import itertools import unittest import gymnasium as gym import ray from ray.rllib.core.learner.learner import ( FrameworkHyperparameters, TorchCompileWhatToCompile, ) from ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils import _dynamo_is_available from ray.rllib.core.rl_module.torch.torch_compile_config import TorchCompileConfig from ray.rllib.core.testing.utils import get_learner from ray.rllib.core.testing.utils import get_module_spec from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import MultiAgentBatch from ray.rllib.utils.test_utils import get_cartpole_dataset_reader class TestLearner(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUp(cls) -> None: ray.init() @classmethod def tearDown(cls) -> None: ray.shutdown() @unittest.skipIf(not _dynamo_is_available(), "torch._dynamo not available") def test_torch_compile(self): """Test if torch.compile() can be applied and used on the learner. Also tests if we can update with the compiled update method without errors. """ env = gym.make("CartPole-v1") is_multi_agents = [False, True] what_to_compiles = [ TorchCompileWhatToCompile.FORWARD_TRAIN, TorchCompileWhatToCompile.COMPLETE_UPDATE, ] for is_multi_agent, what_to_compile in itertools.product( is_multi_agents, what_to_compiles ): print( f"Testing is_multi_agent={is_multi_agent}," f"what_to_compile={what_to_compile}" ) framework_hps = FrameworkHyperparameters( torch_compile=True, torch_compile_cfg=TorchCompileConfig(), what_to_compile=what_to_compile, ) learner = get_learner( framework="torch", env=env, framework_hps=framework_hps ) reader = get_cartpole_dataset_reader(batch_size=512) for iter_i in range(10): batch = learner.update(batch.as_multi_agent()) spec = get_module_spec(framework="torch", env=env, is_multi_agent=False) learner.add_module(module_id="another_module", module_spec=spec) for iter_i in range(10): batch = MultiAgentBatch( {"another_module":, "default_policy":}, 0, ) learner.update(batch) learner.remove_module(module_id="another_module") # Todo (rllib-team): Fix for torch 2.0+ @unittest.skip("Failing with torch >= 2.0") @unittest.skipIf(not _dynamo_is_available(), "torch._dynamo not available") def test_torch_compile_no_breaks(self): """Tests if torch.compile() does encounter too many breaks. torch.compile() should ideally not encounter any breaks when compiling the update method of the learner. This method tests if we encounter only a given number of breaks. """ env = gym.make("CartPole-v1") framework_hps = FrameworkHyperparameters( torch_compile=True, torch_compile_cfg=TorchCompileConfig(), ) learner = get_learner(framework="torch", env=env, framework_hps=framework_hps) import torch._dynamo as dynamo reader = get_cartpole_dataset_reader(batch_size=512) batch = batch = learner._convert_batch_type(batch) # The followingcall to dynamo.explain() breaks depending on the torch version. # It works for torch==2.0.0. # TODO(Artur): Fit this to to the correct torch version once it is enabled on # CI. # This is a helper method of dynamo to analyze where breaks occur. ( explanation, out_guards, graphs, ops_per_graph, break_reasons, explanation_verbose, ) = dynamo.explain(learner._update, batch) print(explanation_verbose) # There should be only one break reason - `return_value` - since inputs and # outputs are not checked # TODO(Artur): Attempt bringing breaks down to 1. (This may not be possible) # Note: This test is skipped on CI if torch dynamo is available. self.assertEquals(len(break_reasons), 3) if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest import sys sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))