Machine Coding rounds format .. flipkart RideShare for SDE2
java -version
Download Eclipse
Write code
models -> all the object fileds
logic -> all the business logic
driver -> driver class
Right click > source > Generate Getter & setter and many more
Run the code
Ride is given by Shipra With Vehicle KA-05-41491 to Nandani
Ride is given by Shipra With Vehicle KA-12-12332 to Gaurav
No such ride is there with origin Mumbai Destination Bangalore and type Fastest_Ride
Ride is given by Shashank With Vehicle TS-05-62395 to Rohan
Total fuel saved by Rohan:14
Total fuel saved by Nandani:4
Total fuel saved by Gaurav:10
Rohan 1:Taken 1:Offered
Shashank 0:Taken 1:Offered
Nandani 1:Taken 0:Offered
Shipra 0:Taken 2:Offered
Gaurav 1:Taken 0:Offered