Python Sorted Container Types: Sorted List, Sorted Dict, and Sorted Set
A command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images. 📷
An UNOFFICIAL implementation of Star Trek Adventures Roleplaying Game (2nd Edition) for Foundry VTT
A wrapper for the Tektronix RSA API for Linux, which streamlines control of Tektronix RSA devices using Python.
Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit
💧 Vue.js component works with AWS S3 serverlessly
An Haskell oriented introduction to Category Theory (with basket of cats!)
Symbol font with maps of European countries.
An interactive tool for exploring large, tabular datasets.
A basic server for serving up filesystem based tilesets representing Cesium.js terrain models
Setting up Storybook with Vuetify the right way
A module for pivoting Django Querysets
FlameScope is a visualization tool for exploring different time ranges as Flame Graphs.
Presentation materials for the Annotated.Conf Tutorial
Sample database for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2
Django specific serializers based on Marshmallow
Making using Django with frontend libraries and frameworks DRYer
A tox plugin to run one or more Docker containers during tests
Behavior-Driver-Development for multi-user web/email/sms applications
manylinux wheels for gdal python bindings with vendorized dependencies
PEP-484 type hints bindings for the Django web framework
Display arbitrary GeoJSON on a map with a timeline slider and play button