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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading To 5.1.0

Update bootstrap/autoload.php

Update the $compiledPath variable in bootstrap/autoload.php to the following:

$compiledPath = __DIR__.'/cache/compiled.php';

Create bootstrap/cache Directory

Within your bootstrap directory, create a cache directory (bootstrap/cache). Place a .gitignore file in this directory with the following contents:


This directory should be writable, and will be used by the framework to store temporary optimization files like compiled.php, routes.php, config.php, and services.json.

Upgrading To 5.0.16

In your bootstrap/autoload.php file, update the $compiledPath variable to:

$compiledPath = __DIR__.'/../vendor/compiled.php';

Upgrading To 5.0 From 4.2

Fresh Install, Then Migrate

The recommended method of upgrading is to create a new Laravel 5.0 install and then to copy your 4.2 site's unique application files into the new application. This would include controllers, routes, Eloquent models, Artisan commands, assets, and other code specific to your application.

To start, install a new Laravel 5 application into a fresh directory in your local environment. We'll discuss each piece of the migration process in further detail below.

Composer Dependencies & Packages

Don't forget to copy any additional Composer dependencies into your 5.0 application. This includes third-party code such as SDKs.

Some Laravel-specific packages may not be compatible with Laravel 5 on initial release. Check with your package's maintainer to determine the proper version of the package for Laravel 5. Once you have added any additional Composer dependencies your application needs, run composer update.


By default, Laravel 4 applications did not utilize namespacing within your application code. So, for example, all Eloquent models and controllers simply lived in the "global" namespace. For a quicker migration, you can simply leave these classes in the global namespace in Laravel 5 as well.


Migrating Environment Variables

Copy the new .env.example file to .env, which is the 5.0 equivalent of the old .env.php file. Set any appropriate values there, like your APP_ENV and APP_KEY (your encryption key), your database credentials, and your cache and session drivers.

Additionally, copy any custom values you had in your old .env.php file and place them in both .env (the real value for your local environment) and .env.example (a sample instructional value for other team members).

For more information on environment configuration, view the full documentation.

Note: You will need to place the appropriate .env file and values on your production server before deploying your Laravel 5 application.

Configuration Files

Laravel 5.0 no longer uses app/config/{environmentName}/ directories to provide specific configuration files for a given environment. Instead, move any configuration values that vary by environment into .env, and then access them in your configuration files using env('key', 'default value'). You will see examples of this in the config/database.php configuration file.

Set the config files in the config/ directory to represent either the values that are consistent across all of your environments, or set them to use env() to load values that vary by environment.

Remember, if you add more keys to .env file, add sample values to the .env.example file as well. This will help your other team members create their own .env files.


Copy and paste your old routes.php file into your new app/Http/routes.php.


Next, move all of your controllers into the app/Http/Controllers directory. Since we are not going to migrate to full namespacing in this guide, add the app/Http/Controllers directory to the classmap directive of your composer.json file. Next, you can remove the namespace from the abstract app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php base class. Verify that your migrated controllers are extending this base class.

In your app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php file, set the namespace property to null.

Route Filters

Copy your filter bindings from app/filters.php and place them into the boot() method of app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php. Add use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; in the app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php in order to continue using the Route Facade.

You do not need to move over any of the default Laravel 4.0 filters such as auth and csrf; they're all here, but as middleware. Edit any routes or controllers that reference the old default filters (e.g. ['before' => 'auth']) and change them to reference the new middleware (e.g. ['middleware' => 'auth'].)

Filters are not removed in Laravel 5. You can still bind and use your own custom filters using before and after.

Global CSRF

By default, CSRF protection is enabled on all routes. If you'd like to disable this, or only manually enable it on certain routes, remove this line from App\Http\Kernel's middleware array:


If you want to use it elsewhere, add this line to $routeMiddleware:

'csrf' => 'App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken',

Now you can add the middleware to individual routes / controllers using ['middleware' => 'csrf'] on the route. For more information on middleware, consult the full documentation.

Eloquent Models

Feel free to create a new app/Models directory to house your Eloquent models. Again, add this directory to the classmap directive of your composer.json file.

Update any models using SoftDeletingTrait to use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes.

Eloquent Caching

Eloquent no longer provides the remember method for caching queries. You now are responsible for caching your queries manually using the Cache::remember function. For more information on caching, consult the full documentation.

User Authentication Model

To upgrade your User model for Laravel 5's authentication system, follow these instructions:

Delete the following from your use block:

use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;

Add the following to your use block:

use Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\CanResetPassword;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as AuthenticatableContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\CanResetPassword as CanResetPasswordContract;

Remove the UserInterface and RemindableInterface interfaces.

Mark the class as implementing the following interfaces:

implements AuthenticatableContract, CanResetPasswordContract

Include the following traits within the class declaration:

use Authenticata