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Rust scientific computing for single and multi-variable calculus

Salient Features

  • Written in pure, safe rust
  • no-std friendly with zero heap allocations and no panics
  • Trait-based generic implementation to support floating point and complex numbers
  • Fully documented with code examples
  • Comprehensive suite of tests for full code coverage, including all possible error conditions
  • Supports linear, polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and any complex equation you can throw at it, of any number of variables!
    • Single, double and triple differentiation - total and partial
    • Single and double integration - total and partial
      • Booles
      • Gauss Legendre (upto order = 20)
      • Simpsons
      • Trapezoidal
    • Jacobians and Hessians
    • Vector Field Calculus: Line and flux integrals, curl and divergence
    • Approximation of any given equation to a linear or quadratic model

This crate can be used without the standard library (#![no_std]) by disabling the default std feature. Use this in Cargo.toml:

version = "0.3.0"
default-features = false

For integration methods, only the gauss-legendre method needs std enabled.

Table of Contents

1. Single total derivatives

//function is x*x/2.0, derivative is known to be x
let func = | args: &[f64; 1] | -> f64 
    return args[0]*args[0]/2.0;

//total derivative around x = 2.0, expect a value of 2.00
let val = single_derivative::get_total(&func, 2.0, 0.001).unwrap();
assert!(f64::abs(val - 2.0) < 0.000001); //numerical error less than 1e-6

2. Single partial derivatives

//function is y*sin(x) + x*cos(y) + x*y*e^z
let func = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return args[1]*args[0].sin() + args[0]*args[1].cos() + args[0]*args[1]*args[2].exp();

let point = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
let idx_to_derivate = 0;

//partial derivate for (x, y, z) = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), partial derivative for x is known to be y*cos(x) + cos(y) + y*e^z
let val = single_derivative::get_partial(&func, idx_to_derivate, &point, 0.001).unwrap();
let expected_value = 2.0*f64::cos(1.0) + f64::cos(2.0) + 2.0*f64::exp(3.0);
assert!(f64::abs(val - expected_value) < 0.000001); //numerical error less than 1e-6

3. Double total derivatives

//function is x*Sin(x)
let func = | args: &[f64; 1] | -> f64 
    return args[0]*args[0].sin();

//double derivative at x = 1.0
let val = double_derivative::get_total(&func, 1.0, 0.001).unwrap();
let expected_val = 2.0*f64::cos(1.0) - 1.0*f64::sin(1.0);
assert!(f64::abs(val - expected_val) < 0.000001); //numerical error less than 1e-6

4. Double partial derivatives

//function is y*sin(x) + x*cos(y) + x*y*e^z
let func = | args: &[num_complex::Complex64; 3] | -> num_complex::Complex64 
    return args[1]*args[0].sin() + args[0]*args[1].cos() + args[0]*args[1]*args[2].exp();

let point = [num_complex::c64(1.0, 3.5), num_complex::c64(2.0, 2.0), num_complex::c64(3.0, 0.0)];

let idx: [usize; 2] = [0, 1]; //mixed partial double derivate d(df/dx)/dy
//partial derivate for (x, y, z) = (1.0 + 3.5i, 2.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 0.0i), known to be cos(x) - sin(y) + e^z
let val = double_derivative::get_partial(&func, &idx, &point, 0.001).unwrap();
let expected_value = point[0].cos() - point[1].sin() + point[2].exp();
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - < 0.0001); //numerical error less than 1e-4
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - < 0.0001); //numerical error less than 1e-4

5. Single total integrals

//equation is 2.0*x
let func = | args: &[num_complex::Complex64; 1] | -> num_complex::Complex64 
    return 2.0*args[0];

//integrate from (0.0 + 0.0i) to (2.0 + 2.0i)
let integration_limit = [num_complex::c64(0.0, 0.0), num_complex::c64(2.0, 2.0)];

//simple integration for x, known to be x*x, expect a value of 0.00 + 8.0i
let val = single_integration::get_total(IntegrationMethod::Booles, &func, &integration_limit, 100).unwrap();
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - 0.0) < 0.00001);
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - 8.0) < 0.00001);

6. Single partial integrals

//equation is 2.0*x + y*z
let func = | args: [f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return 2.0*args[0] + args[1]*args[2];

let integration_interval = [0.0, 1.0];
let point = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];

//partial integration for x, known to be x*x + x*y*z, expect a value of ~7.00
let val = single_integration::get_partial(IntegrationMethod::Booles, &func, 0, &integration_interval, &point, 100).unwrap();
assert!(f64::abs(val - 7.0) < 0.00001); //numerical error less than 1e-5

7. Double total integrals

//equation is 6.0*x
let func = | args: &[num_complex::Complex64; 1] | -> num_complex::Complex64 
    return 6.0*args[0];

//integrate over (0.0 + 0.0i) to (2.0 + 1.0i) twice
let integration_limits = [[num_complex::c64(0.0, 0.0), num_complex::c64(2.0, 1.0)], [num_complex::c64(0.0, 0.0), num_complex::c64(2.0, 1.0)]];

//simple double integration for 6*x, expect a value of 6.0 + 33.0i
let val = double_integration::get_total(IntegrationMethod::Booles, &func, &integration_limits, 20).unwrap();
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - 6.0) < 0.00001);
assert!(num_complex::ComplexFloat::abs( - 33.0) < 0.00001);

8. Double partial integrals

//equation is 2.0*x + y*z
let func = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return 2.0*args[0] + args[1]*args[2];

let integration_intervals = [[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]];
let point = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
let idx_to_integrate = [0, 1];

//double partial integration for first x then y, expect a value of ~1.50
let val = double_integration::get_partial(IntegrationMethod::Booles, &func, idx_to_integrate, &integration_intervals, &point, 20).unwrap();
assert!(f64::abs(val - 1.50) < 0.00001);  //numerical error less than 1e-5

9. Jacobians

//function is x*y*z
let func1 = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return args[0]*args[1]*args[2];

//function is x^2 + y^2
let func2 = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return args[0].powf(2.0) + args[1].powf(2.0);

let function_matrix: [&dyn Fn(&[f64; 3]) -> f64; 2] = [&func1, &func2];

let points = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; //the point around which we want the jacobian matrix

let jacobian_matrix = jacobian::get(&function_vector, &points).unwrap();

let expected_result = [[6.0, 3.0, 2.0], [2.0, 4.0, 0.0]];
for i in 0..function_vector.len()
    for j in 0..points.len()
        //numerical error less than 1e-6
        assert!(f64::abs(jacobian_matrix[i][j] - expected_result[i][j]) < 0.000001);

10. Hessians

//function is y*sin(x) + 2*x*e^y
let func = | args: &[f64; 2] | -> f64 
    return args[1]*args[0].sin() + 2.0*args[0]*args[1].exp();

let points = [1.0, 2.0]; //the point around which we want the hessian matrix

let hessian_matrix = hessian::get(&func, &points);

let expected_result = [[-2.0*f64::sin(1.0), f64::cos(1.0) + 2.0*f64::exp(2.0)], [f64::cos(1.0) + 2.0*f64::exp(2.0), 2.0*f64::exp(2.0)]];

for i in 0..points.len()
    for j in 0..points.len()
        //numerical error less than 1e-4
        assert!(f64::abs(hessian_matrix[i][j] - expected_result[i][j]) < 0.0001);

11. Linear approximation

//function is x + y^2 + z^3, which we want to linearize
let function_to_approximate = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return args[0] + args[1].powf(2.0) + args[2].powf(3.0);

let point = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; //the point we want to linearize around

let result = linear_approximation::get(&function_to_approximate, &point);

12. Quadratic approximation

//function is e^(x/2) + sin(y) + 2.0*z
let function_to_approximate = | args: &[f64; 3] | -> f64 
    return f64::exp(args[0]/2.0) + f64::sin(args[1]) + 2.0*args[2];

let point = [0.0, 3.14/2.0, 10.0]; //the point we want to approximate around

let result = quadratic_approximation::get(&function_to_approximate, &point);

13. Line and Flux integrals

//vector field is (y, -x). On a 2D plane this would like a tornado rotating counter-clockwise
//curve is a unit circle, defined by (Cos(t), Sin(t))
//limit t goes from 0->2*pi

let vector_field_matrix: [&dyn Fn(&f64, &f64) -> f64; 2] = [&(|_:&f64, y:&f64|-> f64 { *y }), &(|x:&f64, _:&f64|-> f64 { -x })];

let transformation_matrix: [&dyn Fn(&f64) -> f64; 2] = [&(|t:&f64|->f64 { t.cos() }), &(|t:&f64|->f64 { t.sin() })];

let integration_limit = [0.0, 6.28];

//line integral of a unit circle curve on our vector field from 0 to 2*pi, expect an answer of -2.0*pi
let val = line_integral::get_2d(&vector_field_matrix, &transformation_matrix, &integration_limit, 100).unwrap();
assert!(f64::abs(val + 6.28) < 0.01);

//flux integral of a unit circle curve on our vector field from 0 to 2*pi, expect an answer of 0.0
let val = flux_integral::get_2d(&vector_field_matrix, &transformation_matrix, &integration_limit, 100).unwrap();
assert!(f64::abs(val - 0.0) < 0.01);

14. Curl and Divergence

//vector field is (2*x*y, 3*cos(y))
let vf_x = | args: &[f64; 2] | -> f64 
    return 2.0*args[0]*args[1];

let vf_y = | args: &[f64; 2] | -> f64 
    return 3.0*args[1].cos()

let vector_field_matrix: [&dyn Fn(&[f64; 2]) -> f64; 2] = [&vf_x, &vf_y];

let point = [1.0, 3.14]; //the point of interest

//curl is known to be -2*x, expect and answer of -2.0
let val = curl::get_2d(&vector_field_matrix, &point);
assert!(f64::abs(val + 2.0) < 0.000001); //numerical error less than 1e-6

//divergence is known to be 2*y - 3*sin(y), expect and answer of 6.27
let val = divergence::get_2d(&vector_field_matrix, &point);
assert!(f64::abs(val - 6.27) < 0.01);

15. Error Handling

Wherever possible, "safe" versions of functions are provided that fill in the default values and return the required solution directly. However, that is not always possible either because no default argument can be assumed, or for functions that deliberately give users the freedom to tweak the parameters. In such cases, a Result<T, ErrorCode> object is returned instead, where all possible ErrorCodes can be viewed at error_codes.

Contributions Guide



multicalc is licensed under the MIT license.


multicalc uses num-complex to provide a generic functionality for all floating type and complex numbers


[email protected]


  • Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature integration
  • Bring current std-only features to no-std