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//================== State.h ==================

@interface State : NSObject<ActionProtocol>
    @protected Coder *_coder;

- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(Coder *)coder;


//================== State.m ==================

@implementation State

- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(Coder *)coder{
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        _coder = coder;
    return self;



//================== ActionProtocol.h ==================

@protocol ActionProtocol <NSObject>


- (void)wakeUp;

- (void)fallAsleep;

- (void)startCoding;

- (void)startEating;





//================== StateAwake.h ==================

@interface StateAwake : State


@implementation StateAwake

- (void)wakeUp{
    NSLog(@"Already awake, can not change state to awake again");

- (void)startCoding{
    NSLog(@"Change state from awake to coding");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateCoding]];

- (void)startEating{
    NSLog(@"Change state from awake to eating");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateEating]];

- (void)fallAsleep{
    NSLog(@"Change state from awake to sleeping");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateSleeping]];



//================== StateSleeping.h ==================

@interface StateSleeping : State


//================== StateSleeping.m ==================

@implementation StateSleeping

- (void)wakeUp{
    NSLog(@"Change state from sleeping to awake");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateAwake]];

- (void)startCoding{
    NSLog(@"Already sleeping, can not change state to coding");

- (void)startEating{
    NSLog(@"Already sleeping, can change state to eating");

- (void)fallAsleep{
    NSLog(@"Already sleeping, can not change state to sleeping again");



//================== StateEating.h ==================

@interface StateEating : State


//================== StateEating.m ==================

@implementation StateEating

- (void)wakeUp{
    NSLog(@"Already awake, can not change state to awake again");

- (void)startCoding{
    NSLog(@"New idea came out! change state from eating to coding");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateCoding]];

- (void)startEating{
    NSLog(@"Already eating, can not change state to eating again");

- (void)fallAsleep{
    NSLog(@"Too tired, change state from eating to sleeping");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateSleeping]];



//================== StateCoding.h ==================

@interface StateCoding : State


//================== StateCoding.m ==================

@implementation StateCoding

- (void)wakeUp{
    NSLog(@"Already awake, can not change state to awake again");

- (void)startCoding{
    NSLog(@"Already coding, can not change state to coding again");

- (void)startEating{
    NSLog(@"Too hungry, change state from coding to eating");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateEating]];

- (void)fallAsleep{
    NSLog(@"Too tired, change state from coding to sleeping");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateSleeping]];


从上面的类可以看出,在有些状态之间的转换是失效的,有些是可以的。 比如相同状态的切换是无效的;从 sleeping无法切换到coding,但是反过来可以,因为可能写代码累了就直接睡了。


//================== Coder.h ==================

@interface Coder : NSObject<ActionProtocol>

@property (nonatomic, strong) StateAwake *stateAwake;
@property (nonatomic, strong) StateCoding *stateCoding;
@property (nonatomic, strong) StateEating *stateEating;
@property (nonatomic, strong) StateSleeping *stateSleeping;

- (void)setState:(State *)state;


//================== Coder.m ==================

@implementation Coder
    State *_currentState;

- (instancetype)init{
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        _stateAwake = [[StateAwake alloc] initWithCoder:self];
        _stateCoding = [[StateCoding alloc] initWithCoder:self];
        _stateEating = [[StateEating alloc] initWithCoder:self];
        _stateSleeping = [[StateSleeping alloc] initWithCoder:self];
        _currentState = _stateAwake;
    return self;

- (void)setState:(State *)state{
    _currentState = state;

- (void)wakeUp{
    [_currentState wakeUp];

- (void)startCoding{
    [_currentState startCoding];

- (void)startEating{
    [_currentState startEating];

- (void)fallAsleep{
    [_currentState fallAsleep];



- (void)startEating{
    NSLog(@"Too hungry, change state from coding to eating");
    [_coder setState:(State *)[_coder stateEating]];

上面这段代码有点绕,可能需要多看几遍源码才能理解(这里面[_coder stateEating]是调用了coder的一个get方法,返回了stateEating这个实例)。



Coder *coder = [[Coder alloc] init];
//change to awake.. failed
[coder wakeUp];//Already awake, can not change state to awake again
//change to coding
[coder startCoding];//Change state from awake to coding
//change to sleep
[coder fallAsleep];//Too tired, change state from coding to sleeping
//change to eat...failed
[coder startEating];//Already sleeping, can change state to eating
//change to wake up
[coder wakeUp];//Change state from sleeping to awake

//change wake up...failed
[coder wakeUp];//Already awake, can not change state to awake again
//change to eating
[coder startEating];//Change state from awake to eating
//change to coding
[coder startCoding];//New idea came out! change state from eating to coding
//change to sleep
[coder fallAsleep];//Too tired, change state from coding to sleeping


  • 比如从上到下的第一个[coder wakeUp]:因为程序员对象初始化后默认是awake状态,所以无法切换到相同的状态
  • 比如从上到下的第一个[coder startEating]:在睡觉时是无法直接切换到eating状态;而在后面wake以后,再执行[coder startEating]就成功了。
