# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Base.require is the implementation for the `import` statement # Cross-platform case-sensitive path canonicalization if Sys.isunix() && !Sys.isapple() # assume case-sensitive filesystems, don't have to do anything isfile_casesensitive(path) = isfile(path) elseif Sys.iswindows() # GetLongPathName Win32 function returns the case-preserved filename on NTFS. function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false # Fail fast basename(Filesystem.longpath(path)) == basename(path) end elseif Sys.isapple() # HFS+ filesystem is case-preserving. The getattrlist API returns # a case-preserved filename. In the rare event that HFS+ is operating # in case-sensitive mode, this will still work but will be redundant. # Constants from const ATRATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 5 const ATTR_CMN_NAME = 1 const BITMAPCOUNT = 1 const COMMONATTR = 5 const FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 1 # Don't follow symbolic links const attr_list = zeros(UInt8, 24) attr_list[BITMAPCOUNT] = ATRATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT attr_list[COMMONATTR] = ATTR_CMN_NAME # This essentially corresponds to the following C code: # attrlist attr_list; # memset(&attr_list, 0, sizeof(attr_list)); # attr_list.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT; # attr_list.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_NAME; # struct Buffer { # u_int32_t total_length; # u_int32_t filename_offset; # u_int32_t filename_length; # char filename[max_filename_length]; # }; # Buffer buf; # getattrpath(path, &attr_list, &buf, sizeof(buf), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW); function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false path_basename = String(basename(path)) local casepreserved_basename header_size = 12 buf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, length(path_basename) + header_size + 1) while true ret = ccall(:getattrlist, Cint, (Cstring, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Culong), path, attr_list, buf, sizeof(buf), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW) systemerror(:getattrlist, ret ≠ 0) filename_length = GC.@preserve buf unsafe_load( convert(Ptr{UInt32}, pointer(buf) + 8)) if (filename_length + header_size) > length(buf) resize!(buf, filename_length + header_size) continue end casepreserved_basename = view(buf, (header_size+1):(header_size+filename_length-1)) break end # Hack to compensate for inability to create a string from a subarray with no allocations. codeunits(path_basename) == casepreserved_basename && return true # If there is no match, it's possible that the file does exist but HFS+ # performed unicode normalization. See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1235/_index.html. isascii(path_basename) && return false codeunits(Unicode.normalize(path_basename, :NFD)) == casepreserved_basename end else # Generic fallback that performs a slow directory listing. function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false dir, filename = splitdir(path) any(readdir(dir) .== filename) end end ## SHA1 ## struct SHA1 bytes::Vector{UInt8} function SHA1(bytes::Vector{UInt8}) length(bytes) == 20 || throw(ArgumentError("wrong number of bytes for SHA1 hash: $(length(bytes))")) return new(bytes) end end SHA1(s::AbstractString) = SHA1(hex2bytes(s)) string(hash::SHA1) = bytes2hex(hash.bytes) print(io::IO, hash::SHA1) = bytes2hex(io, hash.bytes) show(io::IO, hash::SHA1) = print(io, "SHA1(\"", hash, "\")") isless(a::SHA1, b::SHA1) = isless(a.bytes, b.bytes) hash(a::SHA1, h::UInt) = hash((SHA1, a.bytes), h) ==(a::SHA1, b::SHA1) = a.bytes == b.bytes # fake uuid5 function (for self-assigned UUIDs) # TODO: delete and use real uuid5 once it's in stdlib function uuid5(namespace::UUID, key::String) u::UInt128 = 0 h = hash(namespace) for _ = 1:sizeof(u)÷sizeof(h) u <<= sizeof(h) << 3 u |= (h = hash(key, h)) end u &= 0xffffffffffff0fff3fffffffffffffff u |= 0x00000000000050008000000000000000 return UUID(u) end const ns_dummy_uuid = UUID("fe0723d6-3a44-4c41-8065-ee0f42c8ceab") function dummy_uuid(project_file::String) project_path = try realpath(project_file) catch project_file end return uuid5(ns_dummy_uuid, project_path) end ## package path slugs: turning UUID + SHA1 into a pair of 4-byte "slugs" ## const slug_chars = String(['A':'Z'; 'a':'z'; '0':'9']) function slug(x::UInt32, p::Int) sprint(sizehint=p) do io n = length(slug_chars) for i = 1:p x, d = divrem(x, n) write(io, slug_chars[1+d]) end end end function package_slug(uuid::UUID, p::Int=5) crc = _crc32c(uuid) return slug(crc, p) end function version_slug(uuid::UUID, sha1::SHA1, p::Int=5) crc = _crc32c(uuid) crc = _crc32c(sha1.bytes, crc) return slug(crc, p) end ## package identification: determine unique identity of package to be loaded ## function find_package(args...) pkg = identify_package(args...) pkg === nothing && return nothing return locate_package(pkg) end struct PkgId uuid::Union{UUID,Nothing} name::String PkgId(u::UUID, name::AbstractString) = new(UInt128(u) == 0 ? nothing : u, name) PkgId(::Nothing, name::AbstractString) = new(nothing, name) end PkgId(name::AbstractString) = PkgId(nothing, name) function PkgId(m::Module, name::String = String(nameof(moduleroot(m)))) uuid = UUID(ccall(:jl_module_uuid, NTuple{2, UInt64}, (Any,), m)) UInt128(uuid) == 0 ? PkgId(name) : PkgId(uuid, name) end ==(a::PkgId, b::PkgId) = a.uuid == b.uuid && a.name == b.name function hash(pkg::PkgId, h::UInt) h += 0xc9f248583a0ca36c % UInt h = hash(pkg.uuid, h) h = hash(pkg.name, h) return h end show(io::IO, pkg::PkgId) = print(io, pkg.name, " [", pkg.uuid === nothing ? "top-level" : pkg.uuid, "]") function binpack(pkg::PkgId) io = IOBuffer() write(io, UInt8(0)) uuid = pkg.uuid write(io, uuid === nothing ? UInt128(0) : UInt128(uuid)) write(io, pkg.name) return String(take!(io)) end function binunpack(s::String) io = IOBuffer(s) @assert read(io, UInt8) === 0x00 uuid = read(io, UInt128) name = read(io, String) return PkgId(UUID(uuid), name) end ## package identity: given a package name and a context, try to return its identity ## identify_package(where::Module, name::String) = identify_package(PkgId(where), name) # identify_package computes the PkgId for `name` from the context of `where` # or return `nothing` if no mapping exists for it function identify_package(where::PkgId, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} where.name === name && return where where.uuid === nothing && return identify_package(name) # ignore `where` for env in load_path() uuid = manifest_deps_get(env, where, name) uuid === nothing && continue # not found--keep looking uuid.uuid === nothing || return uuid # found in explicit environment--use it return nothing # found in implicit environment--return "not found" end return nothing end # identify_package computes the PkgId for `name` from toplevel context # by looking through the Project.toml files and directories function identify_package(name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} for env in load_path() uuid = project_deps_get(env, name) uuid === nothing || return uuid # found--return it end return nothing end function identify_package(name::String, names::String...) pkg = identify_package(name) pkg === nothing && return nothing return identify_package(pkg, names...) end # locate `tail(names)` package by following the search path graph through `names` starting from `where` function identify_package(where::PkgId, name::String, names::String...) pkg = identify_package(where, name) pkg === nothing && return nothing return identify_package(pkg, names...) end ## package location: given a package identity, find file to load ## function locate_package(pkg::PkgId)::Union{Nothing,String} if pkg.uuid === nothing for env in load_path() # look for the toplevel pkg `pkg.name` in this entry found = project_deps_get(env, pkg.name) found === nothing && continue if pkg == found # pkg.name is present in this directory or project file, # return the path the entry point for the code, if it could be found # otherwise, signal failure return implicit_manifest_uuid_path(env, pkg) end @assert found.uuid !== nothing return locate_package(found) # restart search now that we know the uuid for pkg end else for env in load_path() path = manifest_uuid_path(env, pkg) path === nothing || return entry_path(path, pkg.name) end end return nothing end """ pathof(m::Module) Return the path of the `m.jl` file that was used to `import` module `m`, or `nothing` if `m` was not imported from a package. Use [`dirname`](@ref) to get the directory part and [`basename`](@ref) to get the file name part of the path. """ function pathof(m::Module) pkgid = get(Base.module_keys, m, nothing) pkgid === nothing && return nothing return Base.locate_package(pkgid) end """ pkgdir(m::Module) Return the root directory of the package that imported module `m`, or `nothing` if `m` was not imported from a package. """ function pkgdir(m::Module) rootmodule = Base.moduleroot(m) path = pathof(rootmodule) path === nothing && return nothing return dirname(dirname(path)) end ## generic project & manifest API ## const project_names = ("JuliaProject.toml", "Project.toml") const manifest_names = ("JuliaManifest.toml", "Manifest.toml") # classify the LOAD_PATH entry to be one of: # - `false`: nonexistant / nothing to see here # - `true`: `env` is an implicit environment # - `path`: the path of an explicit project file function env_project_file(env::String)::Union{Bool,String} if isdir(env) for proj in project_names project_file = joinpath(env, proj) isfile_casesensitive(project_file) && return project_file end return true elseif basename(env) in project_names && isfile_casesensitive(env) return env end return false end function project_deps_get(env::String, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} project_file = env_project_file(env) if project_file isa String pkg_uuid = explicit_project_deps_get(project_file, name) pkg_uuid === nothing || return PkgId(pkg_uuid, name) elseif project_file return implicit_project_deps_get(env, name) end return nothing end function manifest_deps_get(env::String, where::PkgId, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} @assert where.uuid !== nothing project_file = env_project_file(env) if project_file isa String # first check if `where` names the Project itself proj = project_file_name_uuid(project_file, where.name) if proj == where # if `where` matches the project, use [deps] section as manifest, and stop searching pkg_uuid = explicit_project_deps_get(project_file, name) return PkgId(pkg_uuid, name) end # look for manifest file and `where` stanza return explicit_manifest_deps_get(project_file, where.uuid, name) elseif project_file # if env names a directory, search it return implicit_manifest_deps_get(env, where, name) end return nothing end function manifest_uuid_path(env::String, pkg::PkgId)::Union{Nothing,String} project_file = env_project_file(env) if project_file isa String proj = project_file_name_uuid(project_file, pkg.name) if proj == pkg # if `pkg` matches the project, return the project itself return project_file_path(project_file, pkg.name) end # look for manifest file and `where` stanza return explicit_manifest_uuid_path(project_file, pkg) elseif project_file # if env names a directory, search it return implicit_manifest_uuid_path(env, pkg) end return nothing end # regular expressions for scanning project & manifest files const re_section = r"^\s*\[" const re_array_of_tables = r"^\s*\[\s*\[" const re_section_deps = r"^\s*\[\s*\"?deps\"?\s*\]\s*(?:#|$)" const re_section_capture = r"^\s*\[\s*\[\s*\"?(\w+)\"?\s*\]\s*\]\s*(?:#|$)" const re_subsection_deps = r"^\s*\[\s*\"?(\w+)\"?\s*\.\s*\"?deps\"?\s*\]\s*(?:#|$)" const re_key_to_string = r"^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_uuid_to_string = r"^\s*uuid\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_name_to_string = r"^\s*name\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_path_to_string = r"^\s*path\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_hash_to_string = r"^\s*git-tree-sha1\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_manifest_to_string = r"^\s*manifest\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(?:#|$)" const re_deps_to_any = r"^\s*deps\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*(?:#|$)" # find project file's top-level UUID entry (or nothing) function project_file_name_uuid(project_file::String, name::String)::PkgId pkg = open(project_file) do io uuid = dummy_uuid(project_file) for line in eachline(io) occursin(re_section, line) && break if (m = match(re_name_to_string, line)) !== nothing name = String(m.captures[1]) elseif (m = match(re_uuid_to_string, line)) !== nothing uuid = UUID(m.captures[1]) end end return PkgId(uuid, name) end return pkg end function project_file_path(project_file::String, name::String)::String path = open(project_file) do io for line in eachline(io) occursin(re_section, line) && break if (m = match(re_path_to_string, line)) !== nothing return String(m.captures[1]) end end return "" end return joinpath(dirname(project_file), path) end # find project file's corresponding manifest file function project_file_manifest_path(project_file::String)::Union{Nothing,String} open(project_file) do io dir = abspath(dirname(project_file)) for line in eachline(io) occursin(re_section, line) && break if (m = match(re_manifest_to_string, line)) !== nothing manifest_file = normpath(joinpath(dir, m.captures[1])) isfile_casesensitive(manifest_file) && return manifest_file return nothing # silently stop if the explicitly listed manifest file is not present end end for mfst in manifest_names manifest_file = joinpath(dir, mfst) isfile_casesensitive(manifest_file) && return manifest_file end return nothing end end # find `name` in a manifest file and return its UUID # return `nothing` on failure function manifest_file_name_uuid(manifest_file::IO, name::String)::Union{Nothing,UUID} name_section = false uuid = nothing for line in eachline(manifest_file) if (m = match(re_section_capture, line)) !== nothing name_section && break name_section = (m.captures[1] == name) elseif name_section if (m = match(re_uuid_to_string, line)) !== nothing uuid = UUID(m.captures[1]) end end end return uuid end # given a directory (implicit env from LOAD_PATH) and a name, # check if it is an implicit package function entry_point_and_project_file_inside(dir::String, name::String)::Union{Tuple{Nothing,Nothing},Tuple{String,Nothing},Tuple{String,String}} path = normpath(joinpath(dir, "src", "$name.jl")) isfile_casesensitive(path) || return nothing, nothing for proj in project_names project_file = normpath(joinpath(dir, proj)) isfile_casesensitive(project_file) || continue return path, project_file end return path, nothing end # given a project directory (implicit env from LOAD_PATH) and a name, # find an entry point for `name`, and see if it has an associated project file function entry_point_and_project_file(dir::String, name::String)::Union{Tuple{Nothing,Nothing},Tuple{String,Nothing},Tuple{String,String}} path = normpath(joinpath(dir, "$name.jl")) isfile_casesensitive(path) && return path, nothing dir = joinpath(dir, name) path, project_file = entry_point_and_project_file_inside(dir, name) path === nothing || return path, project_file dir = dir * ".jl" path, project_file = entry_point_and_project_file_inside(dir, name) path === nothing || return path, project_file return nothing, nothing end # given a path and a name, return the entry point function entry_path(path::String, name::String)::Union{Nothing,String} isfile_casesensitive(path) && return normpath(path) path = normpath(joinpath(path, "src", "$name.jl")) isfile_casesensitive(path) && return path return nothing # source not found end ## explicit project & manifest API ## # find project file root or deps `name => uuid` mapping # return `nothing` if `name` is not found function explicit_project_deps_get(project_file::String, name::String)::Union{Nothing,UUID} pkg_uuid = open(project_file) do io root_name = nothing root_uuid = dummy_uuid(project_file) state = :top for line in eachline(io) if occursin(re_section, line) state === :top && root_name == name && return root_uuid state = occursin(re_section_deps, line) ? :deps : :other elseif state === :top if (m = match(re_name_to_string, line)) !== nothing root_name = String(m.captures[1]) elseif (m = match(re_uuid_to_string, line)) !== nothing root_uuid = UUID(m.captures[1]) end elseif state === :deps if (m = match(re_key_to_string, line)) !== nothing m.captures[1] == name && return UUID(m.captures[2]) end end end return root_name == name ? root_uuid : nothing end return pkg_uuid end # find `where` stanza and return the PkgId for `name` # return `nothing` if it did not find `where` (indicating caller should continue searching) function explicit_manifest_deps_get(project_file::String, where::UUID, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} manifest_file = project_file_manifest_path(project_file) manifest_file === nothing && return nothing # manifest not found--keep searching LOAD_PATH found_or_uuid = open(manifest_file) do io uuid = deps = nothing state = :other # first search the manifest for the deps section associated with `where` (by uuid) for line in eachline(io) if occursin(re_array_of_tables, line) uuid == where && break uuid = deps = nothing state = :stanza elseif state === :stanza if (m = match(re_uuid_to_string, line)) !== nothing uuid = UUID(m.captures[1]) elseif (m = match(re_deps_to_any, line)) !== nothing deps = String(m.captures[1]) elseif occursin(re_subsection_deps, line) state = :deps elseif occursin(re_section, line) state = :other end elseif state === :deps && uuid == where # [deps] section format gives both name and uuid if (m = match(re_key_to_string, line)) !== nothing m.captures[1] == name && return UUID(m.captures[2]) end end end # now search through `deps = []` string to see if we have an entry for `name` uuid == where || return false deps === nothing && return true # TODO: handle inline table syntax if deps[1] != '[' || deps[end] != ']' @warn "Unexpected TOML deps format:\n$deps" return false end occursin(repr(name), deps) || return true seekstart(io) # rewind IO handle # finally, find out the `uuid` associated with `name` return something(manifest_file_name_uuid(io, name), false) end found_or_uuid isa UUID && return PkgId(found_or_uuid, name) found_or_uuid && return PkgId(name) return nothing end # find `uuid` stanza, return the corresponding path function explicit_manifest_uuid_path(project_file::String, pkg::PkgId)::Union{Nothing,String} manifest_file = project_file_manifest_path(project_file) manifest_file === nothing && return nothing # no manifest, skip env open(manifest_file) do io uuid = name = path = hash = nothing for line in eachline(io) if (m = match(re_section_capture, line)) !== nothing uuid == pkg.uuid && break name = String(m.captures[1]) path = hash = nothing elseif (m = match(re_uuid_to_string, line)) !== nothing uuid = UUID(m.captures[1]) elseif (m = match(re_path_to_string, line)) !== nothing path = String(m.captures[1]) elseif (m = match(re_hash_to_string, line)) !== nothing hash = SHA1(m.captures[1]) end end uuid == pkg.uuid || return nothing name == pkg.name || return nothing # TODO: allow a mismatch? if path !== nothing path = normpath(abspath(dirname(manifest_file), path)) return path end hash === nothing && return nothing # Keep the 4 since it used to be the default for slug in (version_slug(uuid, hash, 4), version_slug(uuid, hash)) for depot in DEPOT_PATH path = abspath(depot, "packages", name, slug) ispath(path) && return path end end return nothing end end ## implicit project & manifest API ## # look for an entry point for `name` from a top-level package (no environment) # otherwise return `nothing` to indicate the caller should keep searching function implicit_project_deps_get(dir::String, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} path, project_file = entry_point_and_project_file(dir, name) if project_file === nothing path === nothing && return nothing return PkgId(name) end proj = project_file_name_uuid(project_file, name) proj.name == name || return nothing return proj end # look for an entry-point for `name`, check that UUID matches # if there's a project file, look up `name` in its deps and return that # otherwise return `nothing` to indicate the caller should keep searching function implicit_manifest_deps_get(dir::String, where::PkgId, name::String)::Union{Nothing,PkgId} @assert where.uuid !== nothing project_file = entry_point_and_project_file(dir, where.name)[2] project_file === nothing && return nothing # a project file is mandatory for a package with a uuid proj = project_file_name_uuid(project_file, where.name) proj == where || return nothing # verify that this is the correct project file # this is the correct project, so stop searching here pkg_uuid = explicit_project_deps_get(project_file, name) return PkgId(pkg_uuid, name) end # look for an entry-point for `pkg` and return its path if UUID matches function implicit_manifest_uuid_path(dir::String, pkg::PkgId)::Union{Nothing,String} path, project_file = entry_point_and_project_file(dir, pkg.name) if project_file === nothing pkg.uuid === nothing || return nothing return path end proj = project_file_name_uuid(project_file, pkg.name) proj == pkg || return nothing return path end ## other code loading functionality ## function find_source_file(path::AbstractString) (isabspath(path) || isfile(path)) && return path base_path = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String, DATAROOTDIR, "julia", "base", path) return isfile(base_path) ? base_path : nothing end cache_file_entry(pkg::PkgId) = joinpath( "compiled", "v$(VERSION.major).$(VERSION.minor)", pkg.uuid === nothing ? "" : pkg.name), pkg.uuid === nothing ? pkg.name : package_slug(pkg.uuid) function find_all_in_cache_path(pkg::PkgId) paths = String[] entrypath, entryfile = cache_file_entry(pkg) for path in joinpath.(DEPOT_PATH, entrypath) isdir(path) || continue for file in readdir(path) if !((pkg.uuid === nothing && file == entryfile * ".ji") || (pkg.uuid !== nothing && startswith(file, entryfile * "_"))) continue end filepath = joinpath(path, file) isfile_casesensitive(filepath) && push!(paths, filepath) end end return paths end # these return either the array of modules loaded from the path / content given # or an Exception that describes why it couldn't be loaded # and it reconnects the Base.Docs.META function _include_from_serialized(path::String, depmods::Vector{Any}) sv = ccall(:jl_restore_incremental, Any, (Cstring, Any), path, depmods) if isa(sv, Exception) return sv end restored = sv[1] if !isa(restored, Exception) for M in restored::Vector{Any} M = M::Module if isdefined(M, Base.Docs.META) push!(Base.Docs.modules, M) end if parentmodule(M) === M register_root_module(M) end end end isassigned(sv, 2) && ccall(:jl_init_restored_modules, Cvoid, (Any,), sv[2]) return restored end function _tryrequire_from_serialized(modkey::PkgId, build_id::UInt64, modpath::Union{Nothing, String}) if root_module_exists(modkey) M = root_module(modkey) if PkgId(M) == modkey && module_build_id(M) === build_id return M end else if modpath === nothing modpath = locate_package(modkey) modpath === nothing && return nothing end mod = _require_search_from_serialized(modkey, String(modpath)) if !isa(mod, Bool) for callback in package_callbacks invokelatest(callback, modkey) end for M in mod::Vector{Any} if PkgId(M) == modkey && module_build_id(M) === build_id return M end end end end return nothing end function _require_from_serialized(path::String) # loads a precompile cache file, ignoring stale_cachfile tests # load all of the dependent modules first local depmodnames io = open(path, "r") try isvalid_cache_header(io) || return ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $path.") depmodnames = parse_cache_header(io)[3] isvalid_file_crc(io) || return ArgumentError("Invalid checksum in cache file $path.") finally close(io) end ndeps = length(depmodnames) depmods = Vector{Any}(undef, ndeps) for i in 1:ndeps modkey, build_id = depmodnames[i] dep = _tryrequire_from_serialized(modkey, build_id, nothing) dep === nothing && return ErrorException("Required dependency $modkey failed to load from a cache file.") depmods[i] = dep::Module end # then load the file return _include_from_serialized(path, depmods) end # returns `true` if require found a precompile cache for this sourcepath, but couldn't load it # returns `false` if the module isn't known to be precompilable # returns the set of modules restored if the cache load succeeded function _require_search_from_serialized(pkg::PkgId, sourcepath::String) paths = find_all_in_cache_path(pkg) for path_to_try in paths::Vector{String} staledeps = stale_cachefile(sourcepath, path_to_try) if staledeps === true continue end try touch(path_to_try) # update timestamp of precompilation file catch # file might be read-only and then we fail to update timestamp, which is fine end # finish loading module graph into staledeps for i in 1:length(staledeps) dep = staledeps[i] dep isa Module && continue modpath, modkey, build_id = dep::Tuple{String, PkgId, UInt64} dep = _tryrequire_from_serialized(modkey, build_id, modpath) if dep === nothing @debug "Required dependency $modkey failed to load from cache file for $modpath." staledeps = true break end staledeps[i] = dep::Module end if staledeps === true continue end restored = _include_from_serialized(path_to_try, staledeps) if isa(restored, Exception) @debug "Deserialization checks failed while attempting to load cache from $path_to_try" exception=restored else return restored end end return !isempty(paths) end # to synchronize multiple tasks trying to import/using something const package_locks = Dict{PkgId,Condition}() # to notify downstream consumers that a module was successfully loaded # Callbacks take the form (mod::Base.PkgId) -> nothing. # WARNING: This is an experimental feature and might change later, without deprecation. const package_callbacks = Any[] # to notify downstream consumers that a file has been included into a particular module # Callbacks take the form (mod::Module, filename::String) -> nothing # WARNING: This is an experimental feature and might change later, without deprecation. const include_callbacks = Any[] # used to optionally track dependencies when requiring a module: const _concrete_dependencies = Pair{PkgId,UInt64}[] # these dependency versions are "set in stone", and the process should try to avoid invalidating them const _require_dependencies = Any[] # a list of (mod, path, mtime) tuples that are the file dependencies of the module currently being precompiled const _track_dependencies = Ref(false) # set this to true to track the list of file dependencies function _include_dependency(mod::Module, _path::AbstractString) prev = source_path(nothing) if prev === nothing path = abspath(_path) else path = normpath(joinpath(dirname(prev), _path)) end if _track_dependencies[] push!(_require_dependencies, (mod, path, mtime(path))) end return path, prev end """ include_dependency(path::AbstractString) In a module, declare that the file specified by `path` (relative or absolute) is a dependency for precompilation; that is, the module will need to be recompiled if this file changes. This is only needed if your module depends on a file that is not used via [`include`](@ref). It has no effect outside of compilation. """ function include_dependency(path::AbstractString) _include_dependency(Main, path) return nothing end # we throw PrecompilableError when a module doesn't want to be precompiled struct PrecompilableError <: Exception end function show(io::IO, ex::PrecompilableError) print(io, "Declaring __precompile__(false) is not allowed in files that are being precompiled.") end precompilableerror(ex::PrecompilableError) = true precompilableerror(ex::WrappedException) = precompilableerror(ex.error) precompilableerror(@nospecialize ex) = false # Call __precompile__(false) at the top of a tile prevent it from being precompiled (false) """ __precompile__(isprecompilable::Bool) Specify whether the file calling this function is precompilable, defaulting to `true`. If a module or file is *not* safely precompilable, it should call `__precompile__(false)` in order to throw an error if Julia attempts to precompile it. """ @noinline function __precompile__(isprecompilable::Bool=true) if !isprecompilable && ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) != 0 throw(PrecompilableError()) end nothing end # require always works in Main scope and loads files from node 1 const toplevel_load = Ref(true) const full_warning_showed = Ref(false) const modules_warned_for = Set{PkgId}() """ require(into::Module, module::Symbol) This function is part of the implementation of [`using`](@ref) / [`import`](@ref), if a module is not already defined in `Main`. It can also be called directly to force reloading a module, regardless of whether it has been loaded before (for example, when interactively developing libraries). Loads a source file, in the context of the `Main` module, on every active node, searching standard locations for files. `require` is considered a top-level operation, so it sets the current `include` path but does not use it to search for files (see help for [`include`](@ref)). This function is typically used to load library code, and is implicitly called by `using` to load packages. When searching for files, `require` first looks for package code in the global array [`LOAD_PATH`](@ref). `require` is case-sensitive on all platforms, including those with case-insensitive filesystems like macOS and Windows. For more details regarding code loading, see the manual sections on [modules](@ref modules) and [parallel computing](@ref code-availability). """ function require(into::Module, mod::Symbol) uuidkey = identify_package(into, String(mod)) # Core.println("require($(PkgId(into)), $mod) -> $uuidkey") if uuidkey === nothing where = PkgId(into) if where.uuid === nothing throw(ArgumentError(""" Package $mod not found in current path: - Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add($(repr(String(mod))))` to install the $mod package. """)) else s = """ Package $(where.name) does not have $mod in its dependencies: - If you have $(where.name) checked out for development and have added $mod as a dependency but haven't updated your primary environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`. - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with $(where.name)""" uuidkey = identify_package(PkgId(string(into)), String(mod)) uuidkey === nothing && throw(ArgumentError(s)) # fall back to toplevel loading with a warning if !(where in modules_warned_for) @warn string( full_warning_showed[] ? "" : s, "\n", string("Loading $(mod) into $(where.name) from project dependency, ", "future warnings for $(where.name) are suppressed.") ) _module = nothing _file = nothing _group = nothing push!(modules_warned_for, where) end full_warning_showed[] = true end end if _track_dependencies[] push!(_require_dependencies, (into, binpack(uuidkey), 0.0)) end return require(uuidkey) end function require(uuidkey::PkgId) if !root_module_exists(uuidkey) _require(uuidkey) # After successfully loading, notify downstream consumers for callback in package_callbacks invokelatest(callback, uuidkey) end end return root_module(uuidkey) end const loaded_modules = Dict{PkgId,Module}() const module_keys = IdDict{Module,PkgId}() # the reverse is_root_module(m::Module) = haskey(module_keys, m) root_module_key(m::Module) = module_keys[m] function register_root_module(m::Module) key = PkgId(m, String(nameof(m))) if haskey(loaded_modules, key) oldm = loaded_modules[key] if oldm !== m @warn "Replacing module `$(key.name)`" end end loaded_modules[key] = m module_keys[m] = key nothing end register_root_module(Core) register_root_module(Base) register_root_module(Main) # This is used as the current module when loading top-level modules. # It has the special behavior that modules evaluated in it get added # to the loaded_modules table instead of getting bindings. baremodule __toplevel__ using Base end # get a top-level Module from the given key root_module(key::PkgId) = loaded_modules[key] root_module(where::Module, name::Symbol) = root_module(identify_package(where, String(name))) root_module_exists(key::PkgId) = haskey(loaded_modules, key) loaded_modules_array() = collect(values(loaded_modules)) function unreference_module(key::PkgId) if haskey(loaded_modules, key) m = pop!(loaded_modules, key) # need to ensure all modules are GC rooted; will still be referenced # in module_keys end end function _require(pkg::PkgId) # handle recursive calls to require loading = get(package_locks, pkg, false) if loading !== false # load already in progress for this module wait(loading) return end package_locks[pkg] = Condition() last = toplevel_load[] try toplevel_load[] = false # perform the search operation to select the module file require intends to load path = locate_package(pkg) if path === nothing throw(ArgumentError(""" Package $pkg is required but does not seem to be installed: - Run `Pkg.instantiate()` to install all recorded dependencies. """)) end # attempt to load the module file via the precompile cache locations if JLOptions().use_compiled_modules != 0 m = _require_search_from_serialized(pkg, path) if !isa(m, Bool) return end end # if the module being required was supposed to have a particular version # but it was not handled by the precompile loader, complain for (concrete_pkg, concrete_build_id) in _concrete_dependencies if pkg == concrete_pkg @warn """Module $(pkg.name) with build ID $concrete_build_id is missing from the cache. This may mean $pkg does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.""" if JLOptions().incremental != 0 # during incremental precompilation, this should be fail-fast throw(PrecompilableError()) end end end if JLOptions().use_compiled_modules != 0 if (0 == ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ())) || (JLOptions().incremental != 0) # spawn off a new incremental pre-compile task for recursive `require` calls # or if the require search declared it was pre-compiled before (and therefore is expected to still be pre-compilable) cachefile = compilecache(pkg, path) if isa(cachefile, Exception) if precompilableerror(cachefile) verbosity = isinteractive() ? CoreLogging.Info : CoreLogging.Debug @logmsg verbosity "Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing $pkg." else @warn "The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for $pkg" exception=m end # fall-through to loading the file locally else m = _require_from_serialized(cachefile) if isa(m, Exception) @warn "The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for $pkg" exception=m else return end end end end # just load the file normally via include # for unknown dependencies uuid = pkg.uuid uuid = (uuid === nothing ? (UInt64(0), UInt64(0)) : convert(NTuple{2, UInt64}, uuid)) old_uuid = ccall(:jl_module_uuid, NTuple{2, UInt64}, (Any,), __toplevel__) if uuid !== old_uuid ccall(:jl_set_module_uuid, Cvoid, (Any, NTuple{2, UInt64}), __toplevel__, uuid) end try include(__toplevel__, path) return finally if uuid !== old_uuid ccall(:jl_set_module_uuid, Cvoid, (Any, NTuple{2, UInt64}), __toplevel__, old_uuid) end end finally toplevel_load[] = last loading = pop!(package_locks, pkg) notify(loading, all=true) end nothing end # relative-path load """ include_string(m::Module, code::AbstractString, filename::AbstractString="string") Like [`include`](@ref), except reads code from the given string rather than from a file. """ include_string(m::Module, txt::String, fname::String) = ccall(:jl_load_file_string, Any, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Cstring, Any), txt, sizeof(txt), fname, m) include_string(m::Module, txt::AbstractString, fname::AbstractString="string") = include_string(m, String(txt), String(fname)) function source_path(default::Union{AbstractString,Nothing}="") s = current_task().storage if s !== nothing && haskey(s::IdDict{Any,Any}, :SOURCE_PATH) return s[:SOURCE_PATH]::Union{Nothing,String} end return default end function source_dir() p = source_path(nothing) return p === nothing ? pwd() : dirname(p) end """ Base.include([m::Module,] path::AbstractString) Evaluate the contents of the input source file in the global scope of module `m`. Every module (except those defined with [`baremodule`](@ref)) has its own 1-argument definition of `include`, which evaluates the file in that module. Returns the result of the last evaluated expression of the input file. During including, a task-local include path is set to the directory containing the file. Nested calls to `include` will search relative to that path. This function is typically used to load source interactively, or to combine files in packages that are broken into multiple source files. """ Base.include # defined in sysimg.jl """ evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector{String}=String[]) Load the file using [`include`](@ref), evaluate all expressions, and return the value of the last one. """ function evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector{String}=String[]) return Core.eval(Module(:__anon__), Expr(:toplevel, :(const ARGS = $args), :(eval(x) = $(Expr(:core, :eval))(__anon__, x)), :(include(x) = $(Expr(:top, :include))(__anon__, x)), :(include($path)))) end evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector) = evalfile(path, String[args...]) function load_path_setup_code(load_path::Bool=true) code = """ append!(empty!(Base.DEPOT_PATH), $(repr(map(abspath, DEPOT_PATH)))) append!(empty!(Base.DL_LOAD_PATH), $(repr(map(abspath, DL_LOAD_PATH)))) """ if load_path load_path = map(abspath, Base.load_path()) path_sep = Sys.iswindows() ? ';' : ':' any(path -> path_sep in path, load_path) && error("LOAD_PATH entries cannot contain $(repr(path_sep))") code *= """ append!(empty!(Base.LOAD_PATH), $(repr(load_path))) ENV["JULIA_LOAD_PATH"] = $(repr(join(load_path, Sys.iswindows() ? ';' : ':'))) Base.HOME_PROJECT[] = Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = nothing """ end return code end function create_expr_cache(input::String, output::String, concrete_deps::typeof(_concrete_dependencies), uuid::Union{Nothing,UUID}) rm(output, force=true) # Remove file if it exists code_object = """ while !eof(stdin) code = readuntil(stdin, '\\0') eval(Meta.parse(code)) end """ io = open(pipeline(`$(julia_cmd()) -O0 --output-ji $output --output-incremental=yes --startup-file=no --history-file=no --warn-overwrite=yes --color=$(have_color ? "yes" : "no") --eval $code_object`, stderr=stderr), "w", stdout) in = io.in try write(in, """ begin $(Base.load_path_setup_code()) Base._track_dependencies[] = true Base.empty!(Base._concrete_dependencies) """) for (pkg, build_id) in concrete_deps pkg_str = if pkg.uuid === nothing "Base.PkgId($(repr(pkg.name)))" else "Base.PkgId(Base.UUID(\"$(pkg.uuid)\"), $(repr(pkg.name)))" end write(in, "Base.push!(Base._concrete_dependencies, $pkg_str => $(repr(build_id)))\n") end write(io, "end\0") uuid_tuple = uuid === nothing ? (0, 0) : convert(NTuple{2, UInt64}, uuid) write(in, "ccall(:jl_set_module_uuid, Cvoid, (Any, NTuple{2, UInt64}), Base.__toplevel__, $uuid_tuple)\0") source = source_path(nothing) if source !== nothing write(in, "task_local_storage()[:SOURCE_PATH] = $(repr(source))\0") end write(in, """ try Base.include(Base.__toplevel__, $(repr(abspath(input)))) catch ex Base.precompilableerror(ex) || Base.rethrow() Base.@debug "Aborting `createexprcache'" exception=(Base.ErrorException("Declaration of __precompile__(false) not allowed"), Base.catch_backtrace()) Base.exit(125) # we define status = 125 means PrecompileableError end\0""") # TODO: cleanup is probably unnecessary here if source !== nothing write(in, "delete!(task_local_storage(), :SOURCE_PATH)\0") end write(in, "ccall(:jl_set_module_uuid, Cvoid, (Any, NTuple{2, UInt64}), Base.__toplevel__, (0, 0))\0") close(in) catch close(in) process_running(io) && Timer(t -> kill(io), 5.0) # wait a short time before killing the process to give it a chance to clean up on its own first rethrow() end return io end function compilecache_path(pkg::PkgId)::String entrypath, entryfile = cache_file_entry(pkg) cachepath = joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1], entrypath) isdir(cachepath) || mkpath(cachepath) if pkg.uuid === nothing abspath(cachepath, entryfile) * ".ji" else crc = _crc32c(something(Base.active_project(), "")) crc = _crc32c(unsafe_string(JLOptions().image_file), crc) crc = _crc32c(unsafe_string(JLOptions().julia_bin), crc) project_precompile_slug = slug(crc, 5) abspath(cachepath, string(entryfile, "_", project_precompile_slug, ".ji")) end end """ Base.compilecache(module::PkgId) Creates a precompiled cache file for a module and all of its dependencies. This can be used to reduce package load times. Cache files are stored in `DEPOT_PATH[1]/compiled`. See [Module initialization and precompilation](@ref) for important notes. """ function compilecache(pkg::PkgId) path = locate_package(pkg) path === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("$pkg not found during precompilation")) return compilecache(pkg, path) end const MAX_NUM_PRECOMPILE_FILES = 10 function compilecache(pkg::PkgId, path::String) # decide where to put the resulting cache file cachefile = compilecache_path(pkg) # prune the directory with cache files if pkg.uuid !== nothing cachepath = dirname(cachefile) entrypath, entryfile = cache_file_entry(pkg) cachefiles = filter!(x -> startswith(x, entryfile * "_"), readdir(cachepath)) if length(cachefiles) >= MAX_NUM_PRECOMPILE_FILES idx = findmin(mtime.(joinpath.(cachepath, cachefiles)))[2] rm(joinpath(cachepath, cachefiles[idx])) end end # build up the list of modules that we want the precompile process to preserve concrete_deps = copy(_concrete_dependencies) for (key, mod) in loaded_modules if !(mod === Main || mod === Core || mod === Base) push!(concrete_deps, key => module_build_id(mod)) end end # run the expression and cache the result verbosity = isinteractive() ? CoreLogging.Info : CoreLogging.Debug @logmsg verbosity "Precompiling $pkg" p = create_expr_cache(path, cachefile, concrete_deps, pkg.uuid) if success(p) # append checksum to the end of the .ji file: open(cachefile, "a+") do f write(f, _crc32c(seekstart(f))) end # inherit permission from the source file chmod(cachefile, filemode(path) & 0o777) elseif p.exitcode == 125 return PrecompilableError() else error("Failed to precompile $pkg to $cachefile.") end return cachefile end module_build_id(m::Module) = ccall(:jl_module_build_id, UInt64, (Any,), m) isvalid_cache_header(f::IOStream) = (0 != ccall(:jl_read_verify_header, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), f.ios)) isvalid_file_crc(f::IOStream) = (_crc32c(seekstart(f), filesize(f) - 4) == read(f, UInt32)) function parse_cache_header(f::IO) modules = Vector{Pair{PkgId, UInt64}}() while true n = read(f, Int32) n == 0 && break sym = String(read(f, n)) # module name uuid = UUID((read(f, UInt64), read(f, UInt64))) # pkg UUID build_id = read(f, UInt64) # build UUID (mostly just a timestamp) push!(modules, PkgId(uuid, sym) => build_id) end totbytes = read(f, Int64) # total bytes for file dependencies # read the list of requirements # and split the list into include and requires statements includes = Tuple{PkgId, String, Float64}[] requires = Pair{PkgId, PkgId}[] while true n2 = read(f, Int32) n2 == 0 && break depname = String(read(f, n2)) mtime = read(f, Float64) n1 = read(f, Int32) # map ids to keys modkey = (n1 == 0) ? PkgId("") : modules[n1].first if n1 != 0 # consume (and ignore) the module path too while true n1 = read(f, Int32) totbytes -= 4 n1 == 0 && break skip(f, n1) # String(read(f, n1)) totbytes -= n1 end end if depname[1] == '\0' push!(requires, modkey => binunpack(depname)) else push!(includes, (modkey, depname, mtime)) end totbytes -= 4 + 4 + n2 + 8 end @assert totbytes == 12 "header of cache file appears to be corrupt" srctextpos = read(f, Int64) # read the list of modules that are required to be present during loading required_modules = Vector{Pair{PkgId, UInt64}}() while true n = read(f, Int32) n == 0 && break sym = String(read(f, n)) # module name uuid = UUID((read(f, UInt64), read(f, UInt64))) # pkg UUID build_id = read(f, UInt64) # build id push!(required_modules, PkgId(uuid, sym) => build_id) end return modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos end function parse_cache_header(cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try !isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile.")) return parse_cache_header(io) finally close(io) end end function cache_dependencies(f::IO) defs, (includes, requires), modules = parse_cache_header(f) return modules, map(mod_fl_mt -> (mod_fl_mt[2], mod_fl_mt[3]), includes) # discard the module end function cache_dependencies(cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try !isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile.")) return cache_dependencies(io) finally close(io) end end function read_dependency_src(io::IO, filename::AbstractString) modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos = parse_cache_header(io) srctextpos == 0 && error("no source-text stored in cache file") seek(io, srctextpos) return _read_dependency_src(io, filename) end function _read_dependency_src(io::IO, filename::AbstractString) while !eof(io) filenamelen = read(io, Int32) filenamelen == 0 && break fn = String(read(io, filenamelen)) len = read(io, UInt64) if fn == filename return String(read(io, len)) end seek(io, position(io) + len) end error(filename, " is not stored in the source-text cache") end function read_dependency_src(cachefile::String, filename::AbstractString) io = open(cachefile, "r") try !isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile.")) return read_dependency_src(io, filename) finally close(io) end end # returns true if it "cachefile.ji" is stale relative to "modpath.jl" # otherwise returns the list of dependencies to also check function stale_cachefile(modpath::String, cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try if !isvalid_cache_header(io) @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile due to it containing an invalid cache header" return true # invalid cache file end (modules, (includes, requires), required_modules) = parse_cache_header(io) modules = Dict{PkgId, UInt64}(modules) # Check if transitive dependencies can be fulfilled ndeps = length(required_modules) depmods = Vector{Any}(undef, ndeps) for i in 1:ndeps req_key, req_build_id = required_modules[i] # Module is already loaded if root_module_exists(req_key) M = root_module(req_key) if PkgId(M) == req_key && module_build_id(M) === req_build_id depmods[i] = M else @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because module $req_key is already loaded and incompatible." return true # Won't be able to fulfill dependency end else path = locate_package(req_key) if path === nothing @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because dependency $req_key not found." return true # Won't be able to fulfill dependency end depmods[i] = (path, req_key, req_build_id) end end # check if this file is going to provide one of our concrete dependencies # or if it provides a version that conflicts with our concrete dependencies # or neither skip_timecheck = false for (req_key, req_build_id) in _concrete_dependencies build_id = get(modules, req_key, UInt64(0)) if build_id !== UInt64(0) if build_id === req_build_id skip_timecheck = true break end @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it provides the wrong uuid (got $build_id) for $mod (want $req_build_id)" return true # cachefile doesn't provide the required version of the dependency end end # now check if this file is fresh relative to its source files if !skip_timecheck if !samefile(includes[1][2], modpath) @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it is for file $(includes[1][2])) not file $modpath" return true # cache file was compiled from a different path end for (modkey, req_modkey) in requires # verify that `require(modkey, name(req_modkey))` ==> `req_modkey` if identify_package(modkey, req_modkey.name) != req_modkey @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because uuid mapping for $modkey => $req_modkey has changed" return true end end for (_, f, ftime_req) in includes # Issue #13606: compensate for Docker images rounding mtimes # Issue #20837: compensate for GlusterFS truncating mtimes to microseconds ftime = mtime(f) if ftime != ftime_req && ftime != floor(ftime_req) && ftime != trunc(ftime_req, digits=6) @debug "Rejecting stale cache file $cachefile (mtime $ftime_req) because file $f (mtime $ftime) has changed" return true end end end if !isvalid_file_crc(io) @debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it has an invalid checksum" return true end return depmods # fresh cachefile finally close(io) end end """ @__FILE__ -> AbstractString Expand to a string with the path to the file containing the macrocall, or an empty string if evaluated by `julia -e `. Return `nothing` if the macro was missing parser source information. Alternatively see [`PROGRAM_FILE`](@ref). """ macro __FILE__() __source__.file === nothing && return nothing return String(__source__.file::Symbol) end """ @__DIR__ -> AbstractString Expand to a string with the absolute path to the directory of the file containing the macrocall. Return the current working directory if run from a REPL or if evaluated by `julia -e `. """ macro __DIR__() __source__.file === nothing && return nothing _dirname = dirname(String(__source__.file::Symbol)) return isempty(_dirname) ? pwd() : abspath(_dirname) end