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A module to handle PLINK binary genotype files in Julia. This package furnishes decompression and compression routines for PLINK .bed files, The compressed genotype matrix x is stored as a string of Int8 components, where each 8-bit integer stores up to four genotypes. PLINK.jl also provides linear algebra routines that decompress x on the fly, including both x * y and x' * y.

Future development will target the PLINK 2 format.


At the Julia prompt, type


Basic use

The core of PLINK.jl is the BEDFile object:

immutable BEDFile{T <: Float, V <: SharedMatrix}
    geno  :: GenoMatrix
    covar :: CovariateMatrix{T, V}
    means :: SharedVector{T}
    precs :: SharedVector{T}

At its core, a BEDFile is a fancy container object. The GenoMatrix type actually houses the compressed genotype data:

immutable GenoMatrix
    x          :: SharedVector{Int8}
    xt         :: SharedVector{Int8}
    n          :: Int
    p          :: Int
    blocksize  :: Int
    tblocksize :: Int

The field x houses the .bed file, while xt contains the transposed .bed file. Including transposed .bed files in a BEDFile object facilitates certain linear algebra operations. For example, the matrix-vector operation x * y entails computing dot products along the rows of x. Maintaining a transposed .bed file in memory yields faster operations than repeated decompressions of the rows of x.

The CovariateMatrix parametrix type does the same, but it houses nongenetic covariates in floating point form:

immutable CovariateMatrix{T <: Float, V <: SharedMatrix} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
    x  :: V  
    p  :: Int
    xt :: V  

The fields x, p, and xt only matter if the analysis includes nongenetic covariates. One example is regression analysis; users should put the grand mean (vector of ones) in a CovariateMatrix.

BEDFile objects make heavy use of Julia SharedArrays to distribute computations across multiple CPU cores. A wise practice is to maintain a common vector of process ids (e.g. pids = procs()). Several functions in PLINK.jl can read pids as an optional argument.

There are many BEDFile constructors. Most users will use either of

x = BEDFile("PATH_TO_BED.bed", "PATH_TO_TBED.bed")

depending on whether or not covariates are included.


To facilitate linear algebra and regression analysis, PLINK.jl defaults to using standardized copies of x. Since a standardized x cannot be stored in PLINK format, PLINK.jl offers facilities to calculates means and precisions (inverse standard deviations). These quantities are stored in the fields means and precs:

mean!(x) # calculate means and store in x.means
prec!(x) # calculate precisions and store in x.precs

These calculations are not necessarily fast, so it is recommended that users precompute and cache the column means and precisions of a genotype matrix. If the means and precisions are stored to file, then a BEDFile with means and precisions can be constructed directly with


Observe that the means and precisions must be stored in binary format. This constraint arises from the nature of the SharedArray constructor, which uses a memory map. If means and precisions are stored in a delimited file, then the user can load them and fill the corresponding fields manually:

m = readdlm("PATH_TO_MEANS.txt")
d = readdlm("PATH_TO_PRECS.txt")
copy!(x.means, m)
copy!(x.precs, d)

IMPORTANT: the onus is on the user to ensure that the means and precisions are reasonable. For the regression analysis case in particular, the user must set elements of x.means and x.precs to 0.0 and 1.0, respectively. PLINK.jl does not do this automatically!


BEDFile objects have some matrix-like behavior and admit functions such as size, length, and getindex. The latter enables selection of one genotype at a time, such as x[1,1]. PLINK.jl also permits decompression of entire columns or sets of columns at a time.

y = zeros(x.n)
decompress_genotypes!(y, x, 1, pids=pids)
Y = zeros(x.n,2)
idx = collect(1:2)                          # index with Int vector
idb = falses(size(x,2)); idb[1:2] = true    # can also index with BitArray
decompress_genotypes!(Y, x, idx, pids=pids)
decompress_genotypes!(Y, x, idb, pids=pids)

It is possible to recover the floating point representation of x:

Y = zeros(x.n, size(x,2))
decompress_genotypes(Y, x, pids=pids)

Unless it is absoluately necessary, or unless the data dimensions are not too large, use of decompress_genotypes! in this way is strongly discouraged since the memory demands can balloon quickly.

Linear algebra

In addition to the mean! and prec! functions decribed previously, PLINK.jl currently implements the following linear algebra functions:

  • sumsq for squared L2 norms of the columns
  • At_mul_B! and At_mul_B for x' * y
  • A_mul_B! and A_mul_B for x * b

At_mul_B! contains a parallel execution kernels modeled on the advection_shared! example from the Julia parallel computing documentation. Currently A_mul_B! is not parallelized because it is optimized for sparse vector multiplicands; consequently, the parallel overhead can often be greater than the actual amount of computation. This feature could could change in the future.

GPU acceleration

For .bed files with many genetic predictors, At_mul_B! becomes a serious computational bottleneck. PLINK.jl uses OpenCL wrappers to port At_mul_B! to a GPU. The parallelization scheme uses two GPU kernels. The first distributes a chunk of x' * y to a device workgroup. Each thread in the workgroup decompresses, standardizes, and computes one component of x' * y. The intermediate results are stored in a device buffer. The second kernel then reduces along the buffer and returns the vector x' * y to the host. GPU use is an advanced topic, and At_mul_B! requires many additional arguments to work correctly on the GPU. Interested users should be comfortable reading OpenCL and At_mul_B! source code.