I want to retry an api call 10 times (waiting one second since it fails until next execution) and if this 10 times it fails, then I will execute a function, this is my aproach:
import { Observable, throwError, EMPTY } from "rxjs"
import { concatMap, delay, retryWhen, take } from "rxjs/operators"
handleErrorWithRetry(error, req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<any> {
if (error.status === 0) {
return next.handle(req).pipe(
retryWhen((errors) => {
return errors.pipe(
take(10), // Number of retries
concatMap(throwError), // Let the error bubble up again
catchError((err) => this.checkConnection(err))),
checkConnection(error): Observable<any> {
return EMPTY;