# Events - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Registering Events / Listeners](#registering-events-and-listeners) - [Defining Events](#defining-events) - [Defining Listeners](#defining-listeners) - [Firing Events](#firing-events) - [Queued Event Listeners](#queued-event-listeners) - [Event Subscribers](#event-subscribers) ## Introduction Laravel's events provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to subscribe and listen for events in your application. Event classes are typically stored in the `app/Events` directory, while their listeners are stored in `app/Listeners`. ## Registering Events / Listeners The `EventServiceProvider` included with your Laravel application provides a convenient place to register all event listeners. The `listen` property contains an array of all events (keys) and their listeners (values). Of course, you may add as many events to this array as your application requires. For example, let's add our `PodcastWasPurchased` event: /** * The event listener mappings for the application. * * @var array */ protected $listen = [ 'App\Events\PodcastWasPurchased' => [ 'App\Listeners\EmailPurchaseConfirmation', ], ]; ### Generating Event / Listener Classes Of course, manually creating the files for each event and listener is cumbersome. Instead, simply add listeners and events to your `EventServiceProvider` and use the `event:generate` command. This command will generate any events or listeners that are listed in your `EventServiceProvider`. Of course, events and listeners that already exist will be left untouched: php artisan event:generate ## Defining Events An event class is simply a data container which holds the information related to the event. For example, let's assume our generated `PodcastWasPurchased` event receives a [Eloquent ORM](/docs/{{version}}/eloquent) object: podcast = $podcast; } } As you can see, this event class contains no special logic. It is simply a container for the `Podcast` object that was purchased. The `SerializesModels` trait used by the event will gracefully serialize any Eloquent models if the event object is serialized using PHP's `serialize` function. ## Defining Event Listeners Next, let's take a look at the listener for our example event. Event listeners receive the event instance in their `handle` method. The `event:generate` command will automatically import the proper event class and type-hint the event on the `handle` method. Within the `handle` method, you may perform any logic necessary to respond to the event. podcast... } } Your event listeners may also type-hint any dependencies they need on their constructors. All event listeners are resolved via the Laravel [service container](/docs/{{version}}/container), so dependencies will be injected automatically: use Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; } #### Stopping The Propagation Of An Event Sometimes, you may wish to stop the propagation of an event to other listeners. You may do so using by returning `false` from your listener's `handle` method. ## Firing Events To fire an event, you may use the `Event` [facade](/docs/{{version}}/facades), passing an instance of the event to the `fire` method. The `fire` method will dispatch the event to all of its registered listeners: event(new PodcastWasPurchased($podcast)); ## Queued Event Listeners Need to [queue](/docs/{{version}}/queues) an event listener? It couldn't be any easier. Simply add the `ShouldQueue` interface to the listener class. Listeners generated by the `event:generate` Artisan command already have this interface imported into the current namespace, so you can use it immediately: release(30); } } } ## Event Subscribers Event subscribers are classes that may subscribe to multiple events from within the class itself, allowing you to define several event handlers within a single class. Subscribers should define a `subscribe` method, which will be passed an event dispatcher instance: listen( 'App\Events\UserLoggedIn', 'App\Listeners\UserEventListener@onUserLogin' ); $events->listen( 'App\Events\UserLoggedOut', 'App\Listeners\UserEventListener@onUserLogout' ); } } #### Registering An Event Subscriber Once the subscriber has been defined, it may be registered with the event dispatcher. You may register subscribers using the `$subscribe` property on the `EventServiceProvider`. For example, let's add the `UserEventListener`.