensus_data_hash as a part of verification
  • signed_ledger_info contains the ledger state of the committed block. Since a signature agrees on the hash of vote_data, it certifies the proposed block and its parent from vote_data as well as the highest committed state on this blockchain branch.

Derived Fields

  • certified_block equals vote_data.proposed
  • parent_block equals vote_data.parent
  • ends_epoch is a bool refers to if signed_leger_info.ledger_info.commit_info.next_epoch_state is set


  • verify vote_data

  • ensure vote_data.hash() == signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.consensus_data_hash

  • if certified_block.round() == 0 (it certifies genesis block and is generated via end-epoch LedgerInfo)

    • ensure certified_block == parent_block
    • ensure certified_block == signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.commit_info
    • ensure signed_leger_info.signatures is empty
  • else ed25519_verify(signature, signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.hash(), OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(author)) for (author, signature) in signed_ledger_info.signatures

  • ensure len(signed_ledger_info.signatures >= len(OnChainConfig.validators()) * 2 / 3 + 1


This structure represents an epoch and a round that a validator did not receive a proposal for and indicates that a validator would like to move to the next round. The timeout interval for a round depends on the timeout formula determined by the RoundState. If >2f validators signatures on this structure are collected into a TimeoutCertificate, it can be used as a proof to advance all validators to the next round.

struct Timeout {
    epoch: u64,
    round: Round,


  • epoch is the epoch associated with the round that the validator thinks has passed without a proposal for the round
  • round is the consensus round that has timed out from a validator's point of view


  • See timeout_signature in Vote


A TimeoutCertificate is the aggregation of >2f signatures on the same Timeout. It can be used as a proof to advance validators to the next round too. When there's both QuorumCert and TimeoutCert present for the same round, QuorumCert is preferred.

pub struct TimeoutCertificate {
    timeout: Timeout,
    signatures: BTreeMap<Author, Ed25519Signature>,


  • timeout is the Timeout being signed.
  • signatures contains >2f signatures signed on the BCS-serialized timeout.


  • ed25519_verify(signature, signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.hash(), OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(author)) for (author, signature) in signatures
  • ensure len(signed_ledger_info.signatures >= len(OnChainConfig.validators()) * 2 / 3 + 1


This structure provides verifiable certificates that can allow a validator to catch up to another validator. The max round r of the highest_quorum_cert and highest_timeout_cert have already completed according to > 2f validators and convince any validator join round r+1 immediately if they are currently on a round < r+1. A correct implementation ensures that highest_commit_cert and highest_quorum_cert are on the same chain id. If a validator learns about more recent state upon receiving SyncInfo, then it should catch up through BlockRetrievalRequest, EpochRetrievalRequest or state synchronization.

pub struct SyncInfo {
    highest_quorum_cert: QuorumCert,
    highest_commit_cert: Option<QuorumCert>,
    highest_timeout_cert: Option<TimeoutCertificate>,


  • highest_quorum_cert is the highest round QuorumCert known to the creator meaning that highest_quorum_cert.vote_data.proposed has the highest round of any QuorumCert known
  • highest_commit_cert has the highest LedgerInfo committed to the blockchain, it's set to None if it's the same as highest_quorum_cert.
  • highest_timeout_cert is the highest timeout certificate known which highest_timeout_cert.timeout.round is higher than highest_quorum_cert.vote_data.proposed.round (if available).

Derived Fields

  • highest_round is the max(highest_quorum_cert.certified_block().round(), highest_timeout_cert.map_or(0, |tc| tc.round))
  • highest_commit_round is the highest_commit_cert.signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.commit_info.round


  • verify all fields independently
  • ensure all certificates are in the same epoch, highest_quorum_cert.certified_block().epoch == highest_commit_cert.certified_block().epoch == highest_timeout_cert.epoch if set
  • ensure highest_quorum_cert has higher certified round than highest_commit_cert if set
  • ensure highest_commit_cert has commit, highest_commit_cert.signed_ledger_info.ledger_info.commit_info != BlockInfo::empty

Network messages

In this section we specify all the consensus message types that validators send across network and the verification requirements upon deserialization of the data.


This is the wrapper around all types that are specified below and is the only message type sent by validators with respect to consensus.

enum ConsensusMsg {


This is the networking message that is sent by a proposer to all validators for a particular round and epoch. It contains a sync_info in order to justify that the that proposed block should be voted on.

struct ProposalMsg {
    proposal: Block,
    sync_info: SyncInfo,


  • proposal is the proposed block for execution and can be voted on by a receiving validator
  • sync_info is the consensus state that justifies the proposal


  • verify all fields independently
  • ensure proposal.block_data.quorum_cert == sync_info.highest_quorum_cert
  • ensure proposal.block_data.round == sync_info.highest_round()+ 1
  • ensure proposal.block_data.block_type == BlockType::Proposal


This is the highest-level vote network message that is sent after either of the following events occur.

  1. A proposal was received, executed, and then is ultimately voted on by this validator.
  2. A local timeout occurred on this validator for a given round r. To represent this timeout, vote.timeout_signature is set. If the validator already voted on a proposal block for r, the VoteMsg will contain the same vote_data and ledger_info as the previous vote. Otherwise, it will include a NIL block in VoteData.
struct VoteMsg {
    vote: Vote,
    sync_info: SyncInfo,


  • vote contains the proposed block voting state of this validator and if it has locally timed out for a round
  • sync_info justifies the vote is on the correct round, specifically vote.vote_data.proposed.round == sync_info.highest_round + 1


  • verify the vote according to the Vote section
  • verify the sync_info according to the SyncInfo section
  • ensure all epoch fields in vote and sync_info are equal


A validator will send this request for missing blocks from peers since it needs all block ancestors in order to execute and vote on a proposal block. It starts with by returning a particular block, followed by its ancestors up to a preferred chunk of blocks (i.e num_blocks).

pub struct BlockRetrievalRequest {
    block_id: HashValue,
    num_blocks: u64,


  • block_id is the first block id requested in a tree of blocks
  • num_blocks specifies how many blocks are to be returned starting from block_id and moving backward through the tree. It is an upper bound of the number of blocks retrieved as a server may return fewer or no blocks.


  • None


Response for BlockRetrievalRequest.

pub struct BlockRetrievalResponse {
    status: BlockRetrievalStatus,
    blocks: Vec<Block>,


  • status indicates whether the request Succeeded or IdNotFound when the block_id not found locally or NotEnoughBlocks when the block_id is found but fewer than (num_blocks) are returned
  • blocks contains the requested num_blocks if the status is Succeeded. Blocks will be returned starting the with block_id followed by their respective parent block.


  • ensure status == Succeeded

    • TODO: Consider whether status == NotEnoughBlocks is also correct behavior. If the number of blocks to catch up exceeds a limit, a validator should rely on state synchronization to catch up.
  • verify each blocks independently

  • verify the blocks form a chain where the first one's id == the block_id in BlockRetrievalRequest. [blocks[i] == blocks[i+1].id for i in 0..blocks.len()-1]


Request for proof that a validator should advance its epoch. A validator requests this after receiving a claim that a newer epoch is available.

pub struct EpochRetrievalRequest {
    pub start_epoch: u64,
    pub end_epoch: u64,


  • start_epoch is epoch where the proof should start
  • end_epoch is epoch where the proof should end


  • None


A vector of LedgerInfoWithSignatures' with contiguous increasing epoch numbers to prove a sequence of epoch changes from the first LedgerInfoWithSignatures's epoch.

pub struct EpochChangeProof {
    pub ledger_info_with_sigs: Vec<LedgerInfoWithSignatures>,
    pub more: bool,


  • ledger_info_with_sigs is a vector of LedgerInfoWithSignatures with contiguous increasing epoch numbers to prove a sequence of epoch changes from the epoch of the first LedgerInfoWithSignatures.

  • more indicates the sender is on a higher epoch than is returned from ledger_info_with_sigs.

    • TODO: Consider returning the actual higher epoch so EpochRetrievalRequest can be invoked again

Derived Fields

  • start_epoch is the start epoch of the proof, ledger_info_with_sigs.first().ledger_info.commit_info.epoch
  • target is the last one of the proof, ledger_info_with_sigs.last()


  • ensure ledger_info_with_sigs is not empty

  • ensure start_epoch matches the current epoch

  • ensure every ledger info has a commit info with next_epoch_state set

  • for li in ledger_info_with_sigs, follow a chain verification starting with epoch = current epoch, validators = OnChainConfig.validators(),

    • ensure epoch == li.ledger_info.commit_info.epoch
    • ed25519_verify(signature, li.ledger_info.hash(), validators.public_key(author)) for (author, signature) in li.signatures
    • ensure len(li.signatures >= len(OnChainConfig.validators()) * 2 / 3 + 1
    • assign (epoch, validators) = li.ledger_info.next_epoch_state

SyncInfo Message

SyncInfo is piggybacked alongside ProposalMsg and VoteMsg. A standalone SyncInfo message is sent from a validator that has newer information than its recipient.


Abstracted modules

In this section, we specify the abstracted external components consensus relies on. We only specify the interface and the expected behavior without implementation details.

Consensus has the following abstracted modules:

  1. Network - sends network messages to peer validators
  2. StateComputer - persist storage of ledger history and state as well as execute transactions
  3. PersistentStorage - persist consensus internal data
  4. OnChainConfig - configuration data from the ledger state e.g. validator set, vm versions.
  5. BlockStore - in-memory storage for blocks


fn direct_send(peer: AccountAddress, msg: ConsensusMsg);
  • send msg to the peer validator
fn rpc(peer: AccountAddress, msg: BlockRetrievalRequest) -> Result<BlockRetrievalResponse>;
  • remote procedure call(rpc) to peer and expect a result or timeout error
  • the only request/response type is for block retrieval now but may be extended in the future
fn broadcast(msg: ConsensusMsg);
  • direct_send the msg to all peer validators in the current epoch i.e. OnChainConfig.validators()


fn compute(block: Block) -> BlockInfo;
  • if the parent block has reconfiguration i.e. block.quorum_cert.certified_block().next_epoch_state is set, return the same executed result as the parent block.

    BlockInfo {
          round: block.block_data.round,
  • convert the block into a block metadata txn (TODO reference) and append at the front of all user transactions for execution

  • execute all transactions on top of the parent's block state (may be pending to commit)

  • return the executed result i.e. BlockInfo which captures the root hash of the new merkle tree and the next_epoch_state

fn commit(blocks: Vec<Block>, finality_proof: LedgerInfoWithSignatures, callback: StateComputerCommitCallBackType);
  • ensure finality_proof.commit_info() match the last block in blocks and its executed result
  • ensure the blocks form a chain and the parent of the first is the current committed block
  • commit and persist blocks and the proof finality_proof
  • finally, call callback()
fn sync_to(target: LedgerInfoWithSignatures);
  • fetch all the missing transactions from peers until target.commit_info().version
  • execute all the fetched transactions
  • ensure the root hash of the merkle tree matches the target.commit_info().executed_state_id
  • commit and persist all the transactions and the proof target
  • if target is across multiple epochs, fetch and persist all the end-epoch LedgerInfoWithSignatures
fn get_epoch_change_ledger_info(start_epoch: u64, end_epoch: u64) -> EpochChangeProof;
  • construct the proof with end-epoch LedgerInfoWithSignatures from start_epoch to min(end_epoch, start_epoch + MAX_NUM_EPOCH_CHANGE_LEDGER_INFO) - 1
  • set more to true if the proof's target epoch is lower than the current epoch


Persistent layer for block_store and safety_rules.


fn validators() -> ValidatorSet;
  • return the current validator set which includes the account addresses and consensus public keys, it also includes network endpoint and keys but is irrelevant to consensus.


fn hash<T>(value: T) -> HashValue;
  • hash function (TODO: reference)
fn ed25519_sign(hash: HashValue) -> Result<Signature>;
  • sign the hash with the consensus private key corresponding to the OnChainConfig.validators().public_key(self.account_address)
  • if the expected key not found (e.g. key manager unreachable, account address not in the set, etc.), return an error.
fn ed25519_verify(signature: Signature, hash: HashValue, public_key: PublicKey) -> bool;
  • verify if the signature is signed on the hash corresponding to the public_key


In this section, we specify BlockStore which stores the pending blocks and quorum/timeout certificates. Blocks are organized as a tree structure where the root is the latest committed block, and follows the parent relationship in the Block data structure.

BlockStore should implement the following read functions:

fn root(&self) -> Block;
  • the current root block of the block tree.
fn sync_info(&self) -> SyncInfo;
  • the current highest certificates in the block tree.
fn get_block(&self, id: HashValue) -> Option<Block>;
  • if a block with id is present, return it otherwise None.
fn path_from_root(&self, id: HashValue) -> Option<Vec<Block>>;
  • if a block with id is present, returns all the blocks in (root, block] otherwise None.

BlockStore should implement the following write functions:

fn build (root: (ExecutedBlock, QuorumCert, QuorumCert), blocks: Vec<Block>, quorum_cert: Vec<QuorumCert>, timeout_cert: Option<TimeoutCertificate>) -> BlockStore;
  • build block tree with the root block and the quorum cert/commit cert on the root block and timeout cert if available.
  • execute_and_insert all the blocks
  • insert_single_quorum_cert all the quorum_cert
fn execute_and_insert(&self, block: Block);
  • ensure the block.round is ahead of root block's round
  • ensure a block with id block.parent_id is present
  • compute the block via state_computer
  • persist the block via PersistentStorage
  • ensure local timestamp is higher than block.timestamp
  • insert the block and its compute result in block_tree
fn insert_single_quorum_cert(&self, quorum_cert: QuorumCert);
  • ensure a block with quorum.certified_block().id() is present
  • ensure the executed result matches quorum.certified_block()
  • persist the quorum_cert via PersistentStorage
  • insert the quorum_cert in block_tree
fn insert_timeout_certificate(&self, timeout_cert: TimeoutCertificate);
  • ensure timeout_cert.round is higher than the current timeout_cert.round in block tree
  • persist the timeout_cert via PersistentStorage
  • replace the timeout_cert in block_tree with the new one
fn commit(&self, finality_proof: LedgerInfoWithSignatures);
  • ensure a block with finality_proof.commit_info().id() is present (refer as committed block below)
  • ensure the committed block has higher round than the current root block
  • commit all the blocks from path_from_root( via StateComputer
  • prune the block tree to committed block
fn prune(&self, block_id: HashValue);
  • ensure a block with block_id is present (refer as new root block)
  • calculate the blocks that's not in the subtree of the new root block (refer as to-be-pruned blocks)
  • delete to-be-pruned blocks and associated quorum certs via PersistentStorage
  • delete to-be-pruned blocks from block_tree
fn insert_quorum_cert(&self, quorum_cert: QuorumCert);
  • ensure a block with quorum_cert.certified_block().id() is present in block_tree otherwise initiate rpc calls with BlockRetrievalRequest to peers until one of the block's parent id is present in block_tree (fetch the chain of missing blocks)
  • insert the fetched blocks in block_tree via insert_single_quorum_cert and execute_and_insert_block repeatively.
  • if quorum_cert is a valid commit cert (commit info is not empty), commit(quorum_cert.ledger_info())
fn sync_to_highest_commit_cert(&self, quorum_cert: QuorumCert);
  • ensure the quorum_cert is a valid commit cert (commit info is not empty)
  • ensure the quorum_cert.commit_info().id() is not present in block_tree (otherwise it can go through insert_quorum_cert)
  • ensure the quorum_cert.commit_info().round() is higher than the root
  • initiate rpc calls with BlockRetrievalRequest {block_id, num_blocks: 3} (refer the rpc result as blocks[0..3], quorum_cert[0..3] where quorum_cert[i] certifies block[i])
  • persist the rpc result via PersistentStorage
  • sync_to(quorum_cert.ledger_info) via StateComputer.
  • replace self with a new block_store constructed by build(root: (block[0], quorum_cert[0], quorum_cert[2]), blocks[1..3], quorum_cert[1..3], timeout_cert: None, ..)
  • prune all blocks in the old block store via PersistentStorage
fn add_certs(&self, sync_info: SyncInfo);
  • sync_to_highest_commit_cert(sync_info.highest_commit_cert)
  • insert_quorum_cert(sync_info.highest_commit_cert)
  • insert_quorum_cert(sync_info.highest_quorum_cert)
  • insert_timeout_certificate(sync_info.highest_timeout_cert)


The mempool is a component that stores pending transactions. Consensus pulls transactions from there in order to create blocks, when generating proposals. It also notifies this component when transactions have been committed.

Consensus modules

In this section, we define a number of modules relevant to the consensus protocol:

  • safety rules, used to maintain safety in the protocol
  • proposer election, used to figure out who the leader of an {epoch, round} tuple is
  • proposal generator, used to generate proposals when a validator enters a round when they are the leader

Safety rules

In this section, we specify the voting rules that are essential to the safety of the consensus. The reference implementation involves Trust Computing Base and is specified independently but is optional.


SafetyState is a per-epoch state which describes two values relates to the voting rules and should be persisted.

struct SafetyState {
    preferred_round: Round,
    last_vote_round: Round,


  • preferred_round: for any quorum cert the validator received, the highest value of quorum_cert.parent_block().round()
  • last_voted_round: for any vote the validator send out, the highest value of vote.vote_data().proposed_block().round()

It's initialized with 0.

InitialSafetyRules = SafetyState {
    preferred_round: 0,
    last_vote_round: 0,

Voting Rule

There's two voting rules in the consensus protocol:

  1. A validator can only vote if the round of the proposal block > last_vote_round.
  2. A validator can only vote if the round of the quorum cert that the proposal block extends from >= preferred_round.

3-chain Commit Rule

  • Vote for a proposal block is also a vote for commiting the grand parent (block.quorum_cert().parent_block()) if we have 3 contiguous rounds certified i.e. block.round() == block.quorum_cert().proposed_block().round()+1 == block.quorum_cert().parent_block().round()+2

Vote construction

Generate a VoteData if we decide to vote for a proposal block (pass voting rule).

let vote_data = VoteData {
    proposed: block.block_info(), // executed result,
    parent: block.quorum_cert().certified_block(),

We check if this vote also triggers a commit (pass commit rule).

let commit_info = if commit_rule() {
} else {

Generate a LedgerInfo with bcs seiralize hash of vote_data and sign the bcs seriealize hash to generate a vote signature which captures both vote and commit.

let ledger_info = LedgerInfo {
    consensus_data_hash: vote_data.hash(),
let signature = ed25519_sign(ledger_info.hash());

Finally we construct a Vote as following

Vote {
    author: self.account_addres,
    timeout_signature: None,


In this section, we specify ProposerElection interface and the LeaderReputation algorithm we choose.


fn get_valid_proposer(round: Round) -> AccountAddress;
  • gieven a round, return the valid proposer for this round.


We use a committed history based ProposerElection implementation which provides bias towards successful proposers to improve transaction throughput and reduce commit latency.

Proposer candidates are all validators in the current epoch, represented as vector and ordered by account address.

For a given round r, we define target_round = min(max(r - 4, 0), latest_committed_round) and fetch up to window_size blocks since target_round (included).

For the fetched blocks, if a proposer candidate is a proposer of any block or a voter of the quorum cert in any block, it's given active_weight otherwise inactive_weight.

Use the first 8 bytes of sha3-256(round) as a random u64 (little endian encoding), the chosen weight is the random number % the sum of all proposers' weights.

The first proposer in the proposer candidates such that sum of the weights from 0 to its index is greater or equal to the chosen weight is the proposer in this round.

Proposal Generator

In this section, we specify the ProposalGenerator module which is responsible to generate a proposal block if the validator is the proposer and a nil block if the round is timed out.

Proposal generation

fn generate_proposal(round: Round) -> Block;
  • ensure the round is higher than the round of block_store.highest_quorum_cert (refer as hqc)

  • ensure hqc is not the end of an epoch

  • if hqc.certified_block().has_reconfiguration()

    • use an empty payload
    • use hqc.certified_block().timestamp() as timestamp
  • otherwise

    • pull transactions from mempool to form a payload, excluding pending transactions already used (by calling block_store.path_from_root(hqc.certified_block().id()))
    • use the current UNIX time in microseconds as a timestamp
  • construct a BlockData as following, and sign the bcs serialized hash with consensus key to construct a Block

    BlockData {
      epoch: hqc.certified_block().epoch(),
      quorum_cert: hqc,
      block_type: BlockType {
          payload: txns,
          author: self.account_address,

NIL block generation

fn generate_nil(round: Round) -> Block;
  • ensure the round is higher than the round of block_store.highest_quorum_cert (refer as hqc)

  • ensure hqc is not the end of an epoch

  • construct a BlockData as following and construct a Block without signature.

    BlockData {
      epoch: hqc.certified_block().epoch(),
      timestamp: hqc.certified_block().timestamp(),
      quoruom_cert: hqc,
      block_type: BlockType::NilBLock,

Consensus Protocol

Consensus State

Consensus operates in units of epochs. Each epoch has fixed, agreed on validator configuration (validator sets, vm version etc.), and progresses with increasing rounds within an epoch.


RoundState describes all information about a specific round. A validator enters round r by receiving valid a QuorumCert or TimeoutCertificate at round r-1.

struct RoundState {
  round: Round,
  committed_round: Round,
  pending_votes: HashMap<Author, Vote>,
  vote_sent: Option<Vote>,
  timeout: u64,


  • round: the current round number.
  • committed_round: the latest committed round number.
  • pending_votes: all the votes received for this round.
  • vote_sent: the vote we sent on this round.
  • timeout: the round interval - how long this round lasts before a validator unilaterally decides to join a movement to the next round.

Transition to a new round.

fn new(sync_info: SyncInfo) -> RoundState {
    let round = sync_info.highest_round() + 1;
    let committed_round = sync_info.highest_committed_round();
    let timeout = BASE_INTERVAL * EXPONENT_BASE ^ min(MAX_EXPONENT, max(0, round - committed_round - 3));
    RoundState {
        pending_votes: HashMap::new(),
        vote_sent: None,
  • enter new round with quorum/timeout certificates
  • calculate timeout value as exponential of unhappy round gap
  • start timer to signal a local timeout of round after timeout
  • timeout should be reasonably large considering network latency and execution time, suggested value
    • BASE_INTERVAL = 1 sec
    • EXPONENT_BASE = 1.2
    • MAX_EXPONENT = 6


EpochState describes all information about a specific epoch. Each validator enters epoch e by receiving a valid LedgerInfoWithSignatures at epoch e-1 carrying non-empty next_epoch_state.

struct EpochState {
    epoch: u64,
    round_state: RoundState,
    block_store: BlockStore,
    proposer_election: ProposerElection,
    proposal_generator: ProposalGenerator,
    safety_rules: SafetyRules,


  • epoch: the current epoch number.
  • round_state: the current round state in this epoch.
  • block_store: the current block store we have, specified in block store.
  • proposer_election: decides the proposer of each round, specified in proposer election.
  • proposal_generator: decide how to propose a block of transactions, specified in proposal generator.
  • safety_rules: the voting and commit rule of DiemBFT, specified in safety rules.

The initial state is constructed with an initial LedgerInfo on a genesis transaction following the reconfiguration state transition.

Starting Consensus - Initialization

TODO: Add detail

Running Consensus - State transition

In this section we specify how the state transitions with events. There are 3 types of events in consensus:

  1. Reconfiguration from StateComputer
  2. ConsensusMsg from network
  3. Timeout of a round from timer


Upon receiving a reconfiguration notification (end-epoch LedgerInfo) from StateComputer, a validator transitions to a new ´epoch with a generated genesis block at round 0 and round state at round 1. This is the only way to enter a new epoch.

fn reconfig(ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures, config: OnChainConfig) -> EpochState {
    let epoch = ledger_info.next_epoch_state().unwrap().epoch;
    EpochState {
        epoch: epoch,
        round_state: InitialRoundState,
        block_store: BlockStore::build(
            None, // timeout cert
        ), // generated genesis and the quorum cert (which is also commit cert) of it
        proposer_election: ProposerElection::new(OnChainConfig.validators()), // proposer candidates's account address
        safety_rules: InitialSafetyRules,

fn make_genesis_block(ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures) -> Block {
    // a placeholder parent of the genesis
    let ancestor = BlockInfo::empty();
    let parent_qc = QuorumCert {
        vote_data: VoteData {
            proposed: ancestor,
            parent: ancestor,
        signed_ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures {
            commit_info: ancestor,
            signatures: BTreeMap::empty(),
    let block_data = BlockData {
        epoch: ledger_info.commit_info().epoch + 1,
        round: 0,
        timestamp_usecs: ledger_info.commit_info().timestamp,
        block_type: BlockType::Genesis,
    Block {
        id: block_data.hash(),
        signature: None,

fn certificate_for_genesis(ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures) -> QuorumCert {
    let genesis_block_info = BlockInfo {
        epoch: ledger_info.commit_info().epoch + 1,
        round: 0,
        next_epoch_state: None,
    let vote_data = VoteData {
        proposed: genesis_block_info,
        parent: genesis_block_info,
    QuorumCert {
        signed_ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures {
            LedgerInfo {
                commit_info: genesis_block_info,
                consensus_data_hash: vote_data.hash(),
            signatures: BTreeMap::empty(),
  • a validator is free to prune any data from the previous epoch in PersistentStorage after the transition to a new epoch.
  • genesis block and its quorum cert/commit cert are locally generated from previous end-epoch LedgerInfoWithSignatures's deterministic fields
  • the Diem network is bootstrapped with a genesis transaction (note the different from genesis block) and a ledger_info commits it with next_epoch_state set.


State transitions upon receiving a message from network (sender of the message is also referred below), assuming all messages are verified. State transitions are event driven from either network messages or local timeouts.

Helper functions
fn update(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
    let local_sync_info = self.block_store.sync_info();
    if local_sync_info.highest_round() + 1 > self.round_state.round {
        self.round_state = RoundState::new(
            local_sync_info.highest_round() + 1,
        if self.account_address == self.proposer_election.get_valid_proposer(self.round_state.round) {
            network.broadcast(ProposalMsg {
                proposal: self.proposal_generator.generate_proposal(self.round_state.round),
                sync_info: self.block_store.sync_info(),
  • update safety rules with new quorum cert.
  • transition to a new RoundState if there's a QuorumCert or TimeoutCert with higher round.
  • broadcast a new proposal with local sync info if the validator is the proposer for the new round.
fn ensure_epoch(&self, msg_epoch: u64) -> Result<()>{
    if self.epoch == msg_epoch {
        return Ok(());
    if msg_epoch > self.epoch {
        network.direct_send(`sender`, EpochRetrievalRequest {
            start_epoch: self.epoch,
            end_epoch: msg_epoch,
    if msg_epoch < self.epoch {
        // sent back EpochChangeProof from msg_epoch to self.epoch
            StateComputer.get_epoch_change_ledger_info(msg_epoch, self.epoch));
    bail!("Epoch doesn't match");
  • this doesn't change the state but only sends network messages
  • no-op if the msg epoch is the same as the current epoch
  • try to retrieve the proof if the current epoch is behind to join the message epoch
  • try to send the proof if the current epoch is ahead to convince the sender to join the current epoch
  • if epoch is different, return an error and ignore the message.
fn ensure_round(&mut self, msg_round: u64, sync_info: SyncInfo) -> Result<()> {
    if self.round_state.round == msg_round {
        return Ok(());
    let local_sync_info = self.block_store.sync_info();
    if local_sync_info.has_newer_certificates(sync_info) {
        network.direct_send(`sender`, local_sync_info);
    if sync_info.has_newer_certificates(self.block_store.sync_info()) {
    ensure!(msg_round == self.round_state.round, "Round doesn't match");
  • this function ensures the round state is at the msg_round if self.round < msg_round
  • no-op if it's already the same
  • if the sync_info has newer certificates, try to sync the block_store to the state, and update safety rules and transition to new RoundState
  • if the validator has newer certificates, try to send to sender to help it move forward.
  • if the round doesn't match e.g. msg_round is behind, sync failed, return errors and ignore the message.
Processing a ProposalMsg
fn process_proposal_msg(&mut self, proposal_msg: ProposalMsg) -> Result<()> {
    let ProposalMsg {proposal, sync_info} = proposal_msg;
    self.ensure_round(proposal.round(), sync_info)?;
    let executed_block = self.block_store.execute_and_insert(proposal)?;
    if let Some(vote) = {;
            self.proposer_election.get_valid_proposer(self.round_state.round + 1),
            VoteMsg {
                sync_info: self.block_store.sync_info(),
  • ensure and sync the epoch and round
  • execute the block
  • save and persist the vote in round state
  • send the vote to next proposer if decide to vote
Processing a VoteMsg

This section documents the steps to follow after receiving a VoteMsg.

  • verify the validity of the VoteMsg according to the VoteMsg section

  • ensure that the message is at the right epoch by calling ensure_epoch(vote.vote_data.proposed.epoch)

  • ensure that the message is at the right round by calling ensure_round(vote.vote_data.proposed.round, sync_info)

  • ensure that either:

    • this validator is the proposer of the next round (TODO: not specified)
    • or the vote is a timeout vote (a timeout signature is set)
  • if the author has voted for this round already (pending_votes[sender] is not empty):

    • ensure that the votes are equivalent (both vote.ledger_info.hash() are equal)
    • only process the new vote if it is a new timeout vote (if it contains a timeout signature and the previously seen one doesn't)
  • store the vote under pending_votes[sender]

  • if there's enough votes (2f+1) for the same VoteData and LedgerInfo, store the following quorum certificate in the block store via block_store.insert_quorum_cert():

    QuorumCert {
      signed_ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures::V0(LedgerInfoWithV0{

    where vote_data and ledger_info are the common values that the votes signed, and where signatures is a map of validator account addresses to their vote signatures.

  • if there was no QC created and the new vote is a timeout vote (contains a timeout signature), check if there are now enough (2f+1) timeout signatures and store the following timeout certificate in the block store via block_store.insert_timeout_certificate():

    TimeoutCertificate {
      timeout: Timeout{

    where epoch and round are the current epoch and round, and where signatures is a map of validator account addresses to their timeout vote signatures.

  • if a QC or TC was created, transition to a new round if possible by calling update()

see pseudo-code equivalent
fn process_vote_msg(&mut self, vote_msg: VoteMsg) -> Result<()> {
    let VoteMsg{ vote, sync_info } = vote_msg;
    self.ensure_round(vote.vote_data().proposed().round(), sync_info)?;
    if vote.timeout_signature.is_none() {
        let next_proposer = get_proposer_for(vote.vote_data.proposed.epoch, vote.vote_data.proposed.round + 1);
        ensure!(next_proposer, self.address);
    match self.round_state.pending_votes.insert(`sender`, vote) {
        QuorumCert(qc) => {
        TimeoutCert(tc) => {
Processing a SyncInfo
fn process_sync_info(&mut self, sync_info: SyncInfo) -> Result<()> {
    self.ensure_round(sync_info.highest_round() + 1, sync_info)?;
  • ensure and sync the epoch and round
  • this message is received because a peer thinks it has newer certificates than this validator.
Processing a EpochChangeProof
fn process_epoch_change_proof(&mut self, proof: EpochChangeProof) -> Result<()> {
    ensure!(self.epoch == proof.start_epoch, "Proof doesn't start at the current epoch");
  • ensure the proof starts at the current epoch so that we're able to verify the chain of signatures.
  • sync to the target ledger info (the last one in the proof)
  • a reconfiguration notification will be sent via StateComputer to transition to a new epoch
Processing a BlockRetrievalRequest
fn process_block_retrieval(&self, request: BlockRetreivalRequest);

Read only request.

  • find if request.block_id is present and num_blocks before it (included) exist in self.block_store
  • construct BlockRetrievalResposne correspondingly and send back the rpc response to the sender
Processing a EpochRetrievalRequest
fn process_epoch_retrieval(&self, request: EpochRetrievalRequest);

Read only request.

  • ensure request.end_epoch <= self.epoch
  • construct EpochChangeProof via StateComputer.get_epoch_change_ledger_info(request.start_epoch, request.end_epoch) and send it back to the sender
Processing a BlockRetrievalResponse

Not expected, this message type is only expected as a rpc response corresponding to BlockRetrievalRequest.


A round number is received when the timer setup in the constructor of RoundState expired.

  • process_local_timeout(round: Round)

    • ensure that round_state.round matches round

    • reset a timer (a validator broadcasts its vote message every timeout interval until it moves to the next round

    • if no vote has been cached (round_state.vote_sent is empty), create one:

      • create a NIL block by calling nil_block = proposal_generator.generate_nil_block(round)
      • execute and store the block by calling executed_block = block_store.execute_and_insert_block(nil_block)
      • obtain a signed vote by calling
      • cache the vote in round_state.vote_sent
    • if the cached vote has an empty timeout_signature, set one:

      • create a timeout payload with the current epoch and round:

        Timeout {
          epoch: round_state.epoch,
          round: round_state.round,
      • obtain a digest of the timeout by calling SHA-3-256(bcs.serialize(timeout))

      • obtain a signature over the digest by calling ed25519_sign(private_key, digest)

      • set the to the signature.

      • cache the vote in round_state.vote_sent

    • construct a vote_message with the cached vote and the latest sync_info:

      VoteMsg {
        vote: round_state.vote_sent,
        sync_info: block_store.sync_info(),
    • broadcast the vote message by calling network.broadcast(vote_message)

see pseudo-code equivalent
fn process_local_timeout(&mut self, round: Round) -> Result<()> {
    if self.round_state.round != round {
        return Ok(())
    let vote = match self.round_state.vote_sent {
        Some(vote) => vote,
        None => {
            let nil_block = self.proposal_generator.generate_nil_block(round)?;
            let executed_block = self.block_store.execute_and_insert_block(nil_block)?;
    if vote.timeout_signature.is_none() {
        let signature = ed25519_sign(Timeout {
            epoch: vote.vote_data().proposed().epoch(),
            round: vote.vote_data().proposed().round(),
        vote.timeout_signature = Some(signature);
    network.broadcast(VoteMsg {
        sync_info: self.block_store.sync_info(),