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Descheduler for Kubernetes

Descheduler for Kubernetes is used to rebalance clusters by evicting pods that can potentially be scheduled on better nodes. In the current implementation, descheduler does not schedule replacement of evicted pods but relies on the default scheduler for that.


helm repo add descheduler
helm install my-release --namespace kube-system descheduler/descheduler


This chart bootstraps a descheduler cron job on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.14+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install --namespace kube-system my-release descheduler/descheduler

The command deploys descheduler on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the descheduler chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
kind Use as CronJob or Deployment CronJob
image.repository Docker repository to use
image.tag Docker tag to use v[chart appVersion]
image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Docker repository secrets []
nameOverride String to partially override descheduler.fullname template (will prepend the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override descheduler.fullname template ""
cronJobApiVersion CronJob API Group Version "batch/v1"
schedule The cron schedule to run the descheduler job on "*/2 * * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds If set, configure startingDeadlineSeconds for the descheduler job nil
timeZone configure timeZone for CronJob nil
successfulJobsHistoryLimit If set, configure successfulJobsHistoryLimit for the descheduler job 3
failedJobsHistoryLimit If set, configure failedJobsHistoryLimit for the descheduler job 1
ttlSecondsAfterFinished If set, configure ttlSecondsAfterFinished for the descheduler job nil
deschedulingInterval If using kind:Deployment, sets time between consecutive descheduler executions. 5m
replicas The replica count for Deployment 1
leaderElection The options for high availability when running replicated components see values.yaml
cmdOptions The options to pass to the descheduler command see values.yaml
deschedulerPolicy.strategies The descheduler strategies to apply see values.yaml
priorityClassName The name of the priority class to add to pods system-cluster-critical
rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources true
resources Descheduler container CPU and memory requests/limits see values.yaml
serviceAccount.create If true, create a service account for the cron job true The name of the service account to use, if not set and create is true a name is generated using the fullname template nil
serviceAccount.annotations Specifies custom annotations for the serviceAccount {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the descheduler Pods {}
podLabels Labels to add to the descheduler Pods {}
nodeSelector Node selectors to run the descheduler cronjob/deployment on specific nodes nil
service.enabled If true, create a service for deployment false
serviceMonitor.enabled If true, create a ServiceMonitor for deployment false
serviceMonitor.namespace The namespace where Prometheus expects to find service monitors nil
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Add custom labels to the ServiceMonitor resource {}
serviceMonitor.interval The scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used nil
serviceMonitor.honorLabels Keeps the scraped data's labels when labels are on collisions with target labels. true
serviceMonitor.insecureSkipVerify Skip TLS certificate validation when scraping true
serviceMonitor.serverName Name of the server to use when validating TLS certificate nil
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples after scraping, but before ingestion []
serviceMonitor.relabelings RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping []
affinity Node affinity to run the descheduler cronjob/deployment on specific nodes nil
topologySpreadConstraints Topology Spread Constraints to spread the descheduler cronjob/deployment across the cluster []
tolerations tolerations to run the descheduler cronjob/deployment on specific nodes nil
suspend Set spec.suspend in descheduler cronjob false
commonLabels Labels to apply to all resources {}
livenessProbe Liveness probe configuration for the descheduler container see values.yaml