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Introduction to Gulp.js


These are the files for my fourteen-part series Introduction to Gulp.js published on my website

Tutorial Overview

  1. Intro and Setup
  2. Server with BrowserSync and Configuration
  3. Build, Clean and Jekyll
  4. Creating CSS with Sass (and Compass)
  5. Bundling JavaScript with Browserify
  6. Images and Vector Fonts
  7. Base64 Encoded Images
  8. Watch for Changes
  9. Checking the Syntax of SCSS and JavaScript
  10. Generating CSS Image Sprites
  11. Production Build, Server and Jekyll
  12. Optimize CSS, JavaScript, Images and HTML
  13. Revisioning
  14. Deploying the Website with Rsync
  15. Performance Improvements with WebP and Gzip


Clone the repository on your computer and change into the projects folder. Run:

$ bundle
$ bower install
$ npm install

Hint: If you get errors while installing gulp-imagemin it may help to execute this command before running npm install:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig

To install Fontcustom you should have Homebrew installed or use another package management tool to install the dependencies:

$ brew install fontforge --with-python
$ brew install eot-utils


Open gulp/config.js and change settings if needed. Only the rsync settings need to be adjusted. Change the destination to a path on your webserver and change hostname and username.

Running Gulp.js

Three tasks are available:

$ gulp
$ gulp publish
$ gulp deploy
  • Running gulp will start a development server, build assets and the Jekyll site and start a watch task.
  • Running gulp publish will copy and optimize assets and run a production build of Jekyll.
  • Running gulp deploy will copy the generated files with Rsync to your server.


This tutorial includes some files for demonstation purposes: