- Brasil
- in/lauroadeveloper
Lists (1)
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I've been working on my java skills as well, learning C# and Java at the same time isn't as difficult as I thought
My first projet using vite + React + JavaScript. It's just a FrontEnd project for my ToDoList.
My first API project - Backend project - Using JAVA + Spring boot and on FrontEnd, I used JavaScript, Html and Css.
Este projeto, é um projeto de um RH com C# no backend e com o React.js, bootstrap e javascript no front end. É um projeto que eu realizei com o intuito de melhorar as minhas habilidades no front en…
Projeto de um Menu Full Stack utilizando C# .net no backend e Javascript, Bootstrap, Html, e React.js no front end. Esse projeto, eu realizei com o intuito de estudar mais o React e as funcionalida…
My Second C# project. Making a Todolist, using reactjs + JavaScript at the FrontEnd, and C# + entity framework on the backend. It was a difficult one, but I've laearned a lot from this project. And…
This one is a java + Spring project + ReactJs and Javascript. I've been trying to improve, and I started this menu fullStack Application.
Improving my Java - Spring knowledge and testing the annotations that I've just learned. I love java and how it works.
This one is also a full stack project using Java - Spring boot (backend) + React Js - Html - Boostrap and javascript on frontend.
My First Api Project using C#,. I took some time to complete, but I'm glad with the results achieved. On this project, I'm using C# on backend and I'm using React Js + JavaSCRIPT on FrontEnd. I'm s…
Making a chess game, for playing on console. I used java as the core language and Visual Studio Code as the tool for coding using java. This project was one of the most difficults projects that I'v…