i. (2 points) Briefly explain (you don’t needto prove mathematically, just give an intuition) how using m stops the updates from varying as much and why this low variance may be helpful to learning, overall.
Answer: The momentum smooths the update rate so it helps pointing the gradients towards the long term direction and reduces contributions from gradients that change directions. Overall it would reduce oscilations and helps with faster convergence.
ii. (2 points) Adam extends the idea ofmomentumwith the trick ofadaptive learning ratesbykeeping track ofv, a rolling average of the magnitudes of the gradients:m←β1m+ (1−β1)∇θJminibatch(θ)v←β2v+ (1−β2)(∇θJminibatch(θ) ∇θJminibatch(θ))θ←θ−αm/√vwhereand/denote elementwise multiplication and division (sozzis elementwise squaring)andβ2is a hyperparameter between 0 and 1 (often set to 0.99). Since Adam divides the updateby√v, which of the model parameters will get larger updates? Why might this help withlearning?
Answer: With
(b) (4 points) Dropout3is a regularization technique. During training, dropout randomly sets unitsin the hidden layerhto zero with probabilitypdrop(dropping different units each minibatch), andthen multiplieshby a constantγ. We can write this ashdrop=γdhwhered∈ {0,1}Dh(Dhis the size ofh) is a mask vector where each entry is 0 with probabilitypdropand 1 with probability (1−pdrop).γis chosen such that the expected value ofhdropish:Epdrop[hdrop]i=hifor alli∈{1,...,Dh}.
Answer: We apply dropout during training to improve robustness of the model on out of training data sets, i.e., adding regularization. At evaluation time, we want to use the robust model, thus we dont have to add drop out during evaluation.
(a) (4 points) Go through the sequence of transitions needed for parsing the sentence“I parsed thissentence correctly”. The dependency tree for the sentence is shown below.
Stack | Buffer | New dependency | Transition | step |
[ROOT] | [I, parsed, this, sentence, correctly] | Init | 0 | |
[ROOT, I] | [parsed, this, sentence, correctly] | Shift | 1 | |
[ROOT, I, parsed] | [this, sentence, correctly] | Shift | 2 | |
[ROOT, parsed] | [this, sentence, correctly] | I <- parsed | Left-Arc | 3 |
[ROOT, parsed, this] | [ sentence, correctly] | Shift | 4 | |
[ROOT, parsed, this, sentence] | [correctly] | Shift | 5 | |
[ROOT, parsed, sentence] | [correctly] | this <- sentence | Left-Arc | 6 |
[ROOT, parsed] | [correctly] | parsed -> sentence | Right-Arc | 7 |
[ROOT, parsed, correctly] | [] | Shift | 8 | |
[ROOT, parsed] | [] | parsed -> correctly | Right-Arc | 9 |
[ROOT] | [] | Root -> parsed | Right-Arc | 10 |
(b) (2 points) A sentence containingnwords will be parsed in how many steps (in terms ofn)? Brieflyexplain why.
Answer: 2n steps. It takes n steps to move from buffer to stack, and n steps to map n dependency.
dev UAS: 88.18
test UAS: 88.75
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1848/1848 [02:38<00:00, 11.63it/s]
Average Train Loss: 0.058193851781412315
Evaluating on dev set
1445850it [00:00, 26287694.09it/s]
- dev UAS: 88.18
New best dev UAS! Saving model.
Restoring the best model weights found on the dev set
Final evaluation on test set
2919736it [00:00, 38929664.83it/s]
- test UAS: 88.75
Error type: Verb Phrase Attachment Error•
Incorrect dependency: wedding -> fearing
Correct dependency: heading -> fearing
Error type: Coordination Attachment Error
Incorrect dependency: makes -> rescue
Correct dependency: rush -> rescue
Error type: Prepositional Phrase Attachment Error•
Incorrect dependency: named -> midland
Correct dependency: guy -> midland
Error type: Modifier Attachment Error•
Incorrect dependency: elements -> most
Correct dependency: crucial -> most