#!/usr/bin/env bash # INSTRUCTIONS: # This script copies all dummy-assets to domain/src/main/assets folder and deletes # the original oppia assets. # # Run the script from the oppia-android root folder: # # bash scripts/copy_dummy_assets.sh # # NOTE: This script should only be run after running the scripts/copy_oppia_assets.sh destination_assets_path="domain/src/main/assets" # Remove current assets from domain/src/main/assets rm -r $destination_assets_path/* # Copy old assets files to domain/src/main/assets rsync -r ../old-assets/ $destination_assets_path/ # Remove the assets folder available outside the repo. rm -rf ../old-assets # Remove .gitignore for the assets folder grep -v $destination_assets_path ".gitignore" > temp && mv temp ".gitignore"