# This makefile is mainly intended for use on the CI server (Travis). It # requires xcpretty to be installed. # If you are trying to build a release locally consider using the build.rb # script in the Tools directory instead. BUILD_DIR = OBJROOT="$(CURDIR)/build" SYMROOT="$(CURDIR)/build" SHELL = /bin/bash -e -o pipefail IOS32 = -scheme OCMockLib -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'name=iPhone 5' $(BUILD_DIR) IOS64 = -scheme OCMockLib -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'name=iPhone 5s' $(BUILD_DIR) MACOSX = -scheme OCMock -sdk macosx $(BUILD_DIR) XCODEBUILD = xcodebuild -project "$(CURDIR)/Source/OCMock.xcodeproj" ci: clean test clean: $(XCODEBUILD) clean rm -rf "$(CURDIR)/build" test: test-ios test-macosx test-ios: test-ios32 test-ios64 test-ios32: @echo "Running 32-bit iOS tests..." $(XCODEBUILD) $(IOS32) test | xcpretty -c test-ios64: @echo "Running 64-bit iOS tests..." $(XCODEBUILD) $(IOS64) test | xcpretty -c test-macosx: @echo "Running OS X tests..." $(XCODEBUILD) $(MACOSX) test | xcpretty -c