This is the frontend (VueJS) of the Youtube clone called VueTube.
VueTube is a YouTube clone built with nodejs, expressjs & mongodb. This is the RESTful API repository.
This is a portfolio website that I have designed for using Vuetify and Vue. It also has CMS(Content Management System) integrated.
Jenkins Workspace Cleanup script to automate folders clean up for all the jobs
This is a Ecommerce Webapp Made completely with vue+vuetify and fireabase backend
E-commerce Frontend. Built with Vue, Nuxt & Vuetify. Still a WIP
Complete application using Vue.js of a restaurant app.
Coronavirus UK and world data visualizer with interactive timeline using Vue.js and Naive UI - Covid19 dashboard
✔️ A simple Todo PWA built with Vue 2 + Vuex + Vuetify.
SPA Admin Framework for Vue.js running on top of REST APIs and built on Vuetify
An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures
A Vue.js app to generate bcrypt htpasswd entries
SignIn or Signup with Facebook and Google using Vue without any external packages
ecommerce spring boot rest api assesment