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Protocol for channel expansion on the HobbyKing HK310 and Turnigy X-3S


This document describes the design utilized to get more "channels" out of the 3-channel HobbyKing HK310 and Turnigy X-3S RC radios.

The goal is to extend the system with buttons and switches for special functions like switching lights, horns, controlling a sound module, pump for a firetruck, etc.

It is also desireable to control additional servos, for example for the water cannon on a firetruck.

Getting custom data transmitted

Referring to hk310-info, the MCU in the transmitter connects to the NRF module via a serial port running at 19200,N,8,1.

We can simply hook an additional microcontroller between the MCU and the NRF module and change/inject the data. This way we can take control of channel 3, which we can use to transmit any data we like.

       New buttons       /       |               | 
       and switches  ---/  ------|      MCU      | 
                         /    +--|               | 
                     ---/  ---+  +---------------+ 
                                     Rx|   |Tx
    +---------------+                  ^   v             +---------------+
    |               |                  |   |             |               |
    |      MCU      |---->----->----->-- X -->----->-----|   NRF module  |
    |               |                    \               |               |
    +---------------+                     cut            +---------------+

Note that in the HK310 the MCU runs at 5V, while the NRF module runs at 3.3V. In the X-3S both MCU and NRF module run at 3.3V.

Since we can send out a byte immediately after we received it (instead of waiting for all 15 bytes that are in a packet), the delay introduced is only 520us, which is negligable considering packets are repeated only every 13.28ms.

Analyzing the transmission path

As outlined in hk310-info, the pulse that we read from the receiver is jittery and has an occasional glitch. These errors are certainly caused by the receiver generating the pulse as we can assume that the digital path over the air is protected by an error detection scheme.

In the long run it may be worth investigating whether it is possible to alter the receiver (firmware) to generate more precise pulses, or even output raw data (for example via SPI, or a UART). For now we have to live with the unreliable pulses.

Sending stick data value in the range of 0x000 to 0x9ff causes unique pulse durations in the output of the receiver. Since the lower five bits are unreliable we are able to extract slightly more than 6 bits (0x00 to 0x9e, with 0x00 to 0x7e being exactly 7 bits).

Another issue of the transmission path is that the various modules involved in sending and receiving data run asynchronously at different frequencies:

  • The MCU sends data to the NRF module every 13.28ms
  • The NRF module sends information to the receiver at an unknown interval (every 5ms?)
  • The receiver generates servo pulses every 16ms

Therefore we need to design our protocol to include a form of synchronization if we want to transmit more than 6 bits.

Other issues

The PIC microcontroller we intend to use as decoder has a built-in RC oscillator that is factory tuned to +/-1%. While this is quite precise, it is still not good enough for our application (1% of 12 bits in our data channel causes an error value of 40, more than 5 bits!).

There are different solutions that can be applied to resolve this issue:

  • Tap into the crystal oscillator present in the receiver
  • Use a separate crystal oscillator
  • Calibrate the RC oscillator

The 16 MHz of the crystal oscillator in the receiver would work perfectly for our application. However, the signal available on the X2 output of the NRF 24LE1 chip is not accepted by the PIC, which would require a square wave input clock.

A separate crystal oscillator would work fine as well, but would add cost and make bread-boarding difficult too.

Calibrating the RC oscillator was the method finally chosen. Since we wanted to transmit more than 6 bits anyway, we needed to implement a sync mechanism. The chosen sync value is a pulse duration of 0xa40 (2624us). This value is above the data range of 6 bits payload and 5 bit reserved for glitches and jitter, so payload will never have such value. It is also a very large pulse, making it useful as reference.

Since the oscillator is factory calibrated to 1%, the inital pulse measurement should be 0xa25 .. 0xa5a. Even worst case a valid payload would be only 0x813, so the firmware can reliably detect the sync value. The firmware will then adjust the OSCTUNE register in steps until the sync value is ``0xa40``` (+/-3). The firmware can constantly monitor and tweak OSCTUNE so that potential drifts at run-time are adjusted for. This method also has the advantage that any inaccuracy of the NRF24LE1 clock is also compensated.


The data sent over the CH3 data stream is as follows:


The protocol is a repeating series of values. The range of the values is 0x00 .. 0x3f (6 bits), plus the special value 0xa40 used as SYNC value.

On the transmitter side the payload values correspond to the number sent to the NRF module as follows::

    v = value << 5
    v = v + 0x20
    v = v + (v >> 8)
    tx_value = (2720 - v - 1) * 16 / 17

Note that we add an offset of 0x20 as to prevent that we generate extremely short pulses on the CH3 output of the receiver.

On the receiver side it is simply a matter of subtracting the offset 0x20 and shifting the pulse duration, measured with 1 microsecond resolution, to the right by 5.

Since there is no synchronization between transmitter and receiver, the receiver has to determine which pulse belongs to which position in the protocol. This is done by ensuring that no consecutive values are the same.

  • Since SYNC is a number outside of the payload range, this condition is guaranteed in all cases.

  • PAYLOAD1_6 has bits 0..5 dedicated to the payload, hence can have any value between 0x00 and 0x3f.

  • PAYLOAD2_5 .. PAYLOADn_5 have bits 0..4 dedicated to the payload. Bit 5 is chosen as that the difference with the previous 6-bit value is as large as possible. With this algorithm we have a difference of at least 512us (0x200) between neighboring values, which helps with detecting and recovering from glitches.

Because we have to deal with glitches and asynchronicity, the transmitter is repeating every value 2 times. This means the response time of the received values is as follows:

    SYNC + 1 payload (6 bits)

    SYNC + 2 payload (11 bits)

    SYNC + 3 payload (16 bits)

(approx 60ms per value)

Driving servos

The payload can transmit any kind of data, so it is possible to use a number of bits in the payload and use them to generate a servo pulse.

One has to consider resolution and response time. As described in the previous section, the response time is as low as 200ms for a 16-bit total payload. This means that the servo will follow the input with a very significant delay, and large jumps -- certainly not useful for steering or throttle, but possibly suitable for auxillary functions like the water cannon on a firetruck.

One may get away with 5 or 6 bit resolution as end-points and neutral could be programmed in the decoder.

Servos may also be controlled with up/down or left/right buttons, moving the servo a step at a time.

If the additional servos are mutually exclusive with steering and throttle (i.e. you don't need to drive the vehicle when the additional servos are in use), then the decoder can also be used to multiplex them. For example, when a switch is in position A on the transmitter then the decoder would route throttle and steering to the actual throttle and steering output, but when the switch is in position B the decoder will route it to servo output 3 and 4. Note that the steering/throttle input signal may come from the original MCU in the transmitter, or from sticks etc connected directly to the encoder we added between the MCU and the NRF module.

Another potential use-case could be a servo output that follows the original steering servo, but only when a switch is in a certain position. This could be useful for 4-wheel steered vehicles, where we have a switch that lets us choose 4-wheel steering, 2-wheel steering, and crab mode.

In a similar manner a dig can be implemented for rock crawlers with two motors and speed controllers.

Other ideas to explore

It is possible to get one more bit out of the data channel by using two distinct SYNC values: 0xa40 and 0x980. Even with a mis-tuned oscillator it is possible to distinguish between those values and perform proper calibration. The advantage is that this bit does not cause further time delay in the transfer path. The disadvantage is that the receiver code of parsing values and tuning the oscillator gets more complicated.

Since the time between two sync pulses is relatively short we can implement a kind of failsafe mechanism that turns off certain outputs when connection is lost. This would require special programming in the decoder, either hard-coded or via some form of UI. It would be very useful to avoid dangerous situations like pumps keeping running, unable to turn off horn sounds, etc.

To get faster response for certain bits only, one would use the same bit in all payload bytes. This should get response down to ~50ms.

Merging it with the pre-processor protocol: The pre-processor would output the read value (= time value in us >> 5) as 4th byte. During initialization it would check whether there are any sync pulses. If yes it would turn off reporting CH3 in the 3rd byte and output the 4th byte. The sync value would be clamped to 0x52. Anything higher than 0x3f is a sync value anyway. The pre-processor must be fast enough to send a package every 16ms when channel pulses repeat. The bit 6 will still be used to detect changes on subsequent payload bytes as the pre-processor shall not delay the other channels. The consumer of the pre-processor will perform the assembling of the payload. The pre-processor would be independent of the number of payload bytes, but the idea of two different sync pulses will affect it. This way the pre-processor would be forward and backwards compatible. The values range from 0x00 to 0x52 (sync pulse), hence it does not collide with the 0x80..0x87 sync values of the pre-processor protocol.