The janus-stream will generate a shell script that will stream video/audio to your Janus WebRTC server using gstreamer. A janus-stream systemd service will also be created.
- A RPI running Raspbian
- Tested on RPI3 and RPI Zero Wireless, running Raspbian Buster Lite
- RPI configured with a working Internet connection
- A Raspicam and a microphone attached to your RPI
- Tested with an infrared raspicam and a USB mini microphone
- git configured to clone this repository from github
sudo raspi-config
- Interfacing options - P1 Camera - Enable
- Advanced options > Memory Split >
- RPI3: GPU mem set to 256 Gb
- RPI Zero W: GPU mem set to 128 Gb
sudo apt-get install rpi-update
sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot
sudo iw dev wlan0 set power_save off
sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces
# Add following line:
wireless-power off
- F6 - choose USB
- F4 - set to max
git clone [email protected]:leerikss/baby-monitor.git
cd baby-monitor/rpi/janus-stream
- The installaction script will prompt for various parameters you need to know
- First time you run this script, make sure you will install gstreamer and RaspiWiFi
- Type the domain name of the server where you have installed your Janus WebRTC server
- Type the video and audio port numbers that your Janus server is configured to listen to
- These ports must match the corresponding values found on your server in: /opt/janus/etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg
- Each RPI device should have their own configuration block in this file with their own video/audio ports
- The rest of the installation prompts are dealing with the video. Type enter for default values
- Installation of RaspiWiFi starts another installation script
- Check for further information here:
sudo systemctl start janus-stream
sudo systemctl stop janus-stream
- The installation will create a shell script /opt/janus-stream/
- A systemd service is created to automatically start the upon RPI startup
- Upon script failures, the will automatically restart
- If the RPI cannot access the internet at all, it will restart in Host mode, and you can configure the WiFi network/password headlessly. Refer to