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The source for BPNet documentation is in this directory under sources/. Our documentation uses extended Markdown, as implemented by MkDocs and wrapped by Keras.

Building the documentation

  • Install MkDocs: pip install mkdocs
  • If you are on OS-x, install gnu-sed from conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge sed. Make sure that which sed returns the right path.
  • cd to the docs/ folder and run:
    • make build # Builds a static site in "site" directory
      • injects the docstrings into placeholders. See docs/ and docs/templates/api/
      • converts the ipynbs (docs/ipynb_pages.txt) to .md
      • Converts the .md files to a static page. See docs/mkdocs.yml
    • mkdocs serve # Starts a local webserver: localhost:8000