/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Job.h" #include "AST.h" #include "Shell.h" #include #include #include namespace Shell { bool Job::print_status(PrintStatusMode mode) { int wstatus; auto rc = waitpid(m_pid, &wstatus, WNOHANG); auto status = "running"; if (rc > 0) { if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) status = "exited"; if (WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)) status = "stopped"; if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus)) status = "signaled"; } else { // if rc < 0, We couldn't waitpid() it, probably because we're not the parent shell. // Otherwise, the information we have is already correct, // so just use the old information. if (exited()) status = "exited"; else if (m_is_suspended) status = "stopped"; else if (signaled()) status = "signaled"; } char background_indicator = '-'; if (is_running_in_background()) background_indicator = '+'; const AST::Command& command = *m_command; switch (mode) { case PrintStatusMode::Basic: outln("[{}] {} {} {}", m_job_id, background_indicator, status, command); break; case PrintStatusMode::OnlyPID: outln("[{}] {} {} {} {}", m_job_id, background_indicator, m_pid, status, command); break; case PrintStatusMode::ListAll: outln("[{}] {} {} {} {} {}", m_job_id, background_indicator, m_pid, m_pgid, status, command); break; } fflush(stdout); return true; } Job::Job(pid_t pid, unsigned pgid, ByteString cmd, u64 job_id, AST::Command&& command) : m_pgid(pgid) , m_pid(pid) , m_job_id(job_id) , m_cmd(move(cmd)) { m_command = make(move(command)); set_running_in_background(false); m_command_timer.start(); } void Job::set_has_exit(int exit_code) { if (m_exited) return; m_exit_code = exit_code; m_exited = true; if (on_exit) on_exit(*this); } void Job::set_signalled(int sig) { if (m_exited) return; m_exited = true; m_exit_code = 126; m_term_sig = sig; if (on_exit) on_exit(*this); } void Job::unblock() { if (!m_exited && on_exit) on_exit(*this); } }