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Validity Assessment


Study 1: Pixel Distribution

Goal: Assuming that a corruption simulation is realistic enough to reflect real-world situations, the distribution of a corrupted "clean" set should be similar to that of the real-world corruption set.

Approach: We validate this using ACDC [R1], nuScenes [R2], Cityscapes [R3], and Foggy-Cityscapes [R4], since these datasets contain:

  1. real-world corruption data;
  2. clean data collected by the same sensor types from the same physical locations.

We simulate corruptions using "clean" images and compare the distribution patterns with their corresponding real-world corrupted data. We do this to ensure that there is no extra distribution shift from aspects like sensor difference (e.g. FOVs and resolutions) and location discrepancy (e.g. environmental and semantic changes).

Real Dark (ACDC-Night) Real Snow (ACDC-Snow) Real Dark (nuScenes-Night) Real Fog (Foggy-Cityscapes)
Synthetic Dark (Level 1) Synthetic Snow (Level 1) Synthetic Dark (Level 1) Synthetic Fog (Level 1)
Synthetic Dark (Level 2) Synthetic Snow (Level 2) Synthetic Dark (Level 2) Synthetic Fog (Level 2)
Synthetic Dark (Level 3) Synthetic Snow (Level 3) Synthetic Dark (Level 3) Synthetic Fog (Level 3)
Synthetic Dark (Level 4) Synthetic Snow (Level 4) Synthetic Dark (Level 4) Synthetic Fog (Level 4)
Synthetic Dark (Level 5) Synthetic Snow (Level 5) Synthetic Dark (Level 5) Synthetic Fog (Level 5)


  • [R1] C. Sakaridis, D. Dai, and L. V. Gool. "ACDC: The adverse conditions dataset with correspondences for semantic driving scene understanding." ICCV, 2021.
  • [R2] C., Holger, V. Bankiti, A. H. Lang, S. Vora, V. E. Liong, Q. Xu, A. Krishnan, Y. Pan, G. Baldan, and O. Beijbom. "nuScenes: A multimodal dataset for autonomous driving." CVPR, 2020.
  • [R3] M. Cordts, M. Omran, S. Ramos, T. Rehfeld, M. Enzweiler, R. Benenson, U. Franke, S. Roth, and B. Schiele. "The CityScapes dataset for semantic urban scene understanding." CVPR, 2016.
  • [R4] C. Sakaridis, D. Dai, and L. V. Gool. “Semantic foggy scene understanding with synthetic data.” IJCV, 2018.

Study 2: Robust Fine-Tuning

Goal: Assuming that a corruption simulation is realistic enough to reflect real-world situations, a corruption-augmented model should achieve better generalizability than the "clean" model when tested on real-world corruption datasets.

Approach: We validate this using nuScenes, nuScenes-Night, and Foggy-Cityscapes. We adopt MonoDepth2 as the baseline, which is trained on KITTI and fine-tuned with corruptions with a small learning rate. We also test training with corruptions from scratch and find the performance is similar to fine-tuning.


Train Backbone Resolution CorruptAug Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log a1 a2 a3
KITTI ResNet-18 640x192 No 0.304 3.472 9.068 0.409 0.563 0.794 0.890
KITTI ResNet-18 640x192 Yes 0.297 2.991 8.790 0.405 0.558 0.794 0.893
KITTI ResNet-50 640x192 No 0.302 3.219 9.054 0.416 0.555 0.786 0.886
KITTI ResNet-50 640x192 Yes 0.294 2.947 8.754 0.404 0.565 0.795 0.892


Train Backbone Resolution CorruptAug Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log a1 a2 a3
KITTI ResNet-18 640x192 No 0.397 3.408 8.700 0.513 0.387 0.659 0.822
KITTI ResNet-18 640x192 Yes 0.362 3.149 8.391 0.477 0.434 0.714 0.852
KITTI ResNet-50 640x192 No 0.418 3.599 8.928 0.539 0.363 0.626 0.802
KITTI ResNet-50 640x192 Yes 0.357 3.128 8.168 0.462 0.444 0.723 0.861


Train Backbone Resolution CorruptAug Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log a1 a2 a3
KITTI ResNet-18 416x128 No 0.421 7.057 15.207 0.527 0.360 0.636 0.806
KITTI ResNet-18 416x128 Yes 0.385 6.310 14.654 0.489 0.399 0.682 0.836
KITTI ResNet-18 512x256 No 0.364 6.371 14.690 0.483 0.440 0.703 0.838
KITTI ResNet-18 512x256 Yes 0.349 5.645 14.723 0.488 0.434 0.698 0.834