How to Contribute ================== You can contribute in different ways: * pick up an issue and do the coding, preferably bugs over features * increase the test coverage of Kotest itself (but only for real logic) * improve the documentation * report bugs * suggest new features and improvements * spread the word Before [creating an issue](, please make sure that there is no [existing issue]( with the same topic. Branching Model --------------- The development is done with feature branches such as `feature/xxx`. Any bug fixes for a particular release should target a release branch such as `release/4.6.x`. Project members push directly to branches in the main repository. External contributors work on the according branch in their own clone and issue a pull request. You can, of course, suggest any change by a pull request, but we suggest that you create an issue first. Creating an issue helps to avoid waste of your time. Coding conventions ------------------ We follow the [Kotlin Coding Conventions]( , except the indentation which is only 3 spaces. * Minimize mutability * Choose self-explanatory names Binary compatibility ------------------ We use [Kotlin Binary Compatibility Validator]( to keep changes to the public API under control. Before submitting a PR which changes the API you need to run `./gradlew apiDump` to generate updates to the api dumps.