import $ from './dom'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-duplicates import * as _ from './utils'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-duplicates import { LogLevels } from './utils'; import { EditorConfig, OutputData, SanitizerConfig } from '../../types'; import { EditorModules } from '../types-internal/editor-modules'; import I18n from './i18n'; /** * @typedef {Core} Core - editor core class */ /** * Require Editor modules places in components/modules dir */ const contextRequire = require.context('./modules', true); const modules = []; contextRequire.keys().forEach((filename) => { /** * Include files if: * - extension is .js or .ts * - does not starts with _ */ if (filename.match(/^\.\/[^_][\w/]*\.([tj])s$/)) { modules.push(contextRequire(filename)); } }); /** * @class Core * * @classdesc Editor.js core class * * @property {EditorConfig} config - all settings * @property {EditorModules} moduleInstances - constructed editor components * * @type {Core} */ export default class Core { /** * Editor configuration passed by user to the constructor */ public config: EditorConfig; /** * Object with core modules instances */ public moduleInstances: EditorModules = {} as EditorModules; /** * Promise that resolves when all core modules are prepared and UI is rendered on the page */ public isReady: Promise; /** * @param {EditorConfig} config - user configuration * */ constructor(config?: EditorConfig|string) { /** * Ready promise. Resolved if Editor.js is ready to work, rejected otherwise */ let onReady, onFail; this.isReady = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { onReady = resolve; onFail = reject; }); Promise.resolve() .then(async () => { this.configuration = config; await this.validate(); await this.init(); await this.start(); _.logLabeled('I\'m ready! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧', 'log', '', 'color: #E24A75'); setTimeout(async () => { await this.render(); if ((this.configuration as EditorConfig).autofocus) { const { BlockManager, Caret } = this.moduleInstances; Caret.setToBlock(BlockManager.blocks[0], Caret.positions.START); BlockManager.highlightCurrentNode(); } /** * Remove loader, show content */ this.moduleInstances.UI.removeLoader(); /** * Resolve this.isReady promise */ onReady(); }, 500); }) .catch((error) => { _.log(`Editor.js is not ready because of ${error}`, 'error'); /** * Reject this.isReady promise */ onFail(error); }); } /** * Setting for configuration * * @param {EditorConfig|string} config - Editor's config to set */ public set configuration(config: EditorConfig|string) { /** * Process zero-configuration or with only holderId * Make config object */ if (typeof config !== 'object') { config = { holder: config, }; } /** * If holderId is preset, assign him to holder property and work next only with holder */ _.deprecationAssert(!!config.holderId, 'config.holderId', 'config.holder'); if (config.holderId && !config.holder) { config.holder = config.holderId; config.holderId = null; } /** * Place config into the class property * * @type {EditorConfig} */ this.config = config; /** * If holder is empty then set a default value */ if (this.config.holder == null) { this.config.holder = 'editorjs'; } if (!this.config.logLevel) { this.config.logLevel = LogLevels.VERBOSE; } _.setLogLevel(this.config.logLevel); /** * If default Block's Tool was not passed, use the Paragraph Tool */ _.deprecationAssert(Boolean(this.config.initialBlock), 'config.initialBlock', 'config.defaultBlock'); this.config.defaultBlock = this.config.defaultBlock || this.config.initialBlock || 'paragraph'; /** * Height of Editor's bottom area that allows to set focus on the last Block * * @type {number} */ this.config.minHeight = this.config.minHeight !== undefined ? this.config.minHeight : 300; /** * Default block type * Uses in case when there is no blocks passed * * @type {{type: (*), data: {text: null}}} */ const defaultBlockData = { type: this.config.defaultBlock, data: {}, }; this.config.placeholder = this.config.placeholder || false; this.config.sanitizer = this.config.sanitizer || { p: true, b: true, a: true, } as SanitizerConfig; this.config.hideToolbar = this.config.hideToolbar ? this.config.hideToolbar : false; = || {}; = || {} as OutputData; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function this.config.onReady = this.config.onReady || ((): void => {}); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function this.config.onChange = this.config.onChange || ((): void => {}); /** * Initialize default Block to pass data to the Renderer */ if (_.isEmpty( { = {} as OutputData; = [ defaultBlockData ]; } else { if (! || === 0) { = [ defaultBlockData ]; } } /** * Adjust i18n */ if (config.i18n?.messages) { I18n.setDictionary(config.i18n.messages); } /** * Text direction. If not set, uses ltr */ if (config.i18n?.direction) { this.config.i18n = { direction: config.i18n?.direction || 'ltr', }; } } /** * Returns private property * * @returns {EditorConfig} */ public get configuration(): EditorConfig|string { return this.config; } /** * Checks for required fields in Editor's config * * @returns {Promise} */ public async validate(): Promise { const { holderId, holder } = this.config; if (holderId && holder) { throw Error('«holderId» and «holder» param can\'t assign at the same time.'); } /** * Check for a holder element's existence */ if (typeof holder === 'string' && !$.get(holder)) { throw Error(`element with ID «${holder}» is missing. Pass correct holder's ID.`); } if (holder && typeof holder === 'object' && !$.isElement(holder)) { throw Error('holder as HTMLElement if provided must be inherit from Element class.'); } } /** * Initializes modules: * - make and save instances * - configure */ public init(): void { /** * Make modules instances and save it to the @property this.moduleInstances */ this.constructModules(); /** * Modules configuration */ this.configureModules(); } /** * Start Editor! * * Get list of modules that needs to be prepared and return a sequence (Promise) * * @returns {Promise} */ public async start(): Promise { const modulesToPrepare = [ 'Tools', 'UI', 'BlockManager', 'Paste', 'DragNDrop', 'ModificationsObserver', 'BlockSelection', 'RectangleSelection', ]; await modulesToPrepare.reduce( (promise, module) => promise.then(async () => { // _.log(`Preparing ${module} module`, 'time'); try { await this.moduleInstances[module].prepare(); } catch (e) { _.log(`Module ${module} was skipped because of %o`, 'warn', e); } // _.log(`Preparing ${module} module`, 'timeEnd'); }), Promise.resolve() ); } /** * Render initial data */ private render(): Promise { return this.moduleInstances.Renderer.render(; } /** * Make modules instances and save it to the @property this.moduleInstances */ private constructModules(): void { modules.forEach((module) => { /** * If module has non-default exports, passed object contains them all and default export as 'default' property */ const Module = typeof module === 'function' ? module : module.default; try { /** * We use class name provided by displayName property * * On build, Babel will transform all Classes to the Functions so, name will always be 'Function' * To prevent this, we use 'babel-plugin-class-display-name' plugin * * @see */ this.moduleInstances[Module.displayName] = new Module({ config: this.configuration, }); } catch (e) { _.log(`Module ${Module.displayName} skipped because`, 'warn', e); } }); } /** * Modules instances configuration: * - pass other modules to the 'state' property * - ... */ private configureModules(): void { for (const name in this.moduleInstances) { if (, name)) { /** * Module does not need self-instance */ this.moduleInstances[name].state = this.getModulesDiff(name); } } } /** * Return modules without passed name * * @param {string} name - module for witch modules difference should be calculated */ private getModulesDiff(name: string): EditorModules { const diff = {} as EditorModules; for (const moduleName in this.moduleInstances) { /** * Skip module with passed name */ if (moduleName === name) { continue; } diff[moduleName] = this.moduleInstances[moduleName]; } return diff; } }