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Install Windows GMSA with Helm 3



install a specific version

helm repo add windows-gmsa
helm install windows-gmsa/gmsa --namespace kube-system --version v0.4.4

search for all available chart versions

helm search repo -l gmsa

uninstall Windows GMSA

helm uninstall gmsa -n kube-system

latest chart configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the latest GMSA chart and default values.

Parameter Description Default
certificates.certManager.enabled enable cert manager integration true
certificates.certManager.version version of cert manager
certificates.caBundle cert-manager disabled, add self-signed ca.crt in base64 format
certificates.secretName cert-manager disabled, upload certs data as k8s secretName gmsa-server-cert
certificates.certReload.enabled enable cert reload on changes false
credential.enabled enable creation of GMSA Credential true
credential.domainJoinConfig.dnsName DNS Domain Name
credential.domainJoinConfig.dnsTreeName DNS Domain Name Root
credential.domainJoinConfig.guid GUID
credential.domainJoinConfig.machineAccountName username of the GMSA account
credential.domainJoinConfig.netBiosName NETBIOS Domain Name
credential.domainJoinConfig.sid SID
credential.hostAccountConfig.pluginGUID GUID of CCG Plugin
credential.hostAccountConfigg.portableCcgVersion Version of CCG Plugin 1
credential.hostAccountConfig.pluginInput Input to CCG Plugin
image.repository image repository
image.tag image tag v0.4.0
image.imagePullPolicy image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.systemDefaultRegistry container registry
tolerations tolerations []
! setPodOs Enables setting of OS field on Pod for supported K8s versions true


  • Add --wait -v=5 --debug in helm install command to get detailed error
  • Use kubectl describe to acquire more info