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Bash to Xonsh Translation Guide

As you have probably figured out by now, xonsh is not sh-lang compliant. If your muscles have memorized all of the Bash prestidigitations, this page will help you put a finger on how to do the equivalent task in xonsh.

For shell scripts, the recommended file extension is xsh, and shebang line is #!/usr/bin/env xonsh.

Bash Xonsh Notes

echo --arg="val"

echo {}

echo \;

echo --arg "val"

echo "{}"

echo ";"

Read Subprocess Strings tutorial to understand how strings become arguments in xonsh. There is no notion of an escaping character in xonsh like the backslash (\) in bash. Single or double quotes can be used to remove the special meaning of certain characters, words or brackets.
$NAME or ${NAME} $NAME Look up an environment variable by name.
export NAME=Peter $NAME = 'Peter' Setting an environment variable. See also :ref:`$UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON <update_os_environ>`.
unset NAME del $NAME Unsetting/deleting an environment variable.
echo "$HOME/hello" echo "$HOME/hello" Construct an argument using an environment variable.
something/$SOME_VAR/$(some_command) @('something/' + $SOME_VAR + $(some_command).strip()) Concatenate a variable or text with the result of running a command.
echo 'my home is $HOME' echo @("my home is $HOME") Escape an environment variable from expansion.
${!VAR} ${var or expr} Look up an environment variable via another variable name. In xonsh, this may be any valid expression.
ENV1=VAL1 command

$ENV1=VAL1 command

or with ${...}.swap(ENV1=VAL1): command

Set temporary environment variable(s) and execute the command. Use the second notation with an indented block to execute many commands in the same context.
alias ll='ls -la' aliases['ll'] = 'ls -la' Alias in xonsh could be a subprocess command as a string or list of arguments or any Python function.
$(cmd args) or `cmd args` @$(cmd args) Command substitution (allow the output of a command to replace the command itself). Tokenizes and executes the output of a subprocess command as another subprocess.
v=`echo 1` v=$(echo 1) In bash, backticks mean to run a captured subprocess - it's $() in xonsh. Backticks in xonsh mean regex globbing (i.e. ls `/etc/pass.*`).
echo -e "\033[0;31mRed text\033[0m" printx("{RED}Red text{RESET}") Print colored text as easy as possible.
shopt -s dotglob $DOTGLOB = True Globbing files with * or ** will also match dotfiles, or those ‘hidden’ files whose names begin with a literal .. Such files are filtered out by default like in bash.
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; p'/path/to/file'.exists() or pf'{file}'.exists() Path objects can be instantiated and checked directly using p-string syntax.
set -e $RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR = True Cause a failure after a non-zero return code. Xonsh will raise a supbrocess.CalledProcessError.
set -x trace on and $XONSH_TRACE_SUBPROC = True Turns on tracing of source code lines during execution.
&& && or and Logical-and operator for subprocesses.
|| || as well as or Logical-or operator for subprocesses.
$$ os.getpid() Get PID of the current shell.
$? _.rtn Returns the exit code, or status, of the previous command. The underscore _ is working in the prompt mode. To get the exit code of the command in xonsh script use captured subprocess !().rtn.
!$ __xonsh__.history[-1, -1] Get the last argument of the last command
$<n> $ARG<n> Command line argument at index n, so $ARG1 is the equivalent of $1.
$@ $ARGS List of all command line argument and parameter strings.
while getopts import argparse Start from argparse library to describe the command line arguments in your script. Next try xontrib-argcomplete to activate tab completion for your script.
complete completer list As with many other shells, xonsh ships with the ability to complete partially-specified arguments upon hitting the “tab” key.
OhMyBash or BashIt Xontribs Xontributions, or xontribs, are a set of tools and conventions for extending the functionality of xonsh beyond what is provided by default.
Display completions as list $COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY = 'readline' Display completions will emulate the behavior of readline.
docker run -it bash docker run -it xonsh/xonsh:slim Xonsh publishes a handful of containers, primarily targeting CI and automation use cases. All of them are published on Docker Hub.
exit 1 exit(1) Exiting from the current script.

To understand how xonsh executes the subprocess commands try to set :ref:`$XONSH_TRACE_SUBPROC <xonsh_trace_subproc>` to True:

>>> echo $(echo @('hello')) @('wor' + 'ld') | grep hello
TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'hello'],)
TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'hello\n', 'world'], '|', ['grep', 'hello'])

If after time you still try to type export, unset or !! commands there are the bashisms and sh xontribs.