# Envoy Task Runner - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Installation](#envoy-installation) - [Running Tasks](#envoy-running-tasks) - [Multiple Servers](#envoy-multiple-servers) - [Parallel Execution](#envoy-parallel-execution) - [Task Macros](#envoy-task-macros) - [Notifications](#envoy-notifications) - [Updating Envoy](#envoy-updating-envoy) ## Introduction Laravel Envoy provides a clean, minimal syntax for defining common tasks you run on your remote servers. Using a Blade style syntax, you can easily setup tasks for deployment, Artisan commands, and more. > **Note:** Envoy requires PHP version 5.4 or greater, and only runs on Mac / Linux operating systems. ## Installation First, install Envoy using the Composer `global` command: composer global require "laravel/envoy=~1.0" Make sure to place the `~/.composer/vendor/bin` directory in your PATH so the `envoy` executable is found when you run the `envoy` command in your terminal. Next, create an `Envoy.blade.php` file in the root of your project. Here's an example to get you started: @servers(['web' => '']) @task('foo', ['on' => 'web']) ls -la @endtask As you can see, an array of `@servers` is defined at the top of the file. You can reference these servers in the `on` option of your task declarations. Within your `@task` declarations you should place the Bash code that will be run on your server when the task is executed. The `init` command may be used to easily create a stub Envoy file: envoy init user@ ## Running Tasks To run a task, use the `run` command of your Envoy installation: envoy run foo If needed, you may pass variables into the Envoy file using command line switches: envoy run deploy --branch=master You may use the options via the Blade syntax you are used to: @servers(['web' => '']) @task('deploy', ['on' => 'web']) cd site git pull origin {{ $branch }} php artisan migrate @endtask #### Bootstrapping You may use the ```@setup``` directive to declare variables and do general PHP work inside the Envoy file: @setup $now = new DateTime(); $environment = isset($env) ? $env : "testing"; @endsetup You may also use ```@include``` to include any PHP files: @include('vendor/autoload.php'); ## Multiple Servers You may easily run a task across multiple servers. Simply list the servers in the task declaration: @servers(['web-1' => '', 'web-2' => '']) @task('deploy', ['on' => ['web-1', 'web-2']]) cd site git pull origin {{ $branch }} php artisan migrate @endtask By default, the task will be executed on each server serially. Meaning, the task will finish running on the first server before proceeding to execute on the next server. ## Parallel Execution If you would like to run a task across multiple servers in parallel, simply add the `parallel` option to your task declaration: @servers(['web-1' => '', 'web-2' => '']) @task('deploy', ['on' => ['web-1', 'web-2'], 'parallel' => true]) cd site git pull origin {{ $branch }} php artisan migrate @endtask ## Task Macros Macros allow you to define a set of tasks to be run in sequence using a single command. For instance: @servers(['web' => '']) @macro('deploy') foo bar @endmacro @task('foo') echo "HELLO" @endtask @task('bar') echo "WORLD" @endtask The `deploy` macro can now be run via a single, simple command: envoy run deploy ## Notifications #### HipChat After running a task, you may send a notification to your team's HipChat room using the simple `@hipchat` directive: @servers(['web' => '']) @task('foo', ['on' => 'web']) ls -la @endtask @after @hipchat('token', 'room', 'Envoy') @endafter You can also specify a custom message to the hipchat room. Any variables declared in ```@setup``` or included with ```@include``` will be available for use in the message: @after @hipchat('token', 'room', 'Envoy', "$task ran on [$environment]") @endafter This is an amazingly simple way to keep your team notified of the tasks being run on the server. #### Slack The following syntax may be used to send a notification to [Slack](https://slack.com): @after @slack('hook', 'channel', 'message') @endafter You may retrieve your token by creating an `Incoming WebHooks` integration on Slack's website. The hook argument is the entire webhook URL provided by the Incoming Webhooks Slack Integration: - `https://hooks.slack.com/services/ZZZZZZZZZ/YYYYYYYYY/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` You may provide one of the following for the channel argument: - For a regular channel: `#channel` - For a specific user: `@user` - If no argument is provided Envoy will use the default channel configured on the Slack website. > Note: Slack notifications will only be sent if all tasks complete successfully. ## Updating Envoy To update Envoy, simply use Composer: composer global update